To take an extremely cold demon elephant in the early stage of Nirvana as a mount, only those who surpass martial arts like Hu Mei can say it. Lin Zichen looked at the original extremely cold magic elephant. At this time, his strength was at least three times stronger than that of human!

Just when Lin Zichen was shocked by Hu Mei's words, the extremely cold magic elephant had already started. The huge elephant trunk directed at Lin Zichen and smoked it. After stepping into nirvana, in addition to some extremely powerful means, the rest of the martial arts can be displayed between hands and feet.

This can only be achieved after stepping into nirvana. Only by understanding the original power can we simplify the display of martial arts.

Lin Zichen felt the terrible power in his heart. His body subconsciously hid and wanted to avoid the attack of the extremely cold magic elephant, but the extremely cold magic elephant seemed to have guessed the route that Lin Zichen's power wanted to avoid. The huge elephant trunk that had drawn to Lin Zichen suddenly disappeared half. Without waiting for Lin Zichen to react, he suddenly rushed out of the space around Lin Zichen and mercilessly pumped Lin Zichen out.

The huge force made Lin Zichen fly out directly and hit the ground with a bang. The terrible force made the ground form a huge pit.

Looking at the huge pit, a scarlet light flashed in the eyes of the extremely cold demon elephant. The giant elephant's feet were raised and trampled into the huge pit.

Seeing the elephant feet of the extremely cold demon elephant is like stepping into a deep pit, and a human figure emerges in the pit. Then the virtual shadow of the ancient colossus condensed on the ground, which surprised the extremely cold magic elephant.

"Get out of here!" The cold voice suddenly exploded in the sky, and the power of the ancient colossus rose into the sky. The extremely cold magic elephant didn't expect Lin Zichen to exert such a powerful power. He was unprepared for a time, and was blasted out by the power of the ancient colossus and retreated a few steps.

"It has activated the power of ancient colossus. Human beings, I underestimate you." Feeling the power of the ancient colossus in the sky, the extremely cold demon elephant snorted coldly. In terms of blood, the blood of the ancient giant elephant is higher than that of the extremely cold magic elephant, and there is some suppression on the blood. However, fortunately, Lin Zichen's strength is not enough, and this ancient giant elephant is only a virtual shadow, otherwise it was not as simple as stepping back a few steps just now.

"It's said that martial artists who have opened the Dragon elephant territory can carry out leapfrog fighting, but boy, the gap between the realm of creation and nirvana can't be made up so easily!" The extremely cold demon elephant burst into a drink, like a snow mountain's body taking a step forward. For a time, the earth and mountains shook, and the spatial power of the whole space was in chaos. Lin Zichen was shocked to find that he had lost his connection with space!

"This is his original strength, depriving space, but the strength of the extremely cold magic elephant is not home, and there are some weaknesses." At this time, the voice of Hu Mei came into Lin Zichen's ears. Lin Zichen was slightly stunned, then rushed into the sky, stepped on the head of the ancient giant elephant, and carefully felt the power of the surrounding space.

Since Hu Mei said that the original power of the extremely cold magic elephant had weakness, it proved that Lin Zichen must be able to find it. Although the latter's strength is not as good as the extreme cold magic elephant, his divine mind does not need to be different from the extreme cold magic elephant at all. As long as he is given enough time, he will be able to find the weakness of the original strength of the extreme cold magic elephant.

Moreover, Lin Zichen is not only powerful in space, but also has the same confidence in his own strength.

"Hehe, depriving you of your space power is tantamount to breaking your arm. Human beings, you are not my opponent. If you give me all your treasures, I may spare your life!" Feeling the power of the whole space, the extremely cold demon elephant sneered. In his opinion, the human will die in front of him, even if he mastered the power of the Dragon elephant realm.

"Not necessarily." With a slight smile, Lin Zichen stepped on the ancient giant elephant and looked down at the extremely cold magic elephant on the ground. The power of the Dragon elephant condensed in his body. Finally, in front of the extremely cold magic elephant, a green dragon virtual shadow several kilometers long was formed!

"Go!" The cold voice sounded. Under the control of Lin Zichen, he roared to the extremely cold magic elephant.

"Hum! Small skill!" The extremely cold devil elephant snorted coldly, and his two front feet stamped on the ground. The huge iceberg rose from the ground. With a bang, the green dragon virtual shadow hit the iceberg. The iceberg and the green dragon virtual shadow disappeared at the same time, and the terrible battle aftermath echoed in the whole space.

While the green dragon shadow and iceberg disappeared, a dark shadow suddenly appeared. Lin Zichen stepped on the ancient giant elephant and rushed over. With one punch, the power of the Dragon elephant appeared. The two forces of one dragon and one elephant changed the whole space!

"Human, seek death!" The extremely cold evil elephant found that Lin Zichen chose to fight hard. A touch of cold flashed on his face and his nose shook. The evil spirit condensed a huge elephant head.

The two forces collided in mid air, and Lin Zichen only felt a strong force rushing into his meridians. The Qi in the body appears quickly, protects all meridians and dispels the violent forces that rush into his body at the same time.

