The three brothers of the Jin family besieged Xiaofeng from three directions, and the world changed suddenly. Zhenqi is vertical and horizontal, and the huge Zhenqi light column blocks Xiaofeng's retreat.

They want to force Xiaofeng to consume the Qi in her body. As long as the Qi in her body can no longer support her to urge the treasure, they will win.

Athena and Ophelia watched anxiously below. They knew that Xiaofeng was in danger, but they could only suppress their anxiety when they thought of Xiaofeng's warning to them.

Whether Athena or Ophelia, they are all ready to work hard. As long as Xiaofeng has the trend of decline, they will take action immediately.

They all know that the three brothers of the Jin family can't let them leave alive. It can be said that Xiaofeng and they have become grasshoppers on a rope.

Under the siege of the three brothers of the Jin family, Xiaofeng had to use the treasure again for space transfer.

However, the space transfer cost her a lot. Even Athena noticed that Xiaofeng was in a bad situation.

"Hehe, do you still have the strength to urge that treasure now?" Jin Wude turned his head and looked at Xiaofeng coldly.

He can clearly feel that the Qi in Xiaofeng's body is less than 30%. As long as the treasure loses its effect, the next is their world.

Hearing Jin Wude's voice, Xiaofeng took a deep breath and tried to keep her breath steady.

Just then, Athena and Ophelia appeared next to her. The two women have a lot of energy in their bodies, and one should be prepared desperately.

"Why are you two here?" Xiaofeng frowned and asked the two women.

"Do you have a way to deal with them?" Athena looked coldly at the three brothers of the Jin family. Her brain was running fast. She was thinking about how to escape from this ghost place.

Had known that the man who attacked them had such strong strength, she should have informed Lin Zichen at the first time.

Unexpectedly, Xiaofeng had already told Lin Zichen the news here. It's just that Yanjing is too far from here. It will take some time to get here even at the speed of Lin Zichen.

Xiaofeng's initial goal was to stick to Lin Zichen, but she still underestimated the strength of the three guys. Unexpectedly, the three brothers could break out such a powerful force together.

Seeing the figures of Athena and Ophelia, Jin Wude flashed a cold light in his eyes, "mayflies shake the tree!"

Then, strong Qi condensed from his body, "kill them all."

As soon as the voice fell, Jin Wugong and Jin Wuliang rushed up at the same time, and a pair of iron fists went straight to Xiaofeng's heart.

Seeing the figure of the three brothers of the Jin family getting closer and closer, Athena and Ophelia clenched their teeth and were preparing to work hard, they suddenly found that the temperature in the space fell again.

"Snow?" Ophelia looked at the snowflakes flying in the sky with a flash of surprise in her eyes.

"Change the natural weather? This woman has power!" Jin Wugong was surprised. He thought Xiaofeng's Qi had been almost consumed, but he didn't expect to be able to do this.

Just when everyone was surprised, the ice blue dazzling light suddenly bloomed on Xiaofeng. Even the three brothers of the Jin family couldn't help narrowing their eyes.

With a roar of the Phoenix, an ice blue Phoenix appeared in front of several people. Snowflakes fluttered in the sky, the cold wind blew, the ice Phoenix spread its wings, and the majesty of the divine beast filled the whole space.

"What is this!" Jin Wuliang stared at the Phoenix in the sky. Although he had guessed a few points in his heart, isn't it a legendary thing!

"Hahaha! There is nothing wrong with the ancestral records. This is Bingfeng, a divine beast in ancient times!" The laughter came from Jin Wude's mouth. Jin Wude's eyes were burning and stared at the ice Phoenix in the air. His tone became crazy, "second and third, the plan has changed. Catch the ice Phoenix at all costs!"

Jin Wugong and Jin Wuliang may not know what Bingfeng is, but Jin Wude must know.

He has read the ancient books of the family and knows that everything in the body of the divine beast is a rare treasure!

Bones can be used as weapons, treasures and blood can be used to refine pills. If the Jin family can keep a divine beast in captivity, no force in the world can be stronger than the Jin family, including the people living in that place!

Jin Wude knew that this was the hope of the rise of the Jin family, so he ordered his two brothers to catch her at all costs!

Jin Wugong and Jin Wuliang quickly reacted. Although they didn't know what ice Phoenix represented, they must have unexpected benefits since they were related to divine beasts!

The three brothers of the Jin family are full of covetous eyes and want to catch Xiaofeng alive. Athena and Ophelia were startled by the change of Xiaofeng.

They didn't expect that Xiaofeng's body was a monster. Although they didn't know what Xiaofeng was, they could feel that Xiaofeng's body was absolutely unusual from her authority!

