Traditional Chinese medicine has always been based on seniority. That is to say, the older people are, the higher their attainments in traditional Chinese medicine are.

Now Xu Zhendong says that only when the old Chinese medicine can't cure him can he do it, which makes Liu huanrui very upset.

Originally, I suspected that my cousin Liu Huanyuan's incident had something to do with Xu Zhendong, so when I came to investigate, the first thing I wanted to do was to make things difficult for him, so that he would be obedient when he knew his strength.

"Whether my medical skill is higher than that of Dr. pan is not the point. The point is that my regulations are my bottom line. If you want me to treat you, you have to pass Mr. Pan first."

Xu Zhendong confidently said, a look to know that he is to make trouble, want to make trouble for me, it must first make trouble for you.

"You..." Liu huanrui was angry, but he couldn't help it. He looked at doctor pan impatiently, "hurry up, I'm very busy."

Doctor pan quickly called the pulse. He frowned a few times and was silent for a while. He looked at Liu huanrui and continued to call the pulse. "It's strange. There's nothing wrong with it!"

"Will you see a doctor or not? Why don't I see a doctor when I'm not ill?" Liu huanrui blushed and said awkwardly. He looked at Xu Zhendong and said in a loud voice, "he can't see it. Now it's your turn to see it?"

Xu Zhendong was not in a hurry and said, "doctor pan, tell me what you really feel."

Doctor pan hesitated for a while and said, "there is really nothing wrong. It's just that there is too much anger and some renal failure. These are not big problems. You can recover by taking some Yang tonics."

"What did you say? Old man, who do you say is suffering from renal failure? You are suffering from renal failure! " Liu huanrui jumps up and tries to beat doctor pan.

"You dare to touch him!" Xu Zhendong stopped in front of him and protected doctor pan, "go back, I won't treat you. You have violated my principles."

"You... You're a doctor. That's how you become a doctor?" Liu huanrui stares at Xu Zhendong, but Xu Zhendong doesn't move and obviously doesn't want to pay attention to him.

"Well, you look good."

After a cold hum, he turned and went out with a smile on his mouth.

"Zhendong, will something happen? I feel like he's here to make trouble. " Su Yike some worry of say, this person a see not normal.

"It's OK. He can't stand any storm. At least before Yang Shao's recovery, he doesn't dare to do anything to me." Xu Zhendong said that he was Yang Qiankun's doctor in charge. Seeing Mrs. Yang's care for her son, he was very relieved of his safety.

"Dr. pan, your diagnosis just now is very accurate. He has some renal failure, and nothing else is wrong." Xu Zhendong said.

"Xiaodong, you don't have a pulse. How do you know my diagnosis is right?" Said pan.

"Chinese medicine has a look, smell, and ask. I can see his complexion." Xu Zhendong was indifferent. After he got the inheritance of Shennong, his medical attainments were not upgraded to a higher level.

Now it can be said that it's Guan Qi Duan disease. As long as it's not a very difficult disease, you can know the basic situation at a glance.

"Guan Qi Duan Bing? This is a very high attainments of traditional Chinese medicine, Xiao Dong. Young people should not be anxious. " Dr. pan still doesn't believe that Xu Zhendong can achieve such a state.

At this time, the consulting room suddenly broke into director Lai Jiang, and some of them rushed in anxiously.

"Xu Zhendong, are you treating people here? You're just an intern, don't you... "Director Jiang was a little confused. After looking around, he didn't see the patient. He asked with some doubts," where's the patient? "

Director Jiang has always felt that Xu Zhendong came into the relationship household relying on the relationship of the president. He has no real talent. When he heard that a patient came to see Xu Zhendong, he rushed to stop him in a hurry to avoid any problems.


Xu Zhendong said lightly.

At this time, I suddenly heard something noisy, as if it was in the hall.

"What sound?" Director Jiang looks at the direction of the hall in doubt and walks over.

Xu Zhendong and others followed.

When I came to the hall, I saw a dozen people making trouble.

"The doctors of Yingtian hospital said that we were not worthy to see them. Unexpectedly, there was such a hospital in Yingtian hospital. It was a bad reputation!"

"The doctors of Yingtian hospital are going to heaven. They won't give us any medical treatment. The common people are firmly protesting. We have to report to the government."

"Be careful, everyone. You can't provoke the doctors in Yingtian hospital. We are all cheap and don't deserve to see them."

More than a dozen of them were dressed up as migrant workers, and others were shaking with hoes in their hands, apparently to protest.

Xu Zhendong saw a familiar face in the crowd. Liu huanrui, who had just gone to see him, was one of them, but now he was dressed in rags like a beggar.

I knew in a flash what was going on.

The security guard stopped them. They couldn't get in.

"What's the matter?" Director Jiang asked.

"Hum, it's all your department of traditional Chinese medicine, which has discredited our hospital. The president of our hospital will come to see what you can do!" The head nurse was not angry and turned her eyes, obviously looking down on traditional Chinese medicine.

"What's going on?" Director Jiang's voice became stern.

"Did someone come to see a doctor in your department of traditional Chinese medicine just now?" The head nurse was not angry and looked at Xu Zhendong. He was obviously condemning him. "He said that people didn't deserve to see him. When the man came back here, everyone protested one after another."

Director Jiang's face is not good-looking, turned to look at Xu Zhendong, "Xu Zhendong, what's the matter? You're just an intern. What have you done? "

"Director Jiang, he didn't respect the doctor and came to find fault on purpose. He arranged all this. Can't you see that?" Xu Zhendong said calmly, not moved.

"Come in is the patient, how can there be so many rules in front of the doctor, you don't know how much impact you will have on our hospital!" Director Jiang said sternly, looking at the direction of the door, "in case this is known by the reporter... Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, the reporter came, stop, don't let the reporter in."

A large number of reporters came, carrying cameras rushed in, under the lens of the flash constantly flashing photos.

Security guards and nurses went to intercept them one after another. These reporters strongly wanted to come in. The protestors also took the initiative to communicate with the reporters, shouting that the doctors in Yingtian hospital were arrogant and did not give medical treatment to the people.

Things are going in a bad direction.

"What's the matter?" President Hua finally arrived. Seeing the scene in front of him, he was a little angry.

The head nurse is very positive to run over to say the course of things, eyes constantly rolling to Xu Zhendong.

President Hua came over, looked at Xu Zhendong, and said, "there are too many coincidences in this matter. Have you offended anyone outside?"

It is worthy of being an old fox who has been struggling in this industry for many years. At a glance, we can see the conspiracy.

"Dean, it's really my reason. I didn't expect that my personal problems would affect the reputation of the hospital." Xu Zhendong was very satisfied with President Hua's attitude and asked modestly, "how can we solve this kind of problem?"

After thinking for a while, his brow wrinkled and stretched out, and he said, "it's not a bad thing. Come with me."

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