"What's this son of a bitch talking about?"

"Security! Security guard! "

Charlotte's words immediately attracted great dissatisfaction from doctors.

Ding Xuefeng blushed with anger and his neck was thick. "Dean, let's call the police immediately and arrest the boy with unknown origin!"

"Wait a minute."

Li Chunchi waved his hand and said to Charlotte, "go on."


Charlotte snorted coldly, "to tell you the truth, I didn't want to wade in this muddy water. I don't know the old man. What's the matter with me if I die?"

"Boy, you want to die..." Chu Zijin's eyes immediately burst out murderous.

Charlotte continued: "but Bai Su begged me several times. I was moved by her spirit and agreed to help. In other words, the old man has half the credit for being alive. "

"This guy..."

Bai Suyi's beautiful eyes were staring at Charlotte, and her nose suddenly became sour.

"And you?"

Charlotte turned her eyes to Ding Xuefeng and other doctors and asked, "what have you done? What else can you do but watch the patient die? "


Ding Xuefeng clenched his teeth, "surnamed Xia, even if you are eloquent today, you can't change the mistakes made by Bai Su in principle... And you can't escape the relationship if you dare to take a scalpel without a medical license!"

"Stop it."

Bai Su said, looking at Charlotte gratefully, "thank you for speaking for me, but it's all my fault. If you want to catch me, catch me."

"White! When is the time, you still talk for him... "Ding Xuefeng yelled angrily.

"All right."

At this time, Chu Zhenhai, who had never spoken, waved his hand and motioned Ding Xuefeng to shut up.

"Mr. Chu! The boy... "

"I told you to shut up!"

Chu Zhenhai was angry and glared at Ding Xuefeng, who turned red and immediately closed his mouth.

Chu Zhenhai then looked at Charlotte and Bai Su, "you two, anyway, thank you for saving my father's life."

"Dad! What are you talking about? They almost killed my grandfather! " Chu Zijin was not happy.


Chu Zhenhai turned around and scolded Chu Zijin, "can't you see clearly? If Dr. Bai and Dr. Xia didn't make such a bad decision, would my father still be able to survive? "

"But..." Chu Zijin clenched his silver teeth, but he had to admit this fact.

"Premier Li, let's call it a day. After all, the two doctors are the saviors of Wuyue League." Chu Zhenhai said to Li Chunchi.

"Well, it's the best way to do it."

Li Chunchi thought about it, but he could only nod his head and agree. Not to mention that Wuyue League is powerful in Songjiang City, and a hospital in their city can't afford to lose this person.

"What? Calm down, Dean, we can't! " Ding Xuefeng dissuades.

"I told you to shut up!"

Chu Zhenhai saw that the goods still dare to beep. He just kicked Ding Xuefeng from one end of the corridor to the other. He couldn't get up for a long time.

See Chu Zhenhai start, other doctors are scared pale, who dare to say what

Then, more than 20 doctors dispersed and returned to work. Xia Luo is asked to leave by Chu Zhenhai, while Bai Su is called away by Li Chunchi.

Li Chunchi carefully inquired about the operation process and was stunned.

Not only in the operation process did not appear the slightest error, even the last bleeding, are perfectly controlled, simply immortal means ah!

"Who on earth is that boy?" Li Chunchi stroked his beard and his face was incredible.

"I don't know. I've only known him for a week. He's the best surgeon I've ever met."

Bai Su said, and suddenly thought that when she was accused by thousands of people, it was the man she hated. She resolutely stood up and spoke for herself.

It moved her.

Outside the hospital.

Charlotte told Chu Zhenhai some postoperative precautions, and told him that the patient must not be angry, the mentality must be good.

"Yes, Dr. Xia's words must be remembered by Chu."

Chu Zhenhai was very respectful.

At this time, the cell phone in Charlotte's pocket rang. He took it out and saw that it was Yi Xiao.

"I'll take a call first."

"Dr. Xia is free."

Hello, sister Yi, what's the matter

"Xiao Luo! Are you free now? I was entangled by Liu Yongjian in the office. He blocked the door and said that I would not leave without eating with him today. "

"I fucked a DJ!"

Charlotte suddenly burst a rude sentence, Chu Zhenhai heard a Leng Leng, Chu Zijin cold hum, also the doctor, the mouth is so dirty.

"Dr. Xia, are you in any trouble?" Chu Zhenhai came over and said, "tell me, I'll help you solve it."


Charlotte immediately thought of a person, hang up the phone, immediately dial the Niang gun male Xu Xiao's phone.

Before, Yi Xiao was cheated by her aunt to go on a blind date and met Xu Xiao. He assured Charlotte that he had something to find him.

A few seconds later, Xu Xiao got through, "Hello, Xiao Luo, what's the matter?"

"Brother Xiao." Charlotte laughed. "I do have something to do with it."

"Well, well, go ahead."

Xu Xiao's face was slightly displeased. That day, he just said a polite word, but he didn't think this boy should take it seriously

"My cousin is blocked by a hooligan at the door of the office now. Brother Xiao, don't you say you know a lot of people in Songjiang? Well, you can settle this matter. " Charlotte laughs.


When Xu Xiao heard this, he became angry. "MLGBD, who is so brave to bully Miss Yi! Xiao Luo, tell me the address and I'll send someone to deal with it right away! "

"OK, the address is teaching building, B District, Songjiang University..."

Charlotte quickly told Xu Xiao the address and hung up.


In the office of a company, Xu Xiao put out his cigarette end in the ashtray and yelled at the door: "a Biao!"

"Xu Shao!"

Outside the door came a man with a skull tattooed on his neck, "what's the matter?"

"Take a few people and help me get someone back. Remember to keep things hidden." Xu Xiao's voice was gloomy.

"Don't worry, Xu Shao. Are we still doing less?"

A Biao gave a relaxed smile.

Later, Xu Xiao told a Biao the address, and a Biao immediately set out to get Liu Yongjian back.

When Liu Yongjian was conscious, he found himself lying on an operating table with several doctors wearing masks on his stomach.

"Ah! You... What are you doing

Liu Yongjian suddenly wakes up and struggles violently, but his hands and feet are tied, so he can only raise his head

The next moment, the nightmare like scene in front of him scared him out of his soul.

He was cut open. Several doctors were removing his organs one by one from his body and putting them on the plate beside him. There was blood everywhere

"Give him another shot of tranquilizer!"

Cried a grey haired male doctor in his fifties.

"No, doctor Zhou. He fainted." The assistant pointed.

"Oh, go on."

Gray hair male doctor calm left kidney from Liu Yongjian cut down, ordered.

Since then, the gold medal football coach of Songjiang University has mysteriously disappeared, and no one can trace him.

Yi Xiao praises Charlotte for her great power. Liu Yongjian never bothers her again.

Charlotte is also lazy to ask Xu Xiao where Liu Yongjian has gone, and gladly accepts the credit.

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