At the end of a boring course, Charlotte rushed to Jishitang in the center of the city to buy a large number of herbs.

Now he has a fortune of 60 million, and he has the confidence to buy things.

He really wanted to buy a panacea, but manager Hu of Jishitang didn't even know what the panacea was, so he had to give up.

This kind of supernatural creature is rare in the world. Even in Changbai Mountains, where Zhong Lingyu is beautiful, it is difficult to find one.

After going home, Charlotte made several bottles of Xiulian powder in the microwave oven. When she went out to the toilet, she found that the two young ladies had not come back.

He quickly made a phone call, "Hello, Xiao Xi, where are you? Why don't you go home? "

"Oh, we're having dinner. Today, the student union cadres are having a dinner together. Lin Jiaoyang's treat! Hee hee Wang Yuxi said with a smile.

"Lin Jiaoyang's treat?" Charlotte frowned. "Where is it?"

"The juxianzhuang hotel in the south of the city is far away. Do you want to come here?"

"Wait for me."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Jiaoyang leaned over his head and said, "Xiao Xi, who is it?"

"It's Charlotte. He said he was coming."

Wang Yuxi's words changed Lin Jiaoyang's face. He couldn't help thinking about the last magic show. It was this boy who destroyed his plan.?

"Definitely before he comes, take down Lin Wanru!"

Lin Jiaoyang narrowed his eyes.

"This starving ghost, our student union cadres have dinner together. What's he doing here?" Lin Wanru turned her lips. She drank a lot of wine and her face was a little flushed. "I'm so dizzy. I seem to be a little drunk."

At this time, Lin Jiaoyang asked the waiter to bring a cup of strong tea.

When he took it, he put a packet of white powder between his little finger and ring finger, sprinkled it into the tea, and then quickly retracted his sleeve.

It was so fast that no one could see it. Of course, there were a group of drunk guys nearby, and they couldn't see what he was doing.

"Wanru, have a cup of tea, it's the antidote."

"Thank you."

Lin Wanru took the strong tea and took a big sip. She shriveled her mouth and said, "it tastes so strange."

"The characteristics of their hotel."

Lin Jiaoyang smiles a little. Although he has drunk a lot of wine, he has a certain resistance to alcohol and is still conscious.

He watched Lin Wanru drink all the strong tea, then slowly fell asleep on the table.

"It's done."

Lin Jiaoyang smiles. When Wang Yuxi leaves, he takes Lin Wanru to a suite on the sixth floor.

After locking the door, Lin Jiaoyang throws Lin Wanru on the bed.

"Well, my head hurts..."

Lin Wanru's eyebrows were frowning, and her consciousness was completely in a vague state.

Exhale like a orchid.

Two very long legs on the bed.

There is no man in the world who can control his delicate figure, beautiful face like an angel, and pure and precious temperament.


Lin Jiaoyang swallowed his saliva, and a stream of evil fire gradually came up from the depth of his body, but he soon tried his best to suppress it.


Before his master sent him, he was ordered to warn him that Lin Wanru's death must be made a disaster, and Lin Yuanshan must not suspect him.

It was for this reason that he tried every means to lay out a plan to kill Lin Wanru in the form of "disaster".

Then her body, oneself also can't touch, otherwise be checked out by the police is bad.


Lin Jiaoyang gets up, walks into the bathroom, fills the bathtub with water, and prepares to drown Lin Wanru.

By this time, Charlotte had just arrived at the hotel.

"Xiao Xi!"

Charlotte finds Wang Yuxi, who is drunk. She is wrestling with a boy, "what about Wanru? Where has she been? "

"Ah? Wan Ru, isn't it there... "

Wang Yuxi turned his head and found that Lin Wanru, who had been sleeping on the table, had long been out of sight? She was just there


Charlotte frowned. He had a bad feeling.


On the corridor on the sixth floor.

A drunken drunkard, with a bottle of wine, went to room 6203 while pouring.

"6320... Well, here it is."

The drunkard shakes his head, takes out his exit card and brushes it on the door guard.

"Why? Why can't we? This is not a hotel! "

The drunkard even failed to brush several times, so angry that he kicked the door hard, "open the door, open the door!"

Lin Jiaoyang, who was working inside, frowned and thought, "how can Charlotte move so fast?"?

He went to the door and took a look, only to find that it was not Charlotte.

"What do you want, drunkard?"

After Lin Jiaoyang opened the door, he looked at the drunkard in front of him unhappily.

"Who the hell are you?"

When the drunkard saw that there was someone in his room, he was very angry. "What are you doing in my room? Get out of here!"


Lin Jiaoyang's face was cold. "I'll give you three seconds to go away, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite..."


The drunkard was immediately happy and burst into laughter, "ha ha, I'm scared to death, I'm so scared! Ben has been fooling around for more than ten years, but no one dares to be rude to me. Why don't you give me a try? "


As soon as the words came to an end, Lin Jiaoyang slapped him out and knocked him against the wall.

"Ah... Grass, little bunny, you... You want to die!"

The drunkard fell to the ground and vomited blood. When he found that two of his back teeth had been taken out, he suddenly became very angry, "wait for me!"

With that, he took out his cell phone and wanted to call someone.

How can Lin Jiaoyang give him this opportunity? He grabbed his mobile phone and slapped it on his face!


There was another scream. The screen of the mobile phone burst into a snowflake. The drunk's nose was bleeding and his front teeth were cracked.

Lin Jiaoyang's eyes were cold and overcast. When he was thinking about whether to kill the man together, he drank fiercely

"Lin Jiaoyang, what are you doing?"


When Lin Jiaoyang heard this voice, he cried out that it was not good. When he looked back, it was Charlotte who found him, and Wang Yuxi was behind him.

"Lin Jiaoyang... Where did you get Wan ru?" Charlotte was approaching, his voice full of anger.

"Charlotte, Xiao Xi, that's great. You're here at last!"

In a flash, Lin Jiaoyang's face showed a happy expression, but in his heart there were millions of grass mud horses running by!

"Lin Jiaoyang, what's the matter? Who is he and where is Wanru? " Wang Yuxi rushed to ask.

"Wanru is inside. This guy, who wants to do something wrong with Wanru, is caught by me!"

Lin Jiaoyang was awe inspiring. Seeing that the drunkard wanted to talk, he slapped him in the face again.

"Pa, PA, PA! How dare you do this to my cousin, you scum, beast! I'll kill you! "

Lin Jiaoyang rides on the drunkard and beats him. Charlotte wants to laugh. It's a pity that he doesn't go to Hollywood because of his acting skills.

Wang Yuxi rushed into the suite.

At this time, Charlotte also saw the guy who was beaten by Lin Jiaoyang, "Damn, Xu Xiao!"

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