In the hall, everyone looked at emperor Tian and had their own ideas in their hearts.

Some people guessed that emperor heaven would appear. Such a field emperor heaven cannot not appear.

Although a linzichen was born halfway, the hat of the first genius in the Oriental continent was steadily worn by Emperor Tian.

However, they did not expect that emperor Tian's strength would be so strong. The strength of the peak of nirvana is not even his opponent!

Although the time of emperor Tian's action is short, everyone can feel his terror.

One punch drove back an elder of the winter Dynasty. Emperor Tian's face remained unchanged and looked at him.

Some changes flashed across the elder's face. Finally, he said, "it's worthy of being the first genius in the mainland. I admit defeat."

The sound was not loud, but it spread to everyone in the hall.

They looked at emperor Tian and their eyes became more dignified.

The person who made the move was the elder of the winter Dynasty. The position under his ass was destined that he would not deliberately lose to Emperor Tian and build momentum for emperor Tian.

And several other Nirvana peak strongmen can feel that the elder used his best.

The emperor looked around with cold eyes.

Sharp eyes make people dare not look at it.

"Who else objects?"

The cold voice came into everyone's ears again, but no one dared to speak again this time.

The strength of emperor Tian is obvious to all. With the lessons of Wei Tian and the elders of the winter Dynasty, they don't want to lose face in public.

"Sorry, young master. I tried my best."

The elder of the winter Dynasty returned to the team and said with a bitter smile to the ancient demon.

"The elder doesn't have to blame himself."

The ancient demon sighed: "I didn't expect the strength of emperor Tian to be so evil."

The elder nodded and his eyes were full of complexity: "I'm afraid the strength of emperor Tian is also among the top powers in Nirvana."

"The younger generation should be the first!"

The elder's evaluation shocked the ancient demon's heart. He rarely saw the elder praise a young man so much.

"At the beginning, the strength of Lin Zichen and Emperor Tian didn't differ much, but I didn't expect that so much fell in just a few months."

The ancient demon smiled bitterly and couldn't help saying.

However, when he finished this sentence, the ancient demon was suddenly stunned, not only him, but also the elders on one side.

Yes, isn't there Lin Zichen?

This guy's strength has reached the peak of Nirvana after he closed up. His strength can even kill the ancient demon second!

If the younger generation in this world can fight against emperor Tian, Lin Zichen is alone!

The ancient demon and the elder looked at each other, and then quickly looked for the location of Lin Zichen.

Soon, their eyes fell on Lin Zichen, in the team of yunyanzong.

At this time, Lin Zichen is flirting with Murong Xiaoxuan. In order to revenge, this woman usually only knows to practice and rarely stays with Lin Zichen.

This made Lin Zichen very unhappy, so while all his eyes were focused on emperor Tian, he decided to cultivate feelings with Murong Xiaoxuan.

But at this time, Lin Zichen suddenly felt that two eyes fell on him, which made him frown.

Who is so free to see emperor Tian and flirt with his wife?

As soon as he looked up, he saw the ancient demon and the elder of the winter Dynasty staring at him.

Eyes burning!

Although he didn't know what the two guys wanted, Lin Zichen smiled at them and then made an expression of helplessness.

The earth still has a lot of things to do. He has no mind to deal with people.

After the discussion, he had to find long Yuanqing and return to the earth with the help of the space channel of the magic abyss.

It must be that the demons in the evil abyss have been cleaned up by the divine beast valley. Lin Zichen doesn't have to waste time fighting those demons.

But to Lin Zichen's surprise, the actions of the ancient demon and the elder had a chain reaction.

The elder of the winter Dynasty lost to Emperor Tian. Many people stared at him gloating to see how he would react.

So his every move was seen by these strong men.

Just then, they found that the ancient demon and the elder seemed to be looking for something, and then their eyes fell in another direction.

Because of their curiosity, those people looked in the direction of the ancient demon and the elder, and then a young man fell into their sight.

One or two is OK, but after looking at it, it's more than one or two?

But in a few seconds, everyone's eyes focused on Lin Zichen.

More importantly, even emperor Tian's eyes fell on him!

Lin Zichen was startled and suddenly found that he was being stared at by everyone. Even Zhou Lingmeng and Murong Xiaoxuan around him were looking at him.

Lin Zichen only felt his scalp numb and couldn't help scolding in his heart.

What do you think I do?

Lin Zichen wanted to rush out and choke the ancient demon to death.

I'm free. What are you looking at!

Lin Zichen is trying hard to accept everyone's attention, but there is another idea in other people's hearts,

How did you forget this boy?

Recalling Lin Zichen's achievements after his birth, and what he did in the Chiyu Dynasty a few days ago, they suddenly found that Lin Zichen's strength is not weaker than emperor Tian!

