"I'm so hungry."

Charlotte felt his stomach. It seemed that he hadn't eaten for more than ten hours.

There is a commercial street under Shengshi building. Charlotte bought a Jinyun pancake and went to the revolving door of the building while eating it.


"For what?"

Just a few steps before Charlotte was stopped by two security guards.

One of them, a strong security guard with dark skin and over 30 years old, saw that Xia Luo was dressed like a four bag disciple of the beggars' sect, and opened his mouth to scold him

"Dead migrant workers don't have eyes. Is this your begging place? Get out of here

Charlotte rolled his eyes: "I'm here to ask for your sister's food. I'm here to apply for bodyguard. Please tell your chairman to come out."

"I don't think you're happy..."

Another skinny security guard pulls out a rubber baton from the back of his waist and is going to teach Charlotte a lesson.

At this moment, a majestic voice came to drink.

"You two, step back."

"Uncle Qi."

"Uncle Qi."

I saw a well-dressed old man over 50 years old walking out of the revolving gate.

As soon as he appeared, the two security guards turned into pugs and licked them with a smile.

Uncle Qi went straight to Charlotte, glanced at half of the pancakes in his hand, frowned and said, "are you the one introduced by the old man?"

"Next Charlotte, not yet."

Charlotte salutes with her fist according to the rules of the world. Because he could see that this man had a steady gait and a fine eye. He was also a warrior.

"My name is Qi Zhong, the chairman's driver, bodyguard and housekeeper. You can call me uncle Qi as they do."

Uncle Qi looked slightly serious: "let's go, Dong Lin has been waiting for you for a long time."

Charlotte thought that the old man had a lot of part-time jobs, and then walked into the revolving door with him.

Along the way, uncle Qi introduced Shengshi group, one of the top ten enterprises in Songjiang city. Lin Yuanshan, chairman of the board of directors, was named one of the top ten outstanding entrepreneurs in Jiangnan last year. He was only 45 years old and worth more than one billion yuan.

As the business grew, Lin Yuanshan also provoked some evil spirits in the society. Coincidentally, his father knew the leader of a mysterious organization, so he asked his father to help him choose a bodyguard to protect his daughter.

Charlotte was so lucky to be chosen.


Conference room on the third floor.

Qi Zhong came out of the room and closed the door

"The chairman is still in a meeting. Just a moment, I'll pour you a glass of water."

"Well, I'm just a little thirsty."

Charlotte chewed the pancakes and grinned.

As soon as Qi Zhong left, there was a rush of "Deng Deng Deng" high heels in the hall downstairs, and then a girl's angry scolding.

"Zhang Facai! I said, it's impossible for us. Can you stop pestering me all the time? "

"Wanru, I really like you. Just give me a chance. I promise I will treat you all my life."

Charlotte looked down with interest. In the hall, a stout young man in a Versace white suit, holding a delicate rose, confessed to a girl.

"I'll go. It's beautiful!"

The sight moves to that girl's body's instantaneous, Charlotte two eyes fierce bright!

The girl is about seventeen or eighteen years old. She is tall and slim. She has 170cm in high heels.

A little curly long hair of champagne color, falling down the waist, just like a touch of golden light on the snow shoulder, reflecting the white and pretty face. Plump lips, cool and proud temperament, supermodel level legs, almost can kill 80% of the entertainment group of female stars.

Zhang Facai, a short, rich and ugly man, did not know who had the courage to ask for love from such a goddess?

"Wanru, my father and uncle Lin are close friends, and we are childhood friends. If our two families can get married, Shengshi group and Tianmao group will join hands in the future, and they will definitely dominate Songjiang city! "

Zhang Facai kneels on one knee, holds a rose in his hand, and looks at Lin Wanru affectionately.

"Damn it, little bitch, when I catch up with you, I'll make sure you can't get out of bed every day." His blazing eyes swept past Lin Wanru.

"Don't dream."

Lin Wanru's delicate and cool face is as cold as an iceberg.

The ice and snow goddess said: "Zhang Facai, I solemnly tell you! I can't be with people like you today unless there's pie in the sky. "


Zhang Fa was so angry that he gritted his teeth. He thought that the little Lin princess was hard to catch up with. The flower luxury car attack on ordinary girls had no effect on her.


