Lin Zichen looked at the star emperor and asked seriously.

From the moment he entered this space, he felt something wrong.

I'm afraid the purpose of the establishment of this space is not just experiment, but more like avoiding something.

But the great emperor is the most powerful warrior in the world. What kind of existence can he avoid!

Lin Zichen's heart was full of doubts. When he stepped into the realm of God, Lin Zichen had a special feeling, and that feeling made Lin Zichen feel the fatal danger.

It was like someone was watching him secretly. He seemed ready to kill him at any time.

However, that feeling flashed away, and Lin Zichen also pressed his doubts in his heart.

But after entering this space, there were more and more doubts in his heart.

When he met emperor Xuanyuan at the beginning, he didn't ask in a hurry. Now when he met emperor Xingchen, he finally asked his doubts.

"Hehe, you can think of this. It seems that another great man has been born in the world."

The will of the star emperor looked at Lin Zichen and a touch of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

Lin Zichen's face remained unchanged and he still looked closely at the star emperor. He wanted an answer from the star emperor.

The star emperor looked at Lin Zichen and asked softly, "you're right. I'm avoiding something. The reason is very simple. I touched something that life shouldn't touch."

"What can make the emperor inaccessible?"

Lin Zichen hurriedly asked, the great emperor is already the most powerful in all the world. What else can they not do?

"When the great and powerful master the emperor's life, what do they want to pursue most?"

The star emperor looked at Lin Zichen and asked.


Lin Zichen answered without hesitation.

All the warriors in this world want to pursue longevity, even the great emperor is no exception!

The great emperor lives longer than other warriors, but one day the great emperor will fall. This is the rule of the world. Even the great emperor can't violate it!

"Yes, Changsheng, I created this space just to do an experiment, an experiment about Changsheng."

The star emperor nodded and said.

The world wants to live forever, including the great emperor, but unfortunately none of them can do this.

And the star emperor obviously failed, otherwise he would not fall, leaving only a will of the great emperor in this black hole space.

"I studied the method of longevity through the universe. Later, I realized and created a space, but the space at that time was not as it is now."

"At that time, space was just the rudiment of the universe. There was nothing there, only one point."

The star emperor whispered.

Singularity in science?

Lin Zichen's heart moved, and the word immediately appeared in his mind.

In the explanation of Earth Science, all the reasons of the universe come from a point, which collapses and explodes, and finally becomes the brilliant universe today.

"But when this point appeared, I received a warning."

The star emperor continued.

"Warning? Whose?"

Lin Zichen was surprised that the star emperor would be warned. Who else in the world can warn a great emperor?

The star Emperor didn't say much, but pointed to the sky with his finger.

Seeing the action of the star emperor, Lin Zichen was stunned.

He was stunned for a few seconds, and then asked in an incredible tone, "is it... Avenue?"

"Yes, it's the main road."

"When I received the avenue warning, I began to get excited. I knew I had touched the origin of the avenue."

The star emperor smiled and said.

Lin Zichen can fully feel the excitement in the tone of the star emperor. Of course, Lin Zichen will also feel excited if it is replaced by Lin Zichen.

He is invincible in all the world. He must be very excited when he is suddenly threatened by others.

What is the emperor most afraid of? It's invincible!

Perhaps invincible is something that others admire very much, but when the warrior really stands in that position, he will know how invincible he feels.

Lonely! This is what all the strong who become the emperor feel.

Without rivals, their life will become boring. It is precisely because of this that countless emperors try to do something interesting.

There are countless great emperors in history who are pursuing longevity. Of course, some people have done different things.

For example, Emperor Xuanyuan wanted the third world to become the existence of the main world, and paid his own voice for him.

In the eyes of others, this is almost an impossible thing. Even if other strong emperors know, they will think Xuanyuan emperor is a madman.

For example, the star emperor, just now he felt interesting after hearing the idea of Xuanyuan emperor. It seems that he regretted why he didn't have this idea at the beginning.

However, the star emperor was lucky and was warned when he was invincible.

