"Yes, but you can't do it now. We have two different fields of Chinese and Western medicine, so our treatment methods are definitely different. So we write down his symptoms first, and then we talk about our own treatment

Zhou Yiming calmly looks at the girl lying on the ground twitching, with a little hurry in his eyes, but in order to show that his medical skills are more powerful than Xu Zhendong's traditional Chinese medicine, he still has to pretend to be forced.

Can only let the girl lying on the ground continue to feel a little uncomfortable, anyway, it has nothing to do with him.

"You..." Xu Zhendong was worried, because the girl's condition was gradually spreading, seven holes bleeding, in a very dangerous state, but Xu Zhendong knew that if he did not compromise, it would only make the girl more dangerous, "OK, let's start."

The pen and paper had been ready for a long time. They wrote on the paper together, and it was not long before they finished.

"What you both wrote is the same. Alcohol stimulates the nerves in the brain and causes the expansion of blood vessels in the brain." Lin manager looked at the two people write out the symptoms said, the forehead has been smeared with sweat, "two hurry to save it."

"Oh, I didn't expect that you would be a little bit of Chinese medicine, but the good play is still behind." Zhou Yiming said, grasping the medical equipment that has been prepared for a long time“ It's good. Just watch it next to me. "

Zhou Yiming made up the liquid medicine. He looked at the girl's head in a professional way and gave her a slight injection on her forehead. The girl's face was pale. It seemed that there was no reaction after the injection.

"How about doctor Zhou? How's it going? " Manager Lin anxiously looked at the pale girl and said in fear.

Zhou Yiming looked at him impatiently and said, "wait a moment, my needle just went down. How can it work so quickly? Just wait a minute."

"You can't do that. Her condition is getting worse and worse, and others can't see it. Can't you see it as a doctor? If I don't give the needle, there's nothing I can do Xu Zhendong is very worried. If everyone's heart is not thinking about Zhou Yiming now, he will immediately give the needle to save people.

The purpose of learning medicine is to cure the disease and save the people, but now because of being blocked, he is very angry to see the patient's condition getting worse.

"Well, what do you know? This is the most accurate medicine of our western medicine. It's guaranteed to take effect. The place I just injected is the center of her burst blood vessels. I'm controlling her central blood vessels. This is our ancestral magic method. "

Zhou Yiming still said indifferently, even if the girl's situation is getting worse now, he thinks that as long as the efficacy appears, it is good.

"How long, you say?" Xu Zhendong really can't wait. He is very worried.

He looked at the time, calm and confident said: "there are three minutes to see the effect, she will not bleed."

Little by little, three minutes passed quickly.


The girl suddenly vomited a mouthful of dark black blood, issued a groan, as if saying goodbye to the world.

"Doctor Zhou, are you really OK? It doesn't look right, "manager Lin said anxiously.

He is the manager here. Once something goes wrong, it doesn't matter if he doesn't do it. He may be convicted.

"Doctor Zhou is the son of Zhou Hongyuan and the grandson of master Zhou. He is sure to be OK. His medical skills are very famous in the medical field. He has had many times of life-saving experience since he was young, which is very rare."

"Yes, in Longhua Hospital, it is said that master Zhou will be him. They all say that his future achievements will surpass his father, even his grandfather."

"Yes, yes, he is not only very famous in our country. It's said that he went abroad to study medicine at the age of 14. He learned a lot of good skills. He's very good."

They all believe that Zhou Yiming's medical skills can make the girl jump around. After all, Zhou Yiming is still so indifferent.

"Don't you see the girl dying?" Chi weishallow suddenly opened his mouth and said out loud.

All of a sudden, the onlookers did not speak, and the praise stopped completely. Looking at the girl who vomited black blood again, her face was dead, her pores were still bleeding, and her blood became dark black, just like her mouth.

"This... How do I feel familiar with this person?" Wan Qiyue was a little curious and gently pushed aside the messy hair on the girl's face. He was shocked.

"Mother Tyrannosaurus Rex white snow!"

Wan Qiyue, Liu Huanyuan and other people exclaimed, and there were also people in the audience. Obviously, this person is very famous.

"What? Is it the woman of the police chief, Bai Ningxue? " Manager Lin is about to faint, which is a person who can't afford to offend.

It's not good to offend anyone. The person who can't be offended is the person in the police station. What's more terrible is that this woman is famous for her sense of justice. The whole Yingtian city's childe brother is afraid of her. As long as you do a little bit of illegal things and she knows it, no matter who you are, she will directly arrest people.

So in Yingtian City, there is a nickname for her: mother Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Zhou Shao, I think it's better to send it to the hospital!" Liu Huanyuan said, he saw that the girl might not live.

"Yes, yes, yes, rush to the hospital." Manager Lin panicked. He didn't see clearly before. This time something happened.

"It's hopeless." Zhou Yiming was also a little flustered. He even provoked the mother Tyrannosaurus Rex. He really didn't go out to see the Yellow calendar.

But with a quick shake, he looked at Xu Zhendong and said, "isn't there a miracle doctor? A miracle doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. "

"Well, now, if you make the worst of the situation, you'll give me the man. Your abacus is very good." Xu Zhendong sneers. This week, Yiming is really damned. It's obvious that he wants to put the whole responsibility on himself.

"Dr. Zhou said that you can't save yourself, but now you're pushing people to me. Obviously, you want to put the responsibility on me, except that I'll be responsible for everything. You are too insidious. "

Xu Zhendong is very angry, in the heart has put this man into his blacklist.

"You're smart, but smart people don't live long." Zhou Yiming smile, he is such a plan, said: "now I admit that I can't cure her, if you can only cure her, then just bet about even if I lose, I give you kneel kowtow."

"Doctor Xu, you can rest assured of treatment!" Wan Qiyue stood beside Wang Yue and whispered, "I have recorded the whole process."

"Wan Qiyue, what do you want to do? Don't you want to be in Yingtian? " Zhou Yiming obviously heard Wan Qiyue's voice.

"Zhou Shao, I brought Xu Zhendong. You are my friend and he is also my friend. I want to be a fair and just person." Wan Qi said more loudly.

At this time, a wave of praise came from the crowd, praising Wan Qiyue's behavior as a just act.

Looking at people's attitude of supporting Wan Qiyue, it's hard for Zhou Yiming to say anything.

"Hum, even so, once the mother Tyrannosaurus rex has an accident, you can't get rid of the responsibility. I don't know if you, a little doctor, can get a foothold in Yingtian city."

Zhou Yiming disdains to say, firmly believe that the mother Tyrannosaurus Rex will die, no doubt, Xu Zhendong as long as hands-on participation, as long as the incident can not get rid of the relationship.

"Dr. Xu, my advice is not to touch it." Pool not shallow to Xu Zhendong this side moved a step, said with a smile.

"Thank you Looking at Chi Weiqian and WAN Qiyue, Xu Zhendong nodded gratefully and said, "I can't see death without help. At first, I had ten levels of assurance, but now I have only five levels."

With that, he squatted down, took out the silver needle bag, shook it and spread it out.

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