They had informed everyone before the Royal auction began. Only four products were sold at this auction, and the one with the highest price won. Obviously, the first three auctions have nothing to do with the treasure, so the last auction must be the legendary treasure.

Everyone stared at the red box. The box was made of special materials. Even those with strong fortune could not see what was inside. This box alone is expensive, let alone the contents.

Staring at the box with fiery eyes, the beauty holding the box could hardly bear the huge pressure. Fortunately, the old auctioneer saw the unbearable beauty and waved out an energy to protect the beauty, which alleviated the pressure on her.

The beauty only felt her body light, then walked quickly onto the stage, put the red box on the table and left as fast as she could. Although she was wearing high heels, the beauty walked very fast. She walked down in a few seconds from a distance of nearly ten meters. The pressure on the auction table is so terrible that she can't bear it at all.

No one cared about the woman who left. Everyone stared at the red box, including Lin Zichen.

Although the mind will be absorbed by the red box, Lin Zichen's mind has condensed into a human form. Despite strong resistance, he can barely sense the fluctuations in the box.

Lin Zichen could feel a familiar wave in the box. He knew that this was the body of the broken sword.

Think about it, too. If you want to seduce Lin Zichen, fake goods must not be successful. Dead moon also knows that fake goods can't hide Lin Zichen's eyes, so the things in the box must be true.

The old man felt the eager eyes of the following group of people, smiled, and then opened the box. When the box was opened, everyone's eyes focused on the things in the box. They wanted to see what could enhance their combat effectiveness and leapfrog combat.

The box was opened by the old man. When those people saw the things in the box, their faces were all fooled.

"Are you kidding? A broken piece of iron, you said it was a baby?" A strong man in heaven and man asked angrily after seeing the things in the box.

"Playing people in the dark world as monkeys, even the royal family will pay a price!" There are more than 60 strong people in heaven and man. This terrorist force is enough to turn the whole of London upside down!

Of course, some people who knew the goods brightened up when they saw the things in the box. These people were people who had been wandering in the dark world for many years. Naturally, they saw the difference of the iron piece.

But they wisely chose to keep quiet. Iron is a treasure. As long as they know, it's enough. As for those screaming fools, who will pay attention to them?

"Hehe, believe it or not, that's your problem. I'm only responsible for the auction, old man." The old man smiled and said, "the reserve price is one billion. There is no limit on the amount of increase. Now start the auction!"

The old man doesn't care what it is. As long as it's at the auction, the things in the box are auction goods. Even if it's really an ordinary piece of rotten iron, he's only responsible for the auction. As for whether the people below buy it or not, that's not what he should consider.

Some people don't know the goods, naturally others know the goods. As soon as the old man's voice fell, someone began to bid. Some people who know the goods have been unable to restrain their enthusiasm and began to participate in the competition.

Other martial artists are not fools. They know that they are out of sight this time. They have no time to blush because of what they have said and start impatient bidding.

However, in two minutes, this piece of iron increased from one billion to four billion. It seems that it has just started, and the price is still increasing. It doesn't mean to stop at all.

Two minutes later, the price increased from $4 billion to $8 billion. Some people with weaker financial resources gave up competition. But they focused on those who were still competing. Looks calm, maybe thinking about how to rob and make a windfall.

And the vast majority of people focus on those bidders. As long as they know who has the treasure, they will start to grab it immediately.

Listening to the increase of price, Lin Zichen did not change his face. He had most of the working capital of Longchuan group in his hand. In addition, he swept the base of the green Tiger Group a few days ago, about 10 billion can still afford it.

I have to say that the speed of robbery to make money is fast. Lin Zichen didn't do anything, and nearly 10 billion came in.

When the price rose to 9 billion, some hidden forces began to sit still and began to raise prices one after another.

"Ten billion!" A tall black man suddenly shouted in English. His voice is very rough. Judging from the energy contained in his voice, he is an expert.

The noisy auction just now suddenly quieted down. The black man mixed energy in his voice, which not only made his voice louder, but also told others that he was going to order this treasure.

At a glance at the black man, he had the strength to create a world half step by step. Such strength is the pinnacle of the more than 100 people, but he is not the only one who has made a half-step change.

