"What does that kid want?"

When they went along the road, they saw Charlotte rushing down the hillside and meeting a 90 degree curve. But instead of slowing down, he stepped on the gas!

This posture, as if not to bend, but to hit the railing!!

"It's over. The braker must have failed."

"A cool song."


The crowd was frightened and rushed down from a place more than ten meters high. It was no different from looking for death.

"Charlotte! Charlotte Jing Xiaoqian was afraid and cried out in horror, "help him, who's going to help him!"

Everyone is indifferent. How can NIMA save her? Unless we get Superman.

The bald man snorted in his heart, "you deserve it! Good death. You deserve to beat me

But Yang Kun's brow is locked. It seems that qiumingshan will make the headlines tomorrow. It's a troublesome thing. Brother Lema is sure to scold him to death.

"He's coming down!" Someone called.

The front of Wuling Hongguang's car hit the railings. The headlights were broken and the railings were broken. The car body was thrown into the air and flew towards them.

"Everybody back up!" Yang Kun yelled, and the crowd began to move back. Many people also took out their mobile phones and took small videos.

At this moment, the air seemed to solidify.

Jing Xiaoqian's eyes widened and she prayed for Charlotte.

Two seconds later, with "bang!" With a loud bang, Wuling Hongguang smashed on the track. The huge gravitational potential energy caused the car body to shrivel down and the glass debris to fly everywhere.

"Lying trough!"

Charlotte kicked the door open and ran out.

Just after a few steps, there was a terrible explosion behind him. It was like shooting an American blockbuster.

"Hoo... Hoo, it's dangerous. It's almost GG."

Charlotte sat on the grass beside the track, wiping the sweat on his forehead, "what's the matter with you?"

He looked around strangely.

All the melon eaters were stupefied. Only Jing Xiaoqian came up and put her arms around his neck.

"Great, Charlotte, you're OK!"

"Ha ha, I've already said that I've never lost a bet in my life." Charlotte smiles.

At this time, Yuan Linlin's Lamborghini was late.

After she crossed the finish line, she got out of the car and looked at the Wuling Hongguang, which was burning in flames.

"This... What's the situation?"

"Damn, this boy belongs to Xiaoqiang. His life is so hard that he will not die like this!" The people around them were staring at Charlotte like crazy people.

For a time, Yang Kun was silly, holding the referee flag, and didn't know how to judge.

"Bring it."

At this time, Charlotte went to Yuan Linlin and opened her hand with a smile.

"Take... Take what?"

"Pretend to be stupid. You bring the car keys. I won."

Charlotte pointed to his Wuling Hongguang, and people noticed that when Charlotte rushed down from the top of the mountain, he had already crossed the finish line.

Yuan Linlin arrived at the end later.

"I lost?"

Yuan Linlin was stunned for a moment, suddenly changed her face, "no! You're cheating. It's not counting. It's me who won! "

"You said that as long as you drive to the end, you can drive back. How do you care about me? I'm not off the track again. Which rule did I break? "

Charlotte hugged her arms and sneered.

"No matter what you say, I won't admit that I lost. You are cheating!"

Yuan Linlin's face turned black, and she obviously wanted to go back.

Charlotte went forward and took the key from her. Not far from the bald guy see, quickly with people around the past.

"Boy, give me the key, or you won't leave Qiuming mountain alive today."

"Why do you want to fight?"

Charlotte put the car keys around her fingertips twice, in a leisurely tone, without fear.

"Well, Charlotte, I admit you can fight, but if you can fight again, you can still fight twelve? Oh, no, plus me, it's Thirteen! "

The bald man stood in front of the twelve little brothers and said, "MLGBD, little bunny, didn't you just be a bull? Try another bull, come on, hit me, you


Charlotte had never seen such a strange request in her life, so she threw him a loud slap in the face and made everyone beside her look silly.

"Brother bald?"

A stout young man with a height of 1.9 meters was stunned.

"What are you doing? Fuck him! Blow him up The bald guy is mad. He didn't expect Charlotte to be so crazy and dare to beat him in front of so many younger brothers.

"Kill him!"

The twelve little brothers immediately went to Charlotte in a fierce manner, rubbing their fists, and their fists crackled.

"He's dead." Yuan Linlin sneered in her eyes.

"They're dead." Jing Xiaoqian is also sneering.

Charlotte looked at these people, shook his head, and then three five divided by two put them all on the ground, fast hand, bald man, Yang Kun several people did not respond, the battle is over.


"It hurts, my arm..."

"I'm dying. It hurts!"

"Ambulance, ambulance!"

There was a howl on the lawn. It was quiet all around.

Charlotte didn't know where to take out a cigarette, put it in her mouth, and then picked her chin at the bald man.

"Lo... Lo, you... You smoke."

The bald man took out a silver lighter from his trouser pocket I'll light it for him. His hands are shaking.

Charlotte smoked twice, pressed the cigarette end on the bald man's head, a scream!

"Ah, ah, ah!"

"Cry! Call you? Labor and capital are burning incense scar for you! "

Charlotte kicked him a few feet, bald man pain facial muscle twitch, alive by Charlotte burned eight incense scar.

"You... What do you want to do?"

Yuan Linlin's face turned white when she saw Charlotte finally coming towards her.

Charlotte went to her and said, "get out of here!", Then go straight to the Lamborghini Huracan.

"Well, good, good, good car."

Charlotte stroked the curve of the car body, very satisfied, he finally has a sports car of his own.

Huracan "hurricane" is a sports car released by Lamborghini at the end of 2013. It adopts carbon fiber structure to reduce the weight of the car. The domestic price is 5.6 million yuan.

How could Charlotte really not understand cars?

He just pretended he didn't understand.

When he was nine years old, he was familiar with all kinds of transportation, ranging from battery cars and motorcycles to tanks and bombers. When he had nothing to do, he raced with CIA agents on the streets of the United States. He had never been caught.

After leaving Qiuming mountain, Yang Kun instructs his younger brother to clean up the scrapped Wuling Hongguang, and takes the bald man and others to the hospital, which makes him very tired.

"Xiaokun, what's the matter?"

At this time, a slightly mature man's voice sounded.

Yang Kun turned his head and saw a man in a suit standing in front of him. He was about thirty years old. He was tired from work and had the edge of a young man.


When Yang Kun saw this man, he was awed!

This man, however, is the boss of their TGR super run club. He is one of the few four in Songjiang. At the same time, he is also the holder of qiumingshan's single lap record——

Si Le Ma!

"What? Rush down from the top of the mountain and win Linlin a calf

After hearing what happened to Yang Kun, Si Lema was very surprised. He also felt that the guy named Charlotte was very interesting.

"Boss, he beat a lot of us. Do you want to find someone on the road..."

Yang Kun's eyes are dark and ruthless, and he makes a move to wipe his neck.

At the corner of his mouth, Sima stirred up a bit of fun and pointed his fingers

"Tell the Wuling Hongguang that at 6:30 p.m. on the 1st of next month, my sile horse will wait for him in Qiuming mountain."

"If he can beat me, he can pick three cars in the garage!"


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