Figure meal, hide the body.

"Second brother, what are you doing? Since there is a problem with the village head, we directly arrest him, so that we can immediately find the killers who killed the three younger brothers. "

Yan Bao said with a cold face.

He didn't want to think about it at all. He was just a village head in the five calamities. Even if he did it alone, he could easily solve the whole Riyue village.

"It's not that simple. If we rush into the village and arrest the village head for questioning. It will immediately expose our position, which is even more disadvantageous for us to find the murderer. "

YAN Dan's cold eyes flashed over the cruel eyes, and said with a deep thought:

"Besides, what we are looking for is not the village head of Riyue village, but the person hiding behind. Otherwise, even if we kill the village head of Riyue village, it will be of no use to us. "

What they are looking for is the murderer behind them. A village head of five robberies can't kill their three brothers at all. Even if all the people in Riyue village fight together, they can't fight against seven robberies.

"Moreover, if we act rashly and are confused by the appearance of Riyue village, we will fall into the trap of the murderer."

YAN Dan says coldly.

A meticulous analysis of the current situation.

He wanted to do it, but the situation was confusing.

"Good! What are we going to do now? "

Yan Bao asked hesitantly, with a dignified look on his face.

Second brother Yandan has always been the head of the eight brothers' think tank. He is resourceful and resourceful. He has proved his wisdom many times in the past.

"We are still watching the change. We are hiding in the dark. As long as there is any change in the murderer, we can see it clearly. And we don't do it, but we can let others do it. "

YAN Dan sneers repeatedly, more and more rich on the face of cruel Yin.

"Second brother, tell me quickly."

Yan Bao can't help asking, looking at YAN Dan.

"It's no secret that we have the secret key in Feiliu Valley, but the strength around us is afraid of our strength. But there is news about the secret key in Riyue village, and no other forces know about it now. "

Yan Bao's eyes suddenly brightened and said excitedly:

"If we spread the news, other forces will certainly rush to seize the key of Riyue village. As for our Feiliu Valley, just sit on the side and watch the tiger fight. Add... "

Think of here, the facial expression of inflammation bag becomes very wonderful.

"If there is a cheat in Riyue village, the person in the dark will definitely do it, and then we can observe his strength. Kill two birds with one stone, that's wonderful, that's wonderful! "

He couldn't help admiring the second brother's wisdom.

"Ha ha! The fourth younger brother is right. He works for us with the help of others, so that we can get the results we want without any effort, and we won't be passive. "

The smile on YAN Dan's face is more thick. Just now he saw that the village head was just a five disaster situation, so he began to plan.

Now that the plan is well thought out, it will be implemented naturally.

"The relationship between Baili temple and us is not good. Tell Baili temple the secret key, and they will send someone to come."

Yan Bao said with a sneer, and then shook his head.

"If there are too many people sent from the hundred mile temple and our strength is too strong, there are only two of us, and there is nothing we can do about them. If they take the key to the secret place, the plan will be broken. "

YAN Dan's eyes flashed cold and said coldly:

"Don't worry, the hundred mile temple will not pour out when it knows the news. If they dare to come out, it's not a hundred mile temple. What's more, if the hundred mile Temple knows the news, we will also know the news in Feiliu valley. They will definitely send the fastest Hongfeng ancestor to come. "

"As long as Hongfeng comes, I can kill him. No matter how fast he is, he can't escape from me. Moreover, it's enough to use him to attract the murderers hidden in the sun moon village. "

This saying, YAN Dan took out a piece of communication order, began to disguise the message.

This communication order was a trophy he had collected in the past, and now it is just in use.

"I'm sending the news to Yuanhua Laozu. He knows that the news will definitely send Hongfeng Laozu. Hongfeng's strength is only in the late period of the eight robberies. Once he comes, it's not so easy to go back. "

YAN Dan said with a smile.

A moment later, a smile appeared on Yandan's face, and Yuanhua's ancestor had returned the news.

"Yuanhua ancestors want to reward us and ask us to wait in place. ha-ha! I don't know what it will look like when he comes to see us. "

YAN Dan and Yan Baodun burst out laughing.

It's just a conspiracy to attract the secret murderer with the help of the hundred mile temple.

"Master Hongfeng has come here. With his speed, he will be able to come in half a day. We will continue to wait for him now."

They hid their figure and kept the sun moon village strictly. They couldn't hide anything from their eyes.

"Second brother, Hongfeng's strength is superior. If he comes here and finds that it's a trap, what will he do if he leaves directly? The secret murderer is extremely cunning. He hasn't appeared yet. It takes a lot of effort to force him out. "

Yan Bao said with some worry.

Hongfeng is one of the six masters of the Baili temple, famous for its speed. He is cautious in nature. If he finds any danger, he will run away at the first time.

"Ha ha! Don't worry. There is no accurate information about the hundred mile temple. I will never leave. You know, there are only five secret keys so far. If the Baili Temple wants to maintain its competitive strength with our Feiliu Valley, it must seize the sixth secret key. "

The two of them are hiding in the dark. The ancestor Hongfeng, who is designed by them, carries the wind and rain like a streamer. He starts from the hundred mile temple and comes to Riyue village at a very fast speed.

In the sky, a figure in a yellow robe trod on the back of a fierce beast like an eagle, looking at the direction of Riyue village, and walked away quickly.

"Yuanhua's grandfather suddenly received the news that the sixth secret key was born. This is the chance for my hundred Li temple!"

He couldn't hide his excitement. He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

If you don't worry about being cheated, ask him to come to check the truth first. When the situation is confirmed, Yuanhua ancestor will also bring people.

Riyue village is less than ten thousand li away from the hundred Li temple. Relying on the fierce wind Eagle at the foot, Hongfeng's speed is even faster.

For half a day, in his eyes, it was just a small black spot of Riyue village, which quickly enlarged and appeared in front of him.

"Ha ha! The secret place key belongs to my hundred mile temple. "

Hongfeng's father controls the fierce wind and the eagle hovers over Riyue village. He keeps observing and finds no abnormality. His eyes are fixed on the villagers of Riyue village.

Sharp eyes, like a sword shot.

"Hand over the secret key! Otherwise, die

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