What will he think at this time? Of course, it's fighting. Everyone who can become a great emperor is not a good stubble. Their hands are full of blood.

Even if the other side is the avenue, they will fight for one, even if they may eventually die in the struggle with the avenue.

"After being warned by the avenue, I didn't stop, but continued to urge that point."

"That point became what it is now after several collapses and explosions."

"Also in the last explosion, the punishment of Avenue was finally reduced."

The star emperor smiled and said.

"The punishment of the avenue, isn't it said that the avenue will never interfere in human affairs?"

Lin Zichen exclaimed.

"But when you touch something that the avenue doesn't allow you to touch, it will intervene."

The star emperor explained.

"But it's just a space. That punishment should not defeat you, Emperor."

Lin Zichen couldn't help asking.

Gao Huairen said to them that the star emperor was also a very mysterious emperor. His strength was very strong. Lin Zichen felt that the heavenly punishment from the avenue could not defeat him at all.

"At that time, the emperor's cosmic space had been formed. I was backed by cosmic space. Heaven's punishment could not do anything to me."

The star emperor explained with a smile.

After listening to the star emperor, Lin Zichen couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This is the great emperor. He regards heaven's punishment as something to play with. When they were restricted by martial arts, they were all scared by heaven's punishment.

Look at others. They directly fought against the natural punishment and won.

"With this space, the emperor should rest assured to study the way of longevity."

Lin Zichen said with a smile.

"How is it possible to meet such an opponent and study the way of longevity."

The star emperor laughed and said.

His words made Lin Zichen stunned at first, and then laughed.

Indeed, the greatest fear of the emperor is loneliness. Now that he has such an opponent as Da Dao, he can't let go easily.

"After the formation of this space, I always felt that there was something missing in the world, so I scattered the plant seeds of all the world here."

The star king recalled.

"Then emperor, you think the world is too boring and start studying life again."

Before the star emperor finished, Lin Zichen continued.

"Hahaha, yes, yes. I've been curious about life since I stepped into martial arts, so I began to study life."

"But when studying life, I was punished more severely than before. Even I nearly fell that time."

The star emperor said seriously.

His words surprised Lin Zichen. Even a strong man like the star emperor almost fell. Lin Zichen really can't imagine how powerful the original heavenly punishment was.

"I hid in this space after I was badly hurt by the heavenly punishment. At that time, I found that the heavenly punishment could not land here in this space."

Said the star emperor.

"So you began to study life here."

Lin Zichen said.

"Yes, this space can avoid natural punishment. It's a great research place, but unfortunately, I've been poor all my life and still can't succeed in the end."

The star emperor shook his head and said helplessly.

Life is too mysterious. It's easy to die a person and it's easy to let a person live, but it's very difficult to study and understand these.

The star emperor wants his world to have life and life created by himself, not life migrated from other worlds.

But unfortunately, he didn't create life until the star king fell.

It is precisely for this reason that this space is like a dead space, without any breath of life.

Lin Zichen carefully pondered the words of the star emperor. Although the star emperor was telling his story after becoming the emperor, there was enough news to shock the world in this story.

In these thousands of worlds, there is a pair of eyes peeping at these worlds.

And it is the avenue that peeps into the world.

The avenue has the ability to create life and the universe, and these two abilities will be punished by it.

The star emperor created a space and was punished by the avenue.

But creating space is strictly an ability that allows life to have, because the star king survived that punishment.

Of course, this is also related to the strong strength of the star emperor, but in any case, it is a fact that the star emperor survived from heaven's punishment. His experience tells the world a rule.

Life can create the universe, and as long as you survive the punishment, you are the master of the universe.

But when the star emperor tried to contact life, he couldn't bear the punishment from the avenue.

In this way, the avenue absolutely does not allow life to contact the secrets of life, or create life.

Because Da Dao knows that if the great emperor and the strong really study life, they are likely to succeed and finally have the ability to create life.

It is for this reason that the avenue must not allow the star emperor to continue to study, so it has reduced the punishment!

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