More and more hotels are the property of Wanjia, a rising family of Yingtian. Although this family is not as good as Vientiane group or even Tianyi group, it is also a family with good qualifications. At present, it is still rising. It is not known how far it will go in the future. At least, it is more smooth all the way now.

More and more hotels are also one of the main industries of ten thousand families. More and more hotels are relatively high-end places in Yingtian City, so it is somewhat surprising that a group of graduates can come to such places to hold graduation parties. After all, they are all students without financial resources.

In fact, today's graduation party needs to pay the money, we have not paid, the monitor said, the money is a treat, who is specific, when it comes to know, the students will be relieved to come, anyway, someone invited.

There are people playing games in the Queen's hall early now, and laughter comes from time to time. They are all graduates in their early twenties, and people are coming from time to time.

At the moment, Xu Zhendong and Su Yike arrive. They open the door, and all the people inside look at them. Especially, they see Su Yike's dress today, white skirt, white skin, slim legs and lace sling. They are like fairies coming down to earth, attracting the eyes of many boys.

At the same time saw Xu Zhendong accompany in his side, some surprised, but also did not care, think two people should be just arrived at the same time.

"Su Da beauty, you are so beautiful today!"

A boy came up and couldn't help praising him.

"Yes, today will be the last dinner in our university. I didn't expect you to surprise the audience this time."

"Hey, you boys are a little over the top. It's a blow to us to say amazing the whole audience in front of us."

Some girls are not convinced, but from their eyes to see the envy.

Xu Zhendong is naturally ignored. He is not very conspicuous in the class at ordinary times. In addition, he is accompanied by beautiful women. Naturally, boys prefer beautiful women, and girls don't think Xu Zhendong is outstanding. On the contrary, there are pitiful eyes cast over, it should be pitiful that he was dumped after graduation.

Xu Zhendong didn't care about these. He walked in quietly, very calm. After he went in, he poured a glass of wine and drank it gently.

"Zhendong, don't be sad. A woman like Li Qingluo doesn't deserve to be sad for her!"

Suddenly, a big hand patted Xu Zhendong on the shoulder. He was Tang Chaoshi, a well-known rich man in the class, and he was also Xu Zhendong's roommate. As for whose dandy he was, he didn't say, and no one knew. He just knew that he was a second generation, and he wasn't from Yingtian city.

"Thank you, Chaoshi. I'm fine. It's over. Li Qingluo has become a past tense." Xu Zhendong's heart has been completely put down. Such a woman is not worth his nostalgia, especially after Huangya Pavilion, he feels that Li Qingluo is disgusted.

"It's your smile. Seeing your smile, I know you really put it down." Tang Chaoshi said, the Mou light lightly Piao one eye Su Yi Ke, say: "you two together, should not be coincidence?"? No, you two are, aren't you

"What do you mean, we just happened to meet in a hospital." Xu Zhendong mouth is still hanging a faint smile, said: "what are you going to graduate?"

"I don't know. The old man told me to go home. Anyway, I'll play for a while and think about work. If you haven't found a job yet, I may be able to help you, but if you want to come to Yanjing, I can't guarantee you."

What Tang Chaoshi said is very natural and guaranteed. Xu Zhendong knows that this man is righteous and does what he says. He is very grateful.

Looking for a job after graduation has become the theme of the whole reception. Now people have not arrived, but this topic has risen up. Some people are happy and others are worried. It is difficult for Chinese medicine majors to find a job, and those who find a job are envied.

"In fact, the best one is Li Qingluo. She found a rich second-generation boyfriend just after graduation. I don't think she will have to work any more. It's great to be a rich wife at home after marriage."

"That's the son of Tianyi group. Although Tianyi group doesn't have the dominant position of Vientiane group in Yingtian City, it's also one of the largest enterprises in the world. It should be a multi billion enterprise."

"If only I could meet such a second generation. It's really hard for Chinese medicine to find a job. All the lucky people have already found a job, and I can't find a relationship with my family. I knew I would not study Chinese medicine."

Some girls are envious, others are also full of envious look in their eyes.

"You say this topic is appropriate. Xu Zhendong is still here!"

Finally, some people can't look down on it. These girls are too snobbish and blatant. They don't care about Xu Zhendong at all.

"Hum, who's to blame? Qingluo finds a better boyfriend with her own skills. Xu Zhendong is just a boy from outside. He can't compare with the childe of Tianyi group. If I were to break up with the childe of Tianyi group, I would be a fool."

"That is, if I, I also share, now I have found a job. Qingluo told me a few days ago that Xu Zhendong had run all over Yingtian city and no one wanted him. What did he take to support Qingluo? Such a man deserves to be separated."

"What's the use of having good grades in school? It's not up to the society. Therefore, Xu Zhendong's excellent performance in school can't help the society at all. He doesn't even have an internship opportunity. He deserves to be dumped!"

Now, not only girls, but even individual boys deserve to be dumped by Xu Zhendong, who make complaints about their achievements in school.

"All of you are so special, shut up Tang Chaoshi suddenly roared loudly, and everyone was calm. He was still afraid of the mysterious second generation in his class. Tang Chaoshi stared at the crowd fiercely, "Xu Zhendong is our classmate. We miss our classmate. Don't we have any feelings at all? Is it necessary for you to be so unkind? "

"What everyone says is the truth. Is it wrong to say the truth?"

When all the people were stopped by Tang Chaoshi, a clear voice came from the door. This familiar voice aroused people's eyes. The door was pushed open, and Li Qingluo stood at the door, with a man standing beside him, holding hands, with a sweet face.

It's Li Qingluo and Peng Renhuai!

What she said just now is undoubtedly what Li Qingluo said. She is arrogant and holds her head high, as if she is the most dazzling star here and wants to illuminate everyone.

"Wow, is this Li Qingluo's second-generation boyfriend? It's so handsome. At first glance, it's the kind with a lot of money. "

"It's him. I've seen him in my circle of friends. He's so stylish. No wonder Qingluo dumped Xu Zhendong without hesitation. It's really a wise choice."

Those girls began to whisper, full of envy eyes cast, Li Qingluo is very enjoy such eyes, arrogant like a white swan, holding her boyfriend's wrist slowly come in.

"Peng Renhuai?" Tang Chaoshi walked over, looked at him contemptuously, and said, "today is the graduation party of our class. Please go out."

"Chaoshi, what are you doing..."

Someone tried to persuade him, but before he finished, Peng Renhuai gave a cold hum.

"Today, you can hold a graduation party in a place of just high grade like hotel because of me. Without me, you can't even enter the door. If you want to go out, I think it's you?" Peng Renhuai didn't care and looked at him contemptuously.

Everyone in the class was confused and confused.

The monitor quickly stood up and explained, "Mr. Peng is right. Today's graduation party was invited by Mr. Peng, and all the expenses were covered. Otherwise, our class would not have the chance to hold a graduation party in such a high-end place. Mr. Peng invited everyone in the name of Li Qingluo in the face of Li Qingluo, so he is not an outsider, It's our job. "

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