Uncle Wang, as Huo Dongjun's personal driver, is also very nervous at the moment. He doesn't know this young man, but from the respect of Mr. Huo and his ability to treat his children, he is Mr. Huo's benefactor.

Stop to let two girls get off, and then take Dr. Xu to walk around the villa. Dr. Xu doesn't speak all the time. He gently closes his eyes. Through the mirror, he sees a familiar person enter Mr. Huo's villa, but Uncle Wang doesn't speak.

Xu Zhendong's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. It was the man.

"Uncle Wang, keep going!"

The car glided a few circles around here, and Xu Zhendong's eyebrows became more and more strange and dignified.

"Uncle Wang, it's OK. Park at the door, I'll go in, and then you can help me to buy something, OK?" Xu Zhendong's dignified expression never put down.


Xu Zhendong wrote down what he needed and gave it to Uncle Wang. Then he got off the bus.

"The sooner the better."

Xu Zhendong goes in slowly. The villa is quiet and pleasant. The green vegetation coverage is good and the air is fresh.

Entering the lobby, Huo Dongjun entertains several guests here. One of them is the one who just noticed. With a little release of divine consciousness, he encounters the existence of three spiritual forces. These three spiritual forces seem to be looking for something.

"Dr. Xu, you're back. Come, come, sit, sit!" Huo Dongjun sees Xu Zhendong coming back and stands up to entertain him with great enthusiasm.

Other people sitting in the living room can't help but look at it. They are a little curious. They have never seen this young man before, and they are so young, but they are so warmly treated by Huo Dongjun. It seems that they are not ordinary people. Is it a rich man or a royal family?

Xu Zhendong's calm eyes swept over all the people. His divine sense released a little bit and followed the spirit closely. He said casually: "Mr. Huo, you're welcome. Sit down!"

"I'd like to introduce you to Dr. Xu Zhendong. My son was delivered by Dr. Xu. It's a new kindness." Huo Dongjun said gratefully.

The three middle-aged people sitting here look disdainful and even sneer. They turned out to be midwives or men.

Huo Dongjun also pointed to the three people and introduced them to Xu Zhendong, "Dr. Xu, these three people are all masters of our Huo family's sacrificial techniques. The reason why my daughter-in-law was able to conceive a child was thanks to the help of the three people, namely Zheng Yongjun, Wei Yutian and Wen Bing. Today, the three people's sudden visit is also concerned about my son's body."

Zheng Yongjun? Yin diansen said that the name of the person who took away the soul of his brother-in-law was not exactly that!

What a coincidence.

Xu Zhendong's eyes can't help but stay on him. He should be about 50 years old. His whole body is very strong and energetic. At a glance, he knows that he is not an ordinary person, and he has a firm will. His mental strength should not be weak.

There was a sneer at Xu Zhendong's mouth. The three mental forces were sent out by the three of them. They said, "I've seen you all before

Xu Zhendong politely salutes and pushes Su Yike to sit beside him, but his eyes never leave the three masters.

"Dr. Xu, why have you been staring at us since you came in? It seems that you are warning us. We should never be plain faced." Zheng Yongjun's eyes with a trace of cold, staring at Xu Zhendong, said.

"I just see that the three masters are extraordinary and don't look like ordinary people. What I heard most after I came to Hong Kong Island is how the masters of Hong Kong Island are good. I don't know what the strength of the three masters is?"

Xu Zhendong said casually, picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip, and continued to look at the three people. This kind of staring made the three people feel very uncomfortable. There was a sharp knife in his eyes, which gave people a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Young people, it's fun to come to Hong Kong Island. You'd better not ask if you shouldn't ask." Zheng Yongjun's words were cold, his voice was slightly raised, and his momentum was revealed.

Xu Zhendong turns his head to see Yi Xintong beside Su Yike. He reaches over and taps her on the shoulder and says, "go ahead and have a rest."

With the words finished, Yi Xintong's whole body is soft. Xu Zhendong holds it in one hand, looks at Huo Dongjun and says, "Mr. Huo, do me a favor and take her to rest."

Huo Dongjun doesn't want to see the current situation. These three people are all the masters of surgery he invited with great strength. They are worshipped in Huo's family. But doctor Xu's attitude to these three people is not very good. There is a strong smell of gunpowder on both sides.

Huo Dongjun looks at the Housekeeper on the side. The housekeeper takes Yi Xintong to have a rest.

"What's this for? It's really rare that all the three worshippers are here today. Dr. Xu has come from the mainland for thousands of miles. It's not easy for us to get together. It's fate for us to get to know each other. I'll ask someone to cook. How about staying in my house today and getting drunk?"

Huo Dongjun doesn't want to offend anyone. He wants to make it over.

"Not so much!" Wei Yutian, a middle-aged woman sitting in the middle, said: "Mr. Huo, we don't eat at the same table with any cats and dogs, unless you drive this mainland boy out."

"This..." Huo Dongjun was a little embarrassed.

"Drive me out?" Xu Zhendong stood up, Su Yike gently pulled his sleeve, Xu Zhendong gently comforted and stroked her hand, meaning that it would be OK, she just let go, and then looked at Wei Yutian, said: "drive me out, are you so convenient to do harm to others?"

"You..." Wei Yutian angrily stood up, looked at Huo Dongjun, and said in a loud voice: "Mr. Huo, you can see that this is your guest. We are masters of magic. Many families want us to offer sacrifices, but we believe that Huo Dongjun has just come. Is this your way to be worshipped?"

Huo Dongjun is also some don't know how, but still calm, said: "master Wei, doctor Xu doesn't mean that."

"Ha ha ha, I was just joking with you." Xu Zhendong suddenly laughed and looked at the crowd.

The three magic masters looked at the young man strangely. Things didn't seem so simple. They were staring at him.

"I said Dr. Xu didn't mean that!" Huo Dongjun was a little embarrassed, but he tried his best to make it over. Standing between the two sides, he said, "Dr. Xu is also my benefactor. It's better for us to solve our enemies than to settle them. We'll sleep when we're drunk."

"Mr. Huo, I'm just a cat and a dog, so I won't have dinner with these masters. Look, I want to go in and have a look at your children, OK?" Xu Zhendong said calmly.

"Yes, of course." Huo Dongjun immediately let people take Xu Zhendong into it. He stayed to entertain the three masters.

Xu Zhendong takes his daughter-in-law's hand and goes in. Su Yike has just been afraid to speak. In this state of dispute, she still sees little and is oppressed by the aura.

Entering the bedroom, Xu Zhendong saw Mrs. Huo playing with her child in bed. The child was very happy, laughing and bouncing on the bed.

"Dr. Xu, you're here. I don't know why, the child suddenly gets excited and asks me to play with him all the time."

Mrs. Huo also said happily, seeing the excited look of the child.

"Mrs. Huo, do you have the driver's mobile number? I asked him to buy something for me. You call him and ask him to send it directly here. It's better to avoid the three offerings and come in. "

Xu Zhendong said solemnly.

Mrs. Huo saw Dr. Xu's expression and knew it was serious. She immediately took out her mobile phone to make a phone call.

As soon as Wang Shugang came into the living room, he received a call from Mrs. Huo.

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