"Break your hands?"

When Wei Shen heard this, his eye muscles twitched and he said with a smile

"Brother, you've been joking a little too much. You're the guy I eat with..."

"Who's kidding you?"

Charlotte went up with a slap in the face, which made Wei Shen even step back three steps, and his back teeth all flew out.


Wei Shen vomited blood phlegm, then roared like crazy: "NIMA! I'll kill you! "


Lin Wanru gently pulled Charlotte's sleeve at the back to tell him not to do too much. Then, she saw Wei Shen pull a pistol out of his waist madly.

Cold black muzzle, scared Lin Wan such as voice is blocked by what, want to call out.

"It's a pistol!"


All of a sudden, there was a scream of panic in the box.

Even Xiao leibin was confused. He didn't expect Wei Shen to be so crazy and dare to kill people in such a place.


Wei Shen twisted his features, aimed at Charlotte and pulled the trigger.

But Charlotte is faster!


His right hand flashed out and grabbed Wei Shen's wrist. He just listened to "bang!" There was a black bullet hole in the ceiling.


Wei Shen's eyes were deeply frightened. He couldn't even think that this boy could shoot faster than he could?

Just about to fire a second shot, a shadow fell on his knee.


The kneecap of Wei Shen's right leg was broken, and he fell to the ground with a howl.

Charlotte looked at him condescending, "I said let you break your hands, since you don't want to, let me do it for you."

Wei Shen shook his head madly, but he could only watch his hands trampled by Charlotte.

The white eye turns, this goods unexpectedly directly ache fainted in the past.

"Well, it's too easy to fight."

Charlotte shook her head.

"Charlotte... Charlotte, you killed?" Lin Wanru looked at him in shock.

"Hey, miss, don't talk about it! I just broke his hands and let him go into shock for a while. " Charlotte explained.

Lin Wanru was relieved and glared at him angrily: "you scared me to death."

"Let's get out of here!"

"Wait a minute."

Charlotte raised her hand and looked back at Xiao leibin, who was sitting on the floor

"Hey, who is the young master of Heilong hall, right? Help me deal with the things here. Don't make a fuss. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes!"

Xiao leibin nodded like a chicken pecking rice and watched Charlotte and ER Mei leave the bar all the way.

As for Li Donglei, Shen Ying and others, they had already run away when Wei Shen took out his gun.


Beishan villa.

Finally put the two young ladies to sleep, Charlotte tired to return to the room.

Open the computer, log in the mailbox, and quickly find an email from a mysterious account.

"Jing Xiaoqian, 16 years old, Songjiang Longxiang technician college, major in auto repair... Sleeper, what the hell is that?"

Charlotte looks at the picture of Jing Xiaoqian, Tianze's sister.

Smokey eye make-up, dark smoked makeup, dark red lips, shining nail polish, thin cheeks, a most extreme expression, rivet black motorcycle clothes.

Little sister of the whole society, I don't know, thought she was the little sister of Polaris in the cos American drama "gifted".

Turn to page 2 of the student status file.

The whole article is a serious warning, demerit, stay in school!

Fighting, smoking, puppy love, climbing over the wall, surfing the Internet, stealing money... And even the detention files of the police station, the reason is playing Fairy Dance.


Charlotte's face darkened as she looked at it. Finally, she closed the computer with a dignified expression and picked up a cigarette.

The next day is the weekend. After lunch, Charlotte greets Lin Wanru and drives away the BMW I8.

Songjiang's old city, also known as Tianshui District, slums, with three words to describe is dirty, chaotic, poor!

A large group of hooligans, local ruffians, local thugs, drug addicts and pimps gather here, which is the place with the highest criminal rate in Songjiang city.

Xia Luo first came to Jing Xiaoqian's address, the "pig cage city village" in the old city.

"Shit, it's like a pig cage."

As soon as Charlotte went in, she saw a middle-aged woman holding her child in the roadside vegetable garden. She was swearing.

He went to a dilapidated building in the south. There was an old man sitting on the radio downstairs. Charlotte went over and asked politely:

"Sir, is it Jing Xiaoqian's house that lives in 422 upstairs?"

The old man sat on the rocking chair and squinted: "what's the little Jing?"

Charlotte: "Jing Xiaoqian."

Uncle: "what Xiaoqian?"

Charlotte: "Jing Xiaoqian."

Uncle: "what's Jing Xiao?"

Charlotte Bukhan: "OK, sir, you cool down first."


The boss nodded and continued to take a cold.

Charlotte: --

"Lying in the trough?! Am I right, BMW I8? "

"Take a picture and send it to the circle of friends!"

At this time, a cry of surprise came from behind. Charlotte turned to see where some hooligans came from and photographed around his car.

Charlotte walked over and gave them cigarettes.

"Brothers, I want to ask you about one person."


A tall young man with blue hair and a cigarette in his mouth was very free and easy.

"Do you know Jing Xiaoqian from Longteng technical school?"

Charlotte said a very strange name.

"I don't know."

The three hooligans all shook their heads, indicating that they had never heard of the name.

Charlotte frowned, shouldn't ah, according to reason, this little girl so mix, these three how didn't hear her name?

"I don't know Jing Xiaoqian, but there's one Nicolas Zhao Qian." Blue hair youth suddenly came a sentence.

"Nicholas Zhao Qian, what is this? What's your name

Charlotte has a black line.

"Man, be careful!"

Blue hair youth made a nervous appearance, "Qian elder sister is the eldest sister of Longteng technical school. She fights fiercely than men. She often chases several people to chop. She knows many people in the underworld."

"Does she have long green hair and tattoos on her arms?"


The young man was stunned and immediately grinned: "is Zhao Qian's original name Jing Xiaoqian? Oh, that's new, man. Who are you

"Where is she now?"

Charlotte is sure that this Nicholas Zhao Qian is the one he wants!


LAN Mao thought for a long time and patted his head, "ah, I forget that Zhao Qian seems to have made an appointment with the arrogance of Tianshui technical school today and is fighting behind the vegetable market."

"Tell me where it is!"

Ten minutes later, Charlotte arrived at a dirty market.

Behind the market, there was a large open space, covered with weeds and rubble.

"Zhao Qian! You damn bitch, how dare you beat my horse last night! I have to strip your skin today and let my brothers ride on you

A yellow haired boy in a leopard print cardigan, with more than 30 gangsters, stood on the left.

The leader on the right is a thin girl with deep smoke makeup and dark green long hair. She is quite fierce with a machete in her hand.

"Talk without practice! You come here to have a try. Believe it or not, I'll cut you off with a knife

The girl with green hair glared at her eyes and was full of murders.

"Come here!"

"Kill you!"

"Kill your family!"

Both sides began to fight wildly, but no one dared to fight first.

Until a BMW I8 sports car, "crunchy!" Let's go, drift in.

"Jing Xiaoqian?"

Charlotte gets out of the car, takes off her sunglasses, and looks at her green haired little sister with a machete in her hand.

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