In addition to being shocked, Lin Zichen also felt that there was a smell left in the places where the man passed. To be exact, it was a bad smell, like... Corrosion.

Lin Zichen stood puzzled and thought. For a long time, he slowly shook his head: "no... it's impossible. How can he run away from me with his strength, and... At such a fast speed."

Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at the direction where the dark shadow disappeared. Although the man's speed made it difficult for him to perceive his face, he could still feel that it should be an expressionless face, because there was a serious and even no emotional breath on him.

Miaojiang... Mysterious place, there are such experts!

Linzichen was about to turn around and go back. Lord Hong also chased out with people. When he saw linzichen, Lord Hong came forward: "Lord Lin, he ran away?"

Lin Zichen nodded: "don't chase, I'm afraid you're not dead enough!"

Hearing this sentence, Lord Hong was stunned: "Lord Lin said... That's a very strong expert?"

Of course, Lord Hong knows that if Lin Zichen can say that a person is an expert, he is by no means an ordinary expert. Although there are several Gu using experts in the red gang, they are not worth mentioning compared with the green and red witch family.

"It seems that... The Green Witch clan has made an action!"

"Lord Hong, who are the two heads of the family?" Lin Zichen asked.

Lord Hong sighed: "Hey, I'm also the strongest member of our red gang. Once I founded the red gang just to do some border business. Of course, it was all legal business. Later, I became strong with the red Wu clan. I helped our red gang through several times of distress. Then I agreed to join the red Wu clan. The second leader's real name is Li Tong, who was sent by the clan to add strength to our red gang."

"So it is. It seems that the contradiction between green and red witches will affect the future for a long time..."

Lord Hong nodded: "Lord Lin, please come in and talk to the gang. I want to report to the clan about such a big thing."

In fact, Lin Zichen doesn't care about these. The most important thing for him is that long Aoxue and Huo Qing need to recover as soon as possible, then leave this place of right and wrong and return to the production team to kill the film, so that they can go back to Yanjing.

He also wanted to see who had such strength and could join the red gang to kill without his perception.

But he didn't expect that the killer was an acquaintance... It also gave him the idea to stay and find out!

That night, the red gang was on full alert. After all, although the red gang was not the first force in miaojiang, it was also a big gang with a head and face. It had not encountered such a raid. The second leader was suddenly killed in the gang. Lord Hong naturally had to take precautions quickly.

At the same time, he also reported the situation to the red witch family. The witch family also said that it would send experts immediately to prevent the opponent from attacking again.

This night, Lord Hong couldn't sleep. After drinking two cups of ginseng tea in his room, he still couldn't sit still. He just walked out of the room and planned to walk in the yard.

However, as soon as he came downstairs, he saw the light in the reception hall. Lord Hong was stunned. Generally speaking, he opened the reception hall only when he received guests. There should be no talent right now.

Walking into the reception hall, he saw Lin Zichen still sitting at the table drinking tea. Lord Hong smiled: "Lord Lin, you are not frightened just now and can't sleep?"

Lin Zichen shook his head slowly: "I don't have the habit of sleeping at all."

"This... Ha ha, yes, Lord Lin's strength may not need sleep at all. I've heard that some martial arts experts don't sleep for a long time. They almost rely on cultivation to ensure their energy." Hongye road.

Lin Zichen nodded: "yes, but long Aoxue hasn't woke up yet. I'm also worried. Lord Hong hasn't slept?"

"I can't sleep. There's such a big thing in the gang. If I can sleep safely... I don't deserve to be the leader of the gang."

Master Hong said and sat opposite Lin Zichen. He immediately took out two cigarettes and handed one to Lin Zichen.

"Lord Hong, the contradiction between the green and red witch clan has existed since ancient times?"

Lin Zichen suddenly asked. Lord Hong raised his head and thought, and immediately told him something about the two witch families.

In fact, Hong Ye was not a native of Miao, but came here for work when he was young, but he was soon moved by the ease of Miao and decided to stay here.

But after decades, he found that this is the place of right and wrong in China. Whether it is illegal border transactions, local forces, or mysterious witch tribes, it is not comparable to other cities at all.

Even if the government strictly manages the border, it is mainly aimed at some businesses on the border. To put it bluntly, it is not strict with local internal management, which also leads to the breeding of local forces and the relative security is difficult to guarantee.

Since ancient times, the border has been chaotic. On the surface, everything may be very good. Even the tourism industry has developed for a long time, and the local economy is also good. But if it is serious, it seems... There are problems everywhere.

Later, after listening to the people of the red witch family, Hong Ye knew that the relationship between the two families was actually a historical problem. The witch family was originally one of the alien families in Miao area, and was good at using Gu Shu. The witch family relied on mountains and ate mountains, and there were many branches. Even the witch village in biyin mountain was all over the deep mountains of China.

