Sword in stone, the legendary weapon used by King Arthur, is also the sword of oath. This artifact has been handed down among the Royal Knights for hundreds of years, and it has been born three times. The first time is when fighting against the demon family. It is said that the sword in the stone shines brightly in the demon family battlefield and is like a God in the hands of King Arthur, and the demon family invasion ended under the leadership of King Arthur.

The second time was when England overthrew the rule of the dynasty. In the face of the powerful mages of feudal forces, the newcomers used the sword in the stone to cut off the head of the strongest man in England at that time.

The third time, a hundred years ago, the English people were in deep water. The sword in the stone was born. Only one sword solved all the problems at that time.

For many years, the sword in stone has been kept by Royal Knights, and only they are qualified to keep it throughout England. Because the current Royal Knights are transformed from the former King Arthur's guard knights. According to history, the Royal Knights have been inherited for nearly a thousand years.

Unfortunately, in this millennium. Many things happened in England, leading to the fragmentation of the pro Guardian knights and the disconnection of their inheritance. It was not until the emergence of the English royal family that they reappeared in the eyes of the living people as Royal Knights.

Now, the Royal knight has encountered the most dangerous time in a century. Some people in the royal family betrayed, the whole royal family was in chaos, and the Royal Knights became the main target of attack. Although the Royal Knights are strong and powerful, and there are more than 40 heaven and earth knights in the organization, there is too much difference compared with the inheritance of the power of the dead moon, which has the Taoist and Xuantian Zun.

Outside the church, countless pairs of eyes were staring at them. The Royal Knight's desperate resistance brought a few hours of silence. When the dead moon attacked again, the church was broken.

The three patrons are watched by the strong men of other organizations and can't move easily. Once they move, the Royal Knights will destroy faster.

As a last resort, they can only invite stone sword. I believe that under the leadership of stone sword, all invaders will die under this artifact.

Owen was covered with blood and tired looking for the defense of the church. As the head of the Royal Knights, he faced the greatest pressure. The other party sent out three strong men who made a half-way world and attacked him at the same time. If it hadn't been for the location of the church and his own strength, I'm afraid he would have gone to see their King Arthur.

After making sure that there was no problem with the defense of the church, Owen stood on the front line and leaned his tired body against the wall. He couldn't believe that the Royal Knight would have such a desperate day. The strength of the other party exceeded his imagination. It was only a day, and the Royal knight was seriously injured. Five people were lost, three seriously injured and 15 slightly injured. There are countless deaths and injuries in tuofan territory. This is because the knights in Nayuan territory were sent out from the secret channel, otherwise the loss will be greater.

Owen knows that the future of the Royal Knights is the young men with excellent talents in the Na Yuan realm, and there are some talents who have the opportunity to step into the creation realm. As for themselves, they must stay. He swore before the stone statue of King Arthur that he would always guard the Royal Knights, even if he gave his life.

Seize every moment to restore the energy in his body. He knows he can't go. Once he goes, he will be right in the arms of the enemy. The Royal Knights will lose morale because of their departure. A team without morale can never resist the attack of those invaders outside.

Looking back at the church, Owen's eyes showed a bitter smile. Now the three patrons are more irritable. He has great strength, but he can't do it. Owen knew that once the three patrons shot, those masters of the realm of creation who were staring at the Royal Knight would definitely shoot together. At that time, the Royal Knight would be finished.

Owen knew that it didn't matter if these people died. As long as the three patrons were alive, the inheritance of Royal Knights would not be extinct. As long as the three patrons lead them out, the knights who have not yet grown up hide for ten years. Ten years later, I believe that the Royal Knights will appear in front of the world again.

But before that, he must fight well. He wants everyone to know that the Royal knight is immortal. Since the enemy wants to destroy the Royal knight, let them pay a painful price. Only blood and life can make the Royal Knight bathe in glory. He should let the whole world know that the dignity of the Royal knight is inviolable!

Just as Owen closed his eyes and tried to restore energy in his body, the voice of the wizard patron saint suddenly sounded in his ears: "Owen, come to the treasure house quickly!"

Owen was stunned by the wizard's words. Before that, they had already made preparations for the back hand. Most of the treasures and treasures were transported away in order to make the future Royal Knight make a comeback. But what did he do in the treasure house at this time?

Although Owen had doubts in his heart, he still wanted to listen to the words of the patron saint. He found the treasure house as fast as he could, and went to a small room under the guidance of the wizard.