Although the emperor's strength was recognized by them, they didn't want to see the Xian Dynasty dominate.

And according to their information, Lin Zichen did not come from any force, and made friends with several sects of the six major sects, and even the three dynasties had a certain relationship with Lin Zichen.

If such a person becomes a president, at least he doesn't have to worry about justice.

After thinking carefully for a few seconds, a group of strong people suddenly found... Lying in a trough! It's OK!

Then... Their eyes to Lin Zichen became strange.

Lin Zichen felt uncomfortable when he was seen.

What do you think I'm doing?

I didn't rob your daughter-in-law!

Finally, Lin Zichen couldn't stand the eyes of these people. He raised his hand and fluctuated with a strong spirit power. Everyone in the hall subconsciously turned his head.

In the power of the spirit, they feel the powerful lethality, and the lethality points directly to the human spirit.

Lin Zichen showed this hand, which not only didn't make everyone angry, but also brightened their eyes.

Maybe Lin Zichen can really help them deal with emperor Tian!

Lin Zichen's move not only let others see hope, but also let a touch of war appear in the emperor's eyes.

He has long wanted to have a good fight with Lin Zichen, but this guy is as slippery as a loach and doesn't give him a chance at all.

Perhaps this war led by the president will let Lin Zichen show his real strength.

But soon a bitter smile appeared in his heart.

Emperor Tian suddenly remembered that Lin Zichen was not from this world at all. This guy must finally return to his own world, rather than being the president in this world.

However, Emperor Tian knew the details of Lin Zichen. Others didn't know. They stared at Lin Zichen closely, with strange eyes.

They all hope that Lin Zichen can grab the position of president from emperor Tian.

Lin Zichen doesn't want to get into trouble, but many people like to watch the excitement, such as long Yuanqing, who is sitting in the front seat.

"Lin Zichen, aren't you going to have a try?"

Long Yuanqing smiled and said, "I think everyone is very optimistic about you."

Long Yuanqing opens his mouth. Lin Zichen can't refuse to give long Yuanqing noodles. After all, he has to look at others' faces when he goes home.

"Valley master, I'm in charge of a gun and horse. I really can't do it when the president leads this position."

There was no way. Lin Zichen could only stand up and arched his hand at long Yuanqing.

Seeing that Lin Zichen was unmoved by the position of the president, some people in the hall were disappointed.

They didn't expect Lin Zichen to be so ambitious.

But his answer relieved some forces.

For example, Lin Zichen has a grudge against Kuang shazong, and then the blue family.

If Lin Zichen becomes President, they will have a hard time.

"Whether it fits or not is only known after trying."

Long Yuanqing seemed to want to see Lin Zichen make a fool of himself and said, "I think emperor Tian thinks so."

A word almost didn't make Lin Zichen spit blood.

Emperor Tian wants to fight with himself as soon as he sees himself. If he can fight with himself, it is estimated that emperor Tian is willing to give the president the position.

For emperor Tian, the position of the president is a fart. It's more realistic to fight with Lin Zichen.

"Valley master!"

Just then, a voice suddenly came into everyone's ears.

Lin Zhi stood up from his chair and said to long Yuanqing, "I admire Lin Zichen's strength and his character."

"If Lin Zichen becomes the president, my yin-yang sect will have nothing to say. I will respect him!"

Lin Zhi looked at long Yuanqing solemnly, and then gave a big gift to the latter.

That action is extremely standard.

That expression doesn't make people find anything wrong.

Looking at him like that, it seems that as long as Lin Zichen has a word, he will lead the whole yin-yang sect through fire and water!

The people in the hall were surprised when they heard Lin Zhi's words. They didn't expect that Lin Zhi could do this for Lin Zichen!

Just when everyone was shocked, another voice sounded.

"Valley master, Lin Zichen is my friend and friend of the winter Dynasty."

The ancient demon looked at long Yuanqing and said solemnly: "the winter Dynasty is willing to follow Lin Zichen like its colleagues of yin and Yang sect!"

After listening to the ancient demon, the strong in the hall took a breath.

Even the Yin and Yang sect, how can even the ancient demon put his chips on Lin Zichen?

That's a dynasty, a behemoth only a line weaker than the immortal dynasty!

For a moment, the strong in the hall began to hesitate.

They suddenly found that Lin Zichen had become a strong competitor of emperor Tian. Maybe they should reconsider the problem of standing in line.

The words of Lin Shao of Yin Yang sect and the ancient demon of the king of winter are enough to affect the thoughts of all forces in the whole hall.

"Dragon Valley master."

At this time, Emperor Tian, who had been silent for a long time, spoke.

"If Lin Zichen wants, I can give him the position led by the president."

A word, like a stone, stirs thousands of waves!

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