There was a real fight.

The crowd quickly dodged.

Originally thought that Xu Zhendong would be knocked down by Zhou Yiming, but people didn't expect that Xu Zhendong easily took Zhou Yiming's weapon, and really forced him to kneel down.

As Zhou Yiming's friend, Liu Huanyuan sees such a scene. He punches his way to Xu Zhendong's head. Xu Zhendong raises his head slightly, waves his other hand, and a small silver needle flies out of his fingers.

Xu Zhendong's mastery of the silver needle can be said to be invincible. The silver needle is his weapon. Liu Huanyuan's fist, waving in the air, suddenly shrinks back, and his cheek is twisted and ferocious.

"I don't want to be honest just like him," Xu Zhendong said with a stare.

Liu Huanyuan covered his fist and wanted to scream out, but he tried to hold back. And others who want to attack Xu Zhendong like Liu Huanyuan are already looking at it and afraid to step forward.

Looking at Xu Zhendong is like looking at a martial arts expert.

Looking at Zhou Yiming in front of him, Xu Zhendong said faintly, "three loud heads, do you want me to help you? If I do it, it may not be so comfortable, or even bring flesh and blood. "

Xu Zhendong's indifference and calm make people afraid.

At the same time, some people feel sorry for Xu Zhendong. He forces Zhou Yiming now and says that he will definitely get revenge later. Zhou Yiming is a medical family and many people are willing to help him.

"Xu! Vibration! East Zhou Yiming's eyes are full of murders, cold, as if to kill, angry to the extreme, want to stand up.

"I won't regret it."

Xu Zhendong looked at him impatiently, shook the silver needle in his hand and said, "do you want me to do it?"

Zhou Yiming knows that Xu Zhendong is not joking. Just as he did just now, he is very decisive and merciless. He doesn't care about his identity at all. He is just like a madman.

He stares at Xu Zhendong and doesn't speak.

In this way, a minute passed. In this minute, everyone held their breath and dared not go out. They watched the wonderful performance and waited for the next scene.

What can be more exciting than kowtowing to an unknown doctor who can almost walk horizontally in Yingtian city.

"You will regret it!"

He said that again, then he put his hands on the ground and knocked his head off.

"I can't hear the sound. It doesn't count just now. I have to have close contact with the ground!" Xu Zhendong confidently said, "also, mouth talk about willing to gamble, Chinese medicine is the most powerful."

"You..." Zhou Yiming is so arrogant that he almost wants to vomit blood. However, seeing the silver light from the silver needle in Xu Zhendong's hand, he is afraid. He suppresses his anger. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

Bite your teeth and kowtow!


The head is in close contact with the ground, making a soft sound.

"Not bad. What about talking? " Xu Zhendong said lazily.

"If you are willing to accept defeat, traditional Chinese medicine is the most powerful!" These words are basically squeezed out of the teeth, gnashing teeth, killing heart.

Keep kowtowing!


"If you are willing to accept defeat, traditional Chinese medicine is the most powerful!"

last hole!


"If you are willing to accept defeat, traditional Chinese medicine is the most powerful!"

"Not bad!" Xu Zhendong light said, no longer pay attention to him.

Zhou Yiming stood up and ran out in confusion. This is the biggest insult he has ever suffered.

Xu Zhendong took the silver needle from Liu Huanyuan's hand, and their group also went out one after another. Today they didn't go out to see the Yellow calendar, but they will remember the hatred.

Wan Qiyue stayed. He brought Xu Zhendong. He had to stay.

Xu Zhendong looked at Bai Ningxue, who was still very weak, and said, "it's better to go to the hospital for examination. In addition, I've asked manager Lin to buy medicine for you. I'll take good care of myself during this period. I'm in Yingtian hospital. If you have something to do, you can go to see me."

Then he looked at manager Lin and said, "manager Lin, it's up to you here."

All this to manager Lin, Xu Zhendong left in a hurry.

Bai Ningxue wants to keep Xu Zhendong, but she is still too weak to speak. She can only open her eyes and look at Xu Zhendong's back.

Wan Qiyue came out with Xu Zhendong and apologized.

"Dr. Xu, I didn't expect things to develop like this. You haven't finished your dinner yet. There's a hotel over there. Why don't we go there?"

Wan Qiyue whispered a smile and observed Xu Zhendong's words and deeds.

Xu Zhendong sneered and said, "I came out to have dinner with you when I saw that you helped me finish the graduation party in your hotel today. I also wanted to help you see the hidden diseases in your body, but you gave me a Hongmen banquet. I don't know what role you play in it. I hope we won't meet again in the future."

If it wasn't for the fact that Wan Qiyue had said a few words for Xu Zhendong, Xu Zhendong would have beaten him up.

"Well, Dr. Xu, I really don't want to hold a grand banquet. I just want to introduce some upper class people to you. I didn't expect that things would develop like this." Wan Qiyue quickly explained and said, "doctor Xu, did you just say that I have a secret disease? What do you mean

"Hum, what do you mean? You know in your heart that it's just heresy. Be careful to hurt yourself." Xu Zhendong said, holding out his hand, "you said the video was recorded? Give it to me

Wan Qiyue's face changed and he wanted to stop talking. "I hope Dr. Xu can speak more carefully."


Xu Zhendong doesn't want to say more, he just wants evidence. He knows Xu Zhendong's temperament, and he is not afraid of Zhou Yiming. How can he be soft on him? Now he gives his mobile phone to Xu Zhendong.

"You'd better stop your heresy, or you'll die miserably!"

Xu Zhendong turns to leave with his mobile phone.

At this time, the sirens kept coming.

Looks like the police are here.

It doesn't matter to him. Walking on the street at night, I glanced at the sound of the siren passing by.

"Eat something!"

Just saw a hotel of Wanxiang Group, turned and went in.

"Give me a quiet place." Xu Zhendong looks at the waiter coming.

"Are you alone, sir?" The waiter looked at Xu Zhendong for a while, disappointed, but still keeping a professional smile.

It doesn't matter that Xu Zhendong sees all these things in his eyes. I'm very tired tonight. I don't want to cause more trouble. I took out my black gold card and said, "take this card to your manager and let him arrange a place for me. If you don't go, you will regret it."

The waiter took the card with some doubts, "please wait a moment."

A minute later, the waiter came over with a charming smile and said respectfully, "Sir, our manager will be here soon. Please follow me. Our best room is on it."

Xu Zhendong knew that the black gold card had an effect and followed the waiter upstairs.

When you come to the top floor, there are only two elegant rooms on the whole floor. All kinds of beautiful flowers and plants are planted at night, but the light is also very comfortable.

Xu Zhendong is in one of the elegant rooms. After ordering vegetables, Xu Zhendong comes out to look at the flowers.

After a while, a familiar figure appeared.

"Mr. Xu, I guess it's you!" Manager Dong gasped and laughed. He came all the way. The black gold card appeared, which was the supreme VIP.

"I didn't expect it to be you." Xu Zhendong was also a little surprised and said, "manager Dong, you don't have to be nervous. I'm just here for dinner."

All of a sudden, another voice of quarrel and some familiar voice came from another room.

"Who's in this?" Xu Zhendong asked curiously.

"This is Liu Huanyuan in Sanshui District." Manager Dong said in a hurry.

"What else?" Xu Zhendong feels familiar with the girl's voice.

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