"11 billion." Just the second after the black man spoke, another strong man who had made a half step into the world spoke. The man was wearing a big hat, which made it impossible to see his face clearly. However, many people recognized the strong man, the mainstay of a first-class force.

Then, two more people who made the world in half step made a move. They raised the price to 16 billion. These four people are powerful and have big backers behind them. People around know that if they want to earn money with them, they simply feel that they live too comfortably.

Just when everyone thought the treasure would fall on one of the four people, a flat voice sounded. Although the voice was light, it spread to everyone's ears.

"I paid $18 billion."

Hearing this strange voice, all the strong were stunned. Then they raised their heads and looked at the man who had just spoken, that is, Lin Zichen!

"The boy is crazy!" These words came to mind the moment they saw Lin Zichen. They clearly felt that Lin Zichen's strength was just a strength to transform the world. Did such strength dare to participate in the struggle among the four and a half fortune leaders?

The four and a half strong men also frowned. The black man sneered and showed his white teeth: "children, are you sure you want to participate?"

Lin Zichen didn't even look at him. He smiled and said, "the higher the price, if you can't pay a higher price, this treasure is mine."

"Interesting little guy." The black man sneered, and his eyes flashed a killing idea. It was obvious that he had moved his heart to Lin Zichen.

"20 billion." After a brief reflection, the black man gave this number. The other three and a half strong men frowned and finally withdrew from the competition. Obviously, they thought it was worthless to exchange more than 20 billion for a treasure.

Although they quit the competition on the surface, I'm afraid only he knows what they want to do behind the scenes.

The black people have given 20 billion yuan. Such a huge figure has exceeded the budget in Lin Zichen's hands. With an expressionless look at the provocative black, Lin Zichen casually said, "25 billion."

Lin Zichen's voice just fell, and everyone looked at him in surprise. They didn't understand what the identity of the boy who only had the strength to shed the world was. He dared to compete with blacks for treasures in front of so many people!

You know, the black man has the strength to make a half-way world. Coupled with the organization behind him, few people in the world dare to provoke him easily. But what about the boy? Looking at his calm face, it seemed that he didn't pay attention to the black at all.

At the same time, in the backstage of the auction venue, dead moon looked at the westerner and flashed an obliteration on her face.

"Hehe, Lin Zichen, you still appear." The dead moon is sure that the man with a western face is Lin Zichen. He knew that the latter had a pill that could change his appearance after taking it. However, when one's appearance changes, one's living habits cannot be changed. What's more, Lin Zichen has never covered up some of his little habits. With the ability to die the moon, it's not difficult to find Lin Zichen.

Looking at Lin Zichen, a white jade amulet appeared in the dead moon's hand. After crushing the jade talisman, a few seconds later, an old Taoist wearing Taoist clothes and holding a dust brush appeared in front of him.

The old Taoist is the man Lin Zichen met in Tianzhou, a strong man in the middle of the creation of the realm.

"Hehe, since the Lord has crushed the jade talisman, it's time to prove it useful." The old Taoist looked at the dead moon, smiled and said, "Lord, you should understand some rules. I can only do it for you once."

"Of course I know." The voice of the dead moon was cold. He pointed to Lin Zichen and said, "I know you can't kill him, but you want to seriously hurt him."

"Take orders." The old Taoist arched his hand and disappeared in front of the dead moon.

Meanwhile, at the auction. Lin Zichen came to the auction platform. The sky high price of 25 billion made Lin Zichen the owner of the treasure. In everyone's hot sight, Lin Zichen came to the box. The old man took a computer and motioned Lin Zichen to swipe his card.

The old man probably didn't expect that Lin Zichen didn't have 25 billion at all, and he couldn't take out so much money. But Lin Zichen didn't want to pay from beginning to end. Just now he just shouted casually.

The old man didn't stop him when he picked up the iron piece in the box. In his opinion, it's just a warrior who has fallen out of the world and doesn't need to be fortified at all.

"What about the dead moon? Why didn't you see him come out?" Looking at the iron piece in his hand, Lin Zichen suddenly raised his head and asked the old man.

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