In the face of the full blow of the extremely cold magic elephant, Lin Zichen felt bad. The virtual shadow of the ancient giant elephant at his feet had disappeared. Not only that, but also blood marks appeared on his arms. The power of the extremely cold magic elephant was too strong. In addition, his strength was not as good as the former. Under the hard fight, Lin Zichen must suffer.

However, what surprised people was that Lin Zichen suffered a lot, but the appearance of the extremely cold magic elephant was not easy. Lin Zichen's fist condensed most of the Dragon elephant power in his body. Coupled with his immovable will, the condensed power even felt the eating power of the extremely cold magic elephant. His four feet were hit into the ground, more than 50 meters deep! The four feet were limited by the ground, and the residual strength ran rampant in his body and couldn't move for a time!

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Lin Zichen no longer hesitated when he saw that the extremely cold magic elephant was inconvenient to move. The strong man condensed the power of the Dragon elephant in his body with the pain of his right hand. The virtual shadow of the green dragon and the virtual shadow of the ancient giant elephant condensed again. Finally, a narrow space crack appeared in front of Lin Zichen.

The appearance of the space crack made Lin Zichen flash a happy face, because he felt the power of space. Hu Mei is right. The original power of the extremely cold magic elephant has a weakness, that is, it can't withstand the impact of huge power. After the collision between Lin Zichen and the extremely cold magic elephant, the original power of the latter has a flaw after all. For Lin Zichen, this flaw is enough for him to hold up a huge hole and run a carriage on it.

"Space imprisonment!" With a light drink in his heart, the weak power of space appeared, but what Lin Zichen imprisoned was not the extremely cold magic image, but the space crack in front of him. Taking advantage of the space crack being imprisoned, the green dragon virtual shadow and the giant elephant virtual shadow behind Lin Zichen roared out. The powerful power attacked the space crack, and the invisible power burst through the original power of the extremely cold magic image imprisoning the space in an instant!

At the moment of breaking the original power of the extremely cold magic image, Lin Zichen felt the space power wandering around him. He seized this opportunity and stepped out step by step, and the space power was condensing around him.

"Space freeze!"

The space force instantly frozen the surrounding space, the whole space was frozen, and everything was still in place.

"Break it for me!" Feeling the changes in the surrounding space, the extremely cold magic elephant hurried to run the space power in his body and burst the space freeze in an instant. At the same time, he was surprised by Lin Zichen's space power. Unexpectedly, a man who created the world had such a deep understanding of space power.

"Tianzhu net!" The heart burst again, and the invisible cobweb appeared in an instant. The huge cobweb covers the whole space, especially the huge body of the extremely cold magic elephant. There is no place to escape!

"Trying to trap me? No way!" The extremely cold demon elephant roared and pulled out his four feet from the earth. At the same time, his evil spirit turned into a huge blade and rushed out. He wanted to cut off the Tianzhu net!

Seeing that the evil blade was about to cut off the spider's web, Lin Zichen flashed a sneer on his face. He had just recovered his right hand, crossed his index finger and middle finger, and the invisible power spread.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the extremely cold demon elephant, the evil blade and the sky cobweb changed their positions! The sky cobweb was not cut off, but rushed to the extremely cold magic elephant more quickly!

"Space conversion!" The extremely cold demon elephant was surprised. He didn't expect Lin Zichen to master such power.

"That's right, but there's no prize." Lin Zichen sneered and quickly made several fingerprints. Lin Zichen's immovable will emerged on the sky cobweb. With his immovable will, the sky cobweb became stronger.

The next second, the extremely cold magic elephant was tightly bound by the sky cobweb. The extremely cold magic elephant roared and wanted to break Lin Zichen's sky cobweb, but to his surprise, Lin Zichen's sky cobweb was extremely resilient, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

"Got it!" The green emperor was delighted, but the next second, the whole space was suddenly covered by a snowstorm.

"Human, your strength is good, but it's not enough!" The temperature in the space suddenly decreased, the snowstorm appeared out of thin air, the Tianzhu net was frozen into ice, and finally easily broken by the extremely cold magic elephant.

"Boy, don't forget that I was born in a very cold place and master the power of ice and snow." The extremely cold evil elephant sneered, and the snowflakes in the sky were like knives. If Lin Zichen hadn't been protected by the Dragon elephant environment, I'm afraid he couldn't carry the snowflakes like knives at all.

"How could I forget where this is." Lin Zichen smiled faintly, and his left hand snapped his fingers. The hot flame appeared in his hand: "I don't know if you can resist this flame."

The extremely cold demon elephant is a strong person in Nirvana. How can he not recognize what the flame in Lin Zichen's hand is? He was surprised and stared at the flame in Lin Zichen's hand.

"The ultimate power of fire, how can it be! Aren't you human!" The extremely cold demon elephant looked at the flame in Lin Zichen's hand and shouted incredulously.

"No comment." Lin Zichen's cold voice sounded. Under the hot flame, the blizzard gradually disappeared, and the ice and snow in the whole space tended to melt.

"Even if you have the ultimate power of fire, how much can you drive with your strength?" The extremely cold evil elephant roared, and the huge evil spirit condensed on him: "finally, you still want to die!"

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