What makes the two women obsessed is that Xiaofeng's body is really beautiful. The body shape like a phoenix and ice blue feathers all reveal nobility and strength!

"There's no time to explain. Let's leave first!" Xiaofeng ignored the surprise in the eyes of the two women and turned her mind. Athena and Ophelia's bodies involuntarily fell on Xiaofeng's back.

The wings moved, and Xiaofeng's huge body rushed to the sky.

"Be careful! The seal here is still there!" Feeling the wind in her ear, Athena suddenly remembered the seal and hurriedly reminded Xiaofeng.

Naturally, Xiaofeng will not forget that they are still trapped by the seal. The condensation of ice blue in their eyes, and an ice gun condensed by the power of extreme cold appears. Under the really shocked eyes of Athena and Ophelia, one shot runs through the whole seal!

Xiaofeng's means not only startled Athena and Ophelia, but also frightened the three brothers of the Jin family.

The attack just now is at least twice as strong as Xiaofeng's previous attack! What's the matter with this woman? It's clear that her true Qi consumes too much. How can she burst out powerful power.

The three brothers of the Jin family forgot one thing. Whether they are monsters or divine beasts, when they show their noumenon, they are the most powerful.

Whether it is Kobayashi or Xiaofeng, the power they show in their human body state can not reach the peak state at all. Only when they show their noumenon can they reach their strongest power.

Kobayashi is good. In essence, he is human, so he can use many means even in human form, but some very powerful means need to use the body of the frost dragon.

But Xiaofeng is different. She can use some powerful means only when she turns out the noumenon.

For example, the ice gun just now, if it is in human form, its power is not satisfactory, but if it shows its noumenon, its power is much stronger than that in human form.

The ice gun easily ran through the seal, Xiaofeng. Moreover, Athena and Ophelia quickly disappeared into the sky. The three brothers of the Jin family wanted to catch up, but when they rushed up, a huge ice wall blocked their way.

The ice wall is composed of ten thousand years of cold ice. The three brothers destroyed it with one blow. After breaking through the ice wall, the three brothers hurried to find Xiaofeng's three daughters, but where are they still?

"Asshole, they ran away!" Jin Wuliang scolded angrily. Unexpectedly, the three of them didn't stop the three women at the same time.

"No harm." Jin Wude was in a good mood at this time. Jin Liangping died. It was not a big deal for the Jin family, but if he told his ancestors about Bingfeng, he would try his best to catch Bingfeng.

"Let's go back first. We must let Lao Zu know the existence of Bingfeng." Jin Wude's face was dignified. He looked at the two brothers and said solemnly, "while the other Xiuxian families don't know the existence of Ao Bingfeng, we must find a way to catch her!"

With that, the three brothers of the Jin family quickly disappeared in place, and no one knew where they had gone.

At the same time, Xiaofeng, the incarnation of the body, flies rapidly in the sky. Her mind kept exploring the unexpected situation for several kilometers to ensure that the three brothers of the Jin family didn't catch up.

After Xiaofeng determined that there was no danger, she turned into a human shape and said to Athena and Ophelia, "it seems that they didn't catch up. We're safe."

"I owe you this time." Athena nodded, somewhat frightened.

The other side is three strong nirvana. If Xiaofeng wasn't present, she and Ophelia would never escape today.

"I'll tell my master what happened today. You should leave China as soon as possible." Speaking of this, Xiaofeng sighed in her heart.

China is beginning to get confused.

On the other side, Lin Zichen stopped in mid air after receiving the message of Xiaofeng's safety.

At first, when Xiaofeng sent a text message to tell him that there were three strong nirvana, even he was startled. A Jin family was able to take out three strong nirvana.

Fortunately, Xiaofeng, they finally escaped safely. However, what worries Lin Zichen is that Xiaofeng has exposed her identity.

According to the text message sent to him by Xiaofeng, the Jin family recognized Xiaofeng's identity and wanted to catch Xiaofeng alive, but she finally escaped.

However, Lin Zichen knew that the Jin family would never give up. Xiaofeng is the last ice Phoenix in the world. Since the Jin family recognized her identity, it is impossible to let her go easily.

Every place on Bingfeng is a treasure. In the eyes of the Jin family, Xiaofeng is a mobile treasure house!

Hurry to send a text message to let Xiaofeng them come back. We must not be careless at this time. Lin Zichen should know some information about the Jin family before making plans.

Suspended in mid air, Lin Zichen was more or less helpless.

I managed to straighten out the Jianghu in China. It was broken in a few days.

The Jin family, and the so-called Xiuxian family, what is the purpose of their successive appearance?

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