If you want to pursue a girl, you have to deal with her friends. If you want to please someone, it's the same. So Yang Wanxiang won't miss this opportunity.

Xu Zhendong smile, he did not think so much, said: "of course good, Shuzhen, do you want to enter the Vientiane group?"

"Yes, of course!" Rao Shuzhen said happily.

Vientiane group is one of the biggest enterprises in Yingtian city. It's a very lucky thing for a person like her who has just graduated.

"Welcome to Vientiane group. Come to me tomorrow. Here is my business card. I'll arrange a suitable position for you." Yang Wanxiang smiles from the corner of his mouth.

After the separation, Xu Zhendong was not as safe as I was. Yang Wanxiang sent him back to the hospital. Of course, he sent Rao Shuzhen back to her residence first, and Wu Xiaobai also went home.

Xu Zhendong inspected Yang Qiankun's situation and found that everything was developing in a good way. This is a good trend.

"I'll give him another shot and I'll wake up soon."

Xu Zhendong said that he immediately applied the needle, which was very fast. Director Jiang was surprised at the speed.

In fact, as soon as Xu Zhendong came back to the hospital, director Jiang always followed Xu Zhendong. After he learned that Xu Zhendong knew the "ghost door thirteen needles", his attitude toward Xu Zhendong changed 180 degrees.

He directly regarded Xu Zhendong as a senior. Seeing such changes, Xu Zhendong didn't care. Anyway, he was very casual.

"All right!"

Xu Zhendong said, picking up all the silver needles, looking at Mrs. Yang and saying, "you'll wake up in five minutes. Wait here."

Then he went out with his things.

"Zhendong, director Jiang said that you went out with Wu Xiaobai. I don't think you looked very well when you came back. What happened?" Su Yike asked with concern.

"Something happened, but it's all right." Xu Zhendong's spirit is a little tired. What happened today is something he never thought about, but he is lucky to be on the big tree of the director.

"Is Dr. Xu in?" Suddenly a voice came.

Xu Zhendong and Su Yike went out and saw a man. They immediately recognized him. He was yesterday's man. Xu Zhendong remembered that he told him to come back the next day.

"I'm here." Xu Zhendong said.

Immediately arranged for her to go to the needle inflammation dining room for surgery, which is the operating room of traditional Chinese medicine, director Jiang very cooperate with the key, and said he was willing to give Xu Zhendong a hand.

This operation is not a big deal for Xu Zhendong. With the help of "shaking the sky classic", the infusion of true Qi, through needling inflammation and breaking the skin at the same time, the operation was carried out directly. The operation was very successful. Everything was done according to the way of traditional Chinese Medicine. Xu Zhendong's method shocked director Jiang.

I didn't expect that traditional Chinese medicine could also do such orthopedic surgery, which he had never thought of before, and Xu Zhendong was such a young man.

"Chinese medicine has been saved!"

This is what director Jiang said, looking at a lot of Chinese herbal medicine.

In the next few days, nothing happened, but for Xu Zhendong, great things happened in the outside world.

In recent days, the news constantly broadcast that Liu's products have problems, and the hotel health inspection is unqualified.

The whole Yingtian business community is boiling.

Although Liu family is only a second rate family, it is not a small family compared with Yingtian city.

As for why the Liu family collapsed suddenly, many people don't know.

They never thought it would be because of Xu Zhendong, such a humble intern.

Liu's industry is constantly being acquired and annexed by other enterprises, and the speed is very fast. The world of businessmen only sees interests, and they annex Liu to strengthen themselves.

In addition to the Liu family's shrinking economy, Liu Zezheng of the Liu family has also been sentenced to prison for suspected crimes.

This is the most eye-catching news in Yingtian city at present.

"Why all of a sudden?" This is a woman's voice. She sits in the position of the owner of the Liu family and looks down at the top of the Liu family.

"It's all about the doctor, it's all about him!" Liu huanrui said, almost growling, and his anger was on his face.

"Be clear! What's going on? " The woman said, with severe murderous words, "no matter who it is, I will not let him go."

"I've already told you about this. Huanyuan has offended the little doctor in the hotel. Now you can see the situation of Huanyuan. Originally we thought we could solve it, so we didn't inform you. Unexpectedly, the little doctor has such a deep background. He not only knows the mayor of Yingtian City, but also the director of Yingtian city."

Liu Zehui said, his eyes full of anger and unwilling.

"Now our Liujia's industries have to go through strict examination. At present, 80% of the industries have stopped production for rectification. Our Liujia is basically finished. At present, there are many big enterprises annexing our industries."

"Why didn't you tell me about Huan yuan earlier?" The woman looked at Liu Zehui angrily, staring like dead fish eyes, and said, "brother, don't you know who he is? Huan yuan is not a little doctor to offend, even your director is not so easy to offend, I have arranged him to go abroad for treatment, but this matter is not over, that little doctor will not die, I Liu Jiaying and his surname

"Now I know where the doctor is, we'll take him now." Liu huanrui said angrily“ Aunt, my father is still in prison. "

"You can rest assured that the situation in Yanjing is tense at present, but I will try to find a way to get the second brother out as soon as possible. The most important thing at present is Huan yuan's illness and this hatred."

Liu Jiaying is very angry. She is so mad that it's too late for her to get the news.

"Tell me, what's your biggest obstacle at the moment?"

"Yang Wanxiang and the mayor's son, and the police chief." Liu Zehui said.

"What? You are really good at picking people. You can pick the ones with more thorns! " Liu Jiaying snorted coldly and said, "if it wasn't for my people there and some people, you wouldn't be able to get out. Yang Wanxiang is just a businessman, but the mayor and the director of the police station are not ordinary people, especially the director Bai GONGTING, who makes my family afraid."

"When I came back, I was reminded that I had better not offend baigongting." Liu Jiaying looked at the door and said, "at present, you should take a rest. When my family comes back, you will surely want to take revenge on the little doctor. But as for Yang Wanxiang, you can deal with it first. Didn't he buy many of our Liu family's industries? So let's give him a sense of being acquired. "

"Sister, do you have a plan?" Liu Zehui said.

"Although I was far away in Yanjing, I still know something about Jiangnan province. Since he came to crush us because he was a big enterprise, I will let a bigger enterprise crush him!"

Liu Jiaying's mouth is slightly raised, as if everything has a plan.

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