At the moment when he opened the door, Owen only felt a force oppressing his body. This force made him tremble from the bottom of his heart. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his emotions. Then he looked up at the three patrons.

But when he looked up, Owen was attracted by the huge stone in front of him. The energy emitted from the stone surprised Owen. Then he seemed to think of something, his eyes became hot and looked at the sharp sword inserted on the stone.

"Sword in stone!" Owen couldn't help crying out. He didn't expect that there would be legendary artifacts in the Royal Knight's treasure house! This was King Arthur's personal weapon. Even if he was the head of the Royal knight, he had never heard of it. What he heard was only the legend of the sword in the stone.

"Oh, yes, it's the sword in the stone." White crane looked at Owen kindly. He was quite satisfied with Owen. His mind and talent were not bad, but his strength was a little poor, but he was half a step. But the white crane knows that Owen is only 45 years old this year. It is enough to prove that he is a good man that he can step into the realm of half creation at this age and become the head of the Royal knight.

"Owen, the Royal knight is facing the biggest crisis in a century, and the three old men can't do it." The Green Eagle's face flashed a sense of oblivion. He looked at Owen and shouted, "the three of us decided to let you temporarily control the sword in the stone and lead the Royal Knight through this difficulty. Would you like to?"

Green Eagle's words made Owen completely stupid and control the sword in the stone? This is something he usually doesn't dare to think of! However, fortunately, Owen was the head of the Royal knight after all, and his mind was not comparable to that of ordinary people. He immediately knelt on one knee and his eyes were firm: "Owen is willing! I will lead the Royal knight to guard their glory!"

The white crane and the wizard looked at Owen with a smile in their eyes. They could feel the determination in Owen's heart. At the same time, they knew that as long as Owen didn't die in this decisive battle, the Royal knight was likely to add another strong man in the realm of fortune.

As soon as Owen's firm voice fell, the sword in the stone flashed a light, the huge stone shrank rapidly, and then it became a sharp sword inserted into the stone and appeared in front of them.

"Hehe, you passed the first level." The white crane couldn't help smiling. Looking at Owen with doubts on his face, he said, "the sword in the stone tested your courage just now. Congratulations, you passed the pass."

Sword in stone is an artifact, which can not be controlled by anyone. Moreover, if you want to use sword in stone, you must meet the requirements of sword in stone. Owen's words just now obviously had the condition of stone sword, which gave him a chance.

"Next, as long as you can pull out the sword from the stone, you can use him." The wizard interrupted, and a touch of excitement appeared on his face. It was obvious that the birth of sword in stone could not even calm him, a strong man in the realm of creation.

Taking a deep breath, Owen came to the stone sword and looked at the stone sword like an ordinary treasure. Owen held the handle with both hands, and the energy in his body ran wildly and gathered on his hands. With Owen's current strength, even a thousand catties will be lifted by him.

But to Owen's surprise, even if he used all his strength, the sword in the stone was still unmoved, firmly inserted in the stone and motionless.

Owen was worried. At this time, no one could help him. He thought of the knight who was covered with blood but still kept the night watch, and thought that his former men were torn to pieces by the enemy. Owen couldn't help roaring. The roar spread from the church and almost all over London.

Owen's neck was covered with blue tendons. It was obvious that he used all his strength. A few seconds later, under the fanatical eyes of the three patrons, the sword in the stone was pulled out by Owen bit by bit.

Holding the sword in the stone above his head, Owen's eyes were full of respect. It was King Arthur's weapon and the God in the eyes of Royal Knights.

The sword in the stone burst into golden light, and the light shone on the whole church. Some injured knights were bathed in the golden light. Their injuries improved rapidly, and the energy in the whole body was recovering rapidly.

All the Knights knelt on one knee, lowered their heads and treated the source of light with the highest etiquette of knights. Soon, the light disappeared, and Owen stood domineering in the church. At this time, he was like a God coming, and his spirit was unstoppable.

Soon, the whole Royal Knights knew the reason. Their leader Owen pulled out the sword in the stone and became the owner of the sword in the stone!

However, in a few minutes, the momentum of the Royal Knights reached the peak. The head can dominate the legendary artifact sword in the stone. Who else is their opponent?

They know that the glory of the Royal Knight cannot be underestimated by anyone. They will shed the last drop of blood to protect the honor of the Royal Knight!

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