"You... What are you talking about? Who's sick! " Li Zhongda pointed to Charlotte and said angrily, "I'm in good health."

"Is it?"

Charlotte immediately laughed, this old man would deceive himself.

"Your diabetes is coming to an advanced stage."

He was very relaxed.


All eyes at the banquet were on Li Zhongda.

Li Zhongda's face turned red. He stepped on the chair and pointed to Charlotte

"Son of a bitch, I can't understand what you're talking about. I'm a famous doctor in Jiangnan. How can I not recuperate myself? What nonsense, huh

However, he was very frightened: "how did this boy know? Did he specially investigate me? "

"Cough, Charlotte."

Sitting in his seat, he said, "Li Zhongda is really a famous doctor. He has taken care of the body for many important people. You should be careful when you speak..."

"Hum, yellow mouthed child, it's not enough to slander me at your level!" Li Zhongda raised his chin very haughtily.

Although he did get diabetes, he was still advanced, but for his fame and for the supreme black dragon card, he could not have killed him.

"Ha ha."

Charlotte smile very flat, a point out: "well, since Dr. Li you refuse to admit, then dare to take off your shoes, let everyone see your ankle?"

"What... What ankle? Why do I do this? Who do you think you are

Li Zhongda was flustered when he heard the speech.

"That's because you're guilty! Your diabetes has already caused the foot blood vessels to be narrow and the ankle is swollen. I'm afraid you are suffering every step of walking now.

Charlotte hummed coldly

You have all the complications of late diabetes, retinopathy, kidney disease, cataract, albuminuria and hypertension. You said you were not sick when you were so sick? "

"I'm... I'm not sick!"

Li Zhongda's body could not help shaking. Everyone could see that he was a little flustered.


Chu Yue looked at all this in silence, his face very pale.

When recruiting private doctors at that time, he remembered that Li Zhongda had taken a health certificate to show him. In addition to some old people's ailments, he could be said to be growing old and strong.

"I'm sorry, father. I'll find out as soon as possible." Chu Zhenhai was ashamed because he had recruited Li Zhongda.

"Look at it first."

Chu Yue narrowed his eyes slightly.

Li Zhongda refused to say that he was ill when he died!

Because once he admits, let alone get the supreme black dragon card, the Chu family will not destroy him.

"Well, since you won't admit it, let's use the simplest method to verify it..."

Charlotte bowed his head with a smile, threw two bowls of rice in front of Li Zhongda, "here, don't you say you're not sick? If you eat it, you can eat two bowls without illness. "


Li Zhongda looked at the two bowls of rice with great fear, and his teeth trembled. "I don't want to eat. I've just had enough. I... I can't eat any more!"

"But doctor Li, you didn't eat anything just now..." Chu Zijin frowned and reminded.

"Yes... Yes? Well... Well. "

Li Zhongda wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then said: "I'll go to the toilet, and I'll be back soon."

"I think you're going to inject insulin!"

Charlotte yelled.

Li Zhongda shakes all over, then turns his head and stares at Charlotte angrily, hoping to tear him to pieces.

"I said Dr. Li, don't pack it. Do you dare to show us what you have in your pocket?"

Charlotte hummed coldly. Under his blood, Li Zhongda's insulin syringe in his coat pocket had a panoramic view.

"Dr. Li?" Zhu Zhenhai scolded, "what's going on? Do you have diabetes?"

"No... no, I didn't!"

Li Zhongda shook his head desperately. Suddenly he fell to the ground.

Chu Zhenhai, with a black face, waved his hand.

Kong Wu's powerful black beard and lard forced Li Zhongda to feed him two bowls of rice. Just finished eating, the latter busily took out a syringe from his pocket and stabbed it into the thickest vein of his wrist

Everyone was silent.

With a cigarette in her mouth, k-ma puffed out the smoke

"Why? Li Zhongda is a famous doctor. How can he even cure his diabetes? Are all his previous Honors fake... "

"That's not the case."

Bai Suyou shook his head. "Li Zhongda is one of the members of the traditional Chinese Medicine Association. This position is unstable without absolute strength."

"Let me guess."

Charlotte made a sound again. Looking at Li Zhongda with hate on his face, she said faintly:

"I guess Dr. Lee has already realized his diabetes, but he is a Chinese Medicine Association and a famous doctor in the south of the Yangtze River. He will not go to the hospital for treatment. Days and months multiplying, and the process is very difficult. Obviously, Dr. Lee did not insist on it, which caused diabetes to increase again and again, and eventually to an advanced stage.

"Oh, it's pathetic."


At the end of Charlotte's speech, Li Zhongda seemed to have been drained of all his strength and collapsed to the ground powerlessly. Then he burst out nervously and pinched Charlotte's neck with both hands!

"Little black!"

Chu Yue yelled angrily. Blackbeard immediately stepped forward and kicked Li Zhongda a few meters.

As he vomited blood, he cried, "why... Why do you want to say it!! I hate you... I hate you... You ruined me... "

Chu Zhenhai waved, and several members of Wuyue League pulled the goods out.

The banquet hall is clean.

Everyone looked at Charlotte with a very amazing look, only lard was still very upset, thinking about how to deal with the boy.

"Charlotte, how do you see he has diabetes?"

Bai Su asked Charlotte with interest.

"The so-called four diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine, namely, seeing, smelling, asking and cutting, naturally come from my observation."

Charlotte smiles.

"That's great!"

Bai Su couldn't help praising and sighing

"Well, many of the old generation of traditional Chinese medicine have this problem now. It's more effective to use western medicine for their diseases, but they can't save face and make the disease worse... Why?"

"Either they're stupid, or they're not good enough."

Charlotte said lightly, "in fact, Chinese medicine may not cure the advanced stage of diabetes in a short time."

"Ah?" "What is it?" he said, "how can you cure diabetes in a short time?"

All the presidents of Wuyue League, including the Chu family, listened to the debate with great interest.


Charlotte laughed. "Dr. white, you are still too young."

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