However, even though there are many branches, the main one is still the main family in miaojiang. Later, there were great differences between wuzhu and his brothers at that time, so they divided into Qinghong Wu family. Qingwu family believes that they should adapt to the society, keep pace with the times and develop some modern business, while Hongwu family believes that they should not forget their roots, still live in the deep mountains and concentrate on practicing magic without asking about the world.

This has led to the current situation of the green and red witches. The red witches still build a stronghold in the mountains and study Gu Shu. In fact, they are more Gu Shu for curing diseases and maintaining health.

The Qingwu people have lived in the city and established their own chain enterprises. Although they are still refining insects, they have long been not mountain people, but thorough urban people.

Rao is so. It seems that the two witches can survive separately, but the contradiction at that time continues to this day. The education of the people of the red witches is that the green witches forget their roots and branch to the city, which has greatly affected the strength of the whole witches.

But the ancestors of the Green Witch family said that the red witch family was conservative, which delayed the development of the witch family. If we went to the city for development at that time, the financial resources of the Green Witch family would be stronger.

In this way, the two families of the same clan completely turned against each other. They would almost fight when they met. If they were in a remote place, I'm afraid people would die.

However, this is not uncommon, so the two races are used to it, but after all, it is also a small-scale conflict. If the experts in the clan encounter it, I'm afraid there will be a big competition. We often hear loud noise in the red gang. Everyone knows that this is a fight between the experts of the two races

"So it is. Ha ha, a difference... Makes a family turn against each other. In fact, it may be because the power of the witch clan is too large, so it is obvious that this situation may exist in any family."

Lord Hong nodded when he heard the speech: "what Lord Lin said is that family affection may be the warmest in the world, but it is also the cruelest to turn against each other... Sometimes it uses a knife, sometimes it uses a mouth, and the same is true in the city. A family has been fighting a lawsuit for more than ten years, and it has already been two people."

Lin Zichen chuckled and didn't say anything. After all, no matter how big the contradiction between the green and red families was, it had nothing to do with him, but... The man who came to the red gang this time made him deeply confused.

That night, Lin Zichen talked with Lord Hong a lot. Lin Zichen also found that Lord Hong was not simple. Although he was not a martial artist and did not need to be poisoned, he was just and true, and he was very strict with everything. He had to follow a rule. In the Jianghu, such a person was called highly respected.

And Lord Hong also felt very happy to talk with Lin Zichen. He only thought Lin Zichen was a young master and respected him for this status. However, after listening to Lin Zichen's views, he was deeply convinced. Unexpectedly, such a young man had such a great feeling that even he could not compare.

Until dawn, Lord Hong finally couldn't bear it and went back to his room to rest. After all, he was old and couldn't compare with young people, and Lin Zichen was a martial artist who didn't need sleep at all.

Lin Zichen went to long Aoxue's room and let Tang Meiru stare at him. He crossed his knees and practiced next to him.

At about 90 o'clock in the morning, long Aoxue slowly opened his eyes. Perhaps this is the best news in recent days. Lin Zichen came forward and numbered her pulse. He immediately nodded. Sure enough, the Gu nature has been completely solved.

"Lin Zichen, I......"

Although long Aoxue woke up, his breath was still weak. Lin Zichen hurriedly said, "you've been poisoned, but you're all right now."

Hearing the speech, long Aoxue looked at Lin Zichen and said, "did you help me solve it?"

Lin Zichen smiled: "you solved it yourself."

Long Aoxue's eyes took some jiaochen: "neuropathy, I just want to."

"There's no need. When you wake up, go back to the crew and don't drag me down." Lin Zichen said.

However, long Aoxue adapted to this period of time. After all, it was her indifference that made Lin Zichen treat her like this at first.

"What about you? Don't you go back together?"

Lin Zichen thought and said, "I'm afraid... I'll stay for a few days. By the way, long Aoxue, I'll tell you something, but believe it or not."

"What's the matter? It's so mysterious..."

Lin Zichen Xuan said what happened yesterday. Long Aoxue was stunned: "what? You didn't feel it when you entered here to kill? That's really an expert."

Long Aoxue knows more and more about Lin Zichen's strength. Looking at China, let alone young people, Lin Zichen is definitely the best among all martial arts. He must be an expert if he can kill people around him.

"Although I didn't catch up with him, I vaguely felt his breath. It should be an acquaintance!"

In Lin Zichen's words, long Aoxue was stunned: "what? Acquaintances? Do I... Know each other?"

With that, long Aoxue was nervous.

Lin Zichen nodded and smiled, "if I say it's Longyun, will you believe it?"

Long Aoxue gave Lin Zichen a hard look, but when she saw Lin Zichen's serious eyes, her heart trembled.

"I believe..."

Lin Zichen couldn't help but be surprised. I don't know how long Aoxue could jump out of her mouth. At least she almost never believed in herself

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