All of a sudden, a half eaten pancake fell at Lin Wanru's feet.

She's a complete fool.


"I wipe it?"

Zhang Facai was stunned for two seconds. At the next moment, he picked up the half of the pancake and climbed up, "ha ha ha ha, Wan Ru! Wan Ru, do you see that there is pie in the sky? God wants us to be together

"Get out of here!"

Lin Wanru pushes Zhang Facai away and looks to the third floor. She sees Charlotte lying on the railing, waving to her with a smile.


Lin Wanru clenched Xiuquan, stepped on high-heeled shoes and rushed up to the third floor, pointing to Charlotte's nose

"Which department of yours dares to play with Miss Ben? Believe it or not, I can let you go!"

"Playing with you?"

Charlotte was stunned when she heard this, and her eyes swept over Lin Wanru's slender and tight legs

"Well, beauty, don't think you are beautiful, you can wrongly a good man. The first time we met, I didn't play with you. "

"You... Shut up, thief, I'll fight with you!"

Lin Wanru had never been teased like this before. She waved Xiuquan and threw it at Charlotte.

But where is Charlotte's rival?

"Pa!" With a crisp sound, the body collides with the body, and Lin Wanru's white wrist is held by Charlotte, unable to move.

"Lewd thief, you want to die. Let me go."

"Let go of that girl!"

At this time, Zhang Facai rushed to the third floor, panting for Charlotte.

Charlotte lifted his 42 foot soleplate, printed on Zhang Facai's fat face, and kicked him seven or eight meters away.

"Are you crazy?" Lin Wanru looks at Charlotte in horror, "Zhang Facai's father is Zhang zhuangfu. He is a gangster. He can kill you every minute."

"Well, let him come."

Charlotte doesn't care. He has even assassinated warlords, and he's afraid of the old fool in a second tier city?

"You two, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, behind Charlotte and Lin Wanru came a mature voice.

I don't know when the door of the conference room opened, and more than a dozen group backbones in suits and shoes came out, looking at the two people holding together in surprise.

Among them, Qi Zhong stood beside a tall and straight man with a mustache. He was carrying his hands and looking at Charlotte solemnly.

"Daddy! This man... He bullies me. I don't want to see him in the company any more. " Lin Wanru rushed into Lin Yuanshan's arms and began to cry wrongly.

"It's OK. Dad is here. Dad is in charge for you."

Lin Yuanshan comforted Lin Wanru, then looked up and down at Charlotte, "are you the Charlotte that Jiuye said?"

"Hello, uncle Lin." Charlotte nodded.

"Not bad."

Lin Yuanshan spat out two words, then shook his head, "it's just too young."

In fact, Lin Yuanshan was not very satisfied with the first time he saw Charlotte.

He thought that when his father discussed with Jiu Ye, "young" was at least a 30-year-old battlefield veteran, but Charlotte was 20 years old in appearance.

How can such a childish young man protect his precious daughter?

"What is too young? What do you mean, daddy Lin Wanru was puzzled.

"Miss, this is the bodyguard that the chairman of the board of directors found for you, Charlotte. He comes from a mysterious organization." Qi Zhong smiles and introduces.

"What?! Bodyguards? "

Lin Wanru came out of Lin Yuanshan's arms, and her beautiful eyes widened, "Dad, are you taking the right medicine? Why are you looking for a bodyguard for me for no reason

"What is puzzling? Did you forget that we were attacked by bandits when we went to Yangshan for our holiday last time?"

Lin Yuanshan's face hardened, "this matter, I have decided."


Lin Wanru stamped her little foot, and her teeth clenched with anger.

But she knows in her heart that although her father dotes on her, no one can change his decision at the critical moment.

"Qi Zhong!" Lin Yuanshan said softly.


"Try his hand."


Qi Zhong was ordered to stand in front of Charlotte. His thin body had the smell of Cangshan pine.

"Hum, uncle Qi is a master who can fight more than ten strong men with swords. This boy is dead." Lin Wanru is very confident in Qi Zhong's strength.

"You have to be careful, little brother." Qi Zhong twisted his wrist.


Charlotte dug his nose and said, "come on."

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