"Zhendong, thank you. Without you, we students who have just graduated will not have the chance to have dinner in such a high-end place. This is the last dinner for our class."

The monitor looks at Xu Zhendong with a smile. Even a fool can see that Xu Zhendong is here.

"Zhendong, I'm sorry, the previous words are a little extreme. Li Qingluo is shameless. She knows how to curry favor with the rich second generation."

"Zhendong, you've come with Yike. You two won't have any trouble, will you?"

Students are grateful to look at Xu Zhendong, Xu Zhendong is to give them the opportunity to party here, Xu Zhendong is a smile.

When I first met Peng Renhuai, the second generation of rich people, many people flattered Peng Renhuai like toads and dogs. Now Xu Zhendong has gone back to flatter himself. If he hadn't been co founded for four years, Xu Zhendong really didn't want to pay attention to these people, except for a few people who helped him as usual.

The whole graduation party went smoothly.

After the graduation reception, Xu Zhendong sent Su Yike back. Then he came home, thinking about the changes in the past few days, everything came from his own medical skills.

Don't waste time at the moment. Practice immediately. The whole body is filled with aura. The whole body is gradually changing imperceptibly.

The structure of the body is also constantly becoming more solid, the whole person becomes light up, as if a bit more immortal.

Until the evening, the mobile phone rings, is a strange number.

"Hello Xu Zhendong said politely.

"Zhendong, it's me, Wan Qiyue." Wan Qiyue over there said with apology, "I'm really sorry for the trouble I brought you today."

"I should thank you." Xu Zhendong said with a smile on his face. Although Wan Qiyue didn't give him a good impression when he met him for the first time, he was grateful for his help.

"What's the matter with Dr. Xu? Manager Fang said that you asked me to come to see you with Wu Shao tomorrow. Is that true?"

"It's true, of course."

"Oh, thank you. You must have seen my problem." Wan Qi said happily, "if you have time now, I'd like to invite you out for a drink."

"Well, I didn't have dinner at the right time, the place!"

"Elephant country bar!"

It's getting late. People who have been working for a day are back on their way home, busy shuttling through the streets.

Xu Zhendong appeared at the gate of Xiangguo bar. Looking at the luxurious bar, he saw Wan Qiyue waving to him.

Walk over and follow Wan Qiyue into a box. There are five or six men and women in the box. They are all dressed up with the trend of the times. You can see that they are the same as Wan Qiyue.

"Zhendong, let me introduce you. This is Liu Huanyuan in Sanshui District, known as Liu Sanshui." Wan Qiyue pointed to one of the men. He was thin, tall and pretty, but his eyes were shining.

"This is Zhou Yiming, the son of Zhou Hongyuan, vice president of Longhua Hospital. He is also a famous talent in the medical field."

"This is Miss Chi Weiqian, general manager of JINGMAO pharmaceutical company."

Wan Qiyue introduces Xu Zhendong one by one. Everyone is Yingtian city's youngest and princess.

Xu Zhendong is just a college student. He is quite strange to these people. He has heard that there is a Liu family in Sanshui District of Yingtian city. Longhua Hospital is the hospital where former girlfriend Li Qingluo interns. This is a third class B hospital, second only to Yingtian hospital. As for Zhou Yiming, he has never known that JINGMAO pharmaceutical company is the most famous pharmaceutical company in Yingtian City, and this young beauty is the general manager of this company.

There are still a few people behind. Xu Zhendong doesn't understand why Wan Qiyue asked him to come here today. But since he has already come, he can't run away. The family behind these people can be said to be the lifeblood of Yingtian city. If he is not careful, he will ruin his future.

"This is my friend Xu Zhendong. I just met him today. He is also a doctor, but he is a traditional Chinese medicine." When Wan Qiyue introduced Xu Zhendong, he saw some disdainful expressions on other people's faces and said, "Wu Shao appreciates Dr. Xu very much. Dr. Xu is also a friend of Wu Shao."

With these words, their faces Suddenly eased down, as if they had never happened before, but Xu Zhendong saw all this in his eyes.

"Traditional Chinese medicine? Is Wu Shao's vision a little deteriorated recently? He is actually a traditional Chinese medicine! " It was Zhou Yiming who said this, his eyes full of contempt.

"I dare to call myself TCM even when I am young. No wonder TCM is becoming more and more backward now. Once China's traditional Chinese medicine has completely disappeared, now there are still some guys who cheat money everywhere under the name of traditional Chinese medicine. "

Liu Huanyuan picked up a glass of red wine, as if very casual said, but the language is despised.

"Is there such a young TCM? Wan Shao, is this kind of person qualified to attend the party between us? "

"Yes, Wan Shao, I thought you would call Yang Shao or Wu Shao. I didn't expect to be a liar who is known as Chinese medicine. I'm really disappointed."

Xu Zhendong listens to these so-called ugly words from the mouth of the second generation. He takes a look at Wan Qiyue. He looks at Chi Weiqian, who has been silent all the time, and finally returns to Zhou Yiming.

Zhou Yiming is the first one who despises traditional Chinese medicine, which makes him very unhappy. You can scold me, but you can't scold traditional Chinese medicine. This is the quintessence of Chinese culture and the heritage of our ancestors for thousands of years.

"What's wrong with TCM? Traditional Chinese medicine can also cure diseases and save people, not only western medicine can save people. " Xu Zhendong said, very firm, full of confidence.

"Ha ha, are you kidding? Can traditional Chinese medicine save people? It's the 21st century. Everything needs scientific basis. " Zhou Yiming is not happy all of a sudden.

"Some things just can't be explained by science." Xu Zhendong looked at his seal hall faintly appear red blood, light said: "for example, you go home tonight will bleed."

"Ha ha ha, it's getting more and more ridiculous. Is this so-called doctor Xu going to become a fortune teller?" Zhou Yiming laughs. It's ridiculous. Others can't help laughing.

"Don't talk about it. In fact, traditional Chinese medicine is not as useless as you said!" Wan Qiyue interrupted, looked at Zhou Yiming and said, "Zhou Shao, you may not know that Yang Shao is in the hospital at present. Just a few days ago, he was in critical condition. It was a traditional Chinese medicine who pulled him back from the gate of death. It is said that at that time, the head of Yingtian hospital was at a loss. It was the Chinese medicine doctor who used acupuncture to save him. "

"Yes, I've heard about it. It's said that President Hua sentenced Yang Qiankun to death, but the traditional Chinese medicine doctor saved him. Now Yang Shao is in Yingtian hospital. If you don't believe me, you can call and ask."

Chi weishallow, who has been silent, finally speaks. Looking at Xu Zhendong, he nods and is very friendly.

Xu Zhendong nodded gratefully and gave a little smile. The other side also gave a smile. Chi Weiqian is a mature looking woman. He exudes the charm of a mature woman. His words and deeds are full of elegance and nobility.

Such a smile, in the face of this white Ze added a bit of gorgeous, give a person just like amazing, let a person can't help but heart.

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