The meal soon came up, and the three chatted about some pleasant topics. Xu Zhendong also had a general understanding of Bai Ningxue. She was a standard girl, jealous of evil, and very keen on catching criminals. She was a team leader of the police station.

Bai GONGTING said that if you need any help in the future, you can contact Bai Ningxue directly. Xu Zhendong also talked about traditional Chinese medicine.

Now that traditional Chinese medicine is not looked up to, Xu Zhendong is still very helpless. He needs to carry it forward slowly. Although the white bureau says that he needs help, in the aspect of traditional Chinese medicine, the white Bureau really can't help for the time being.

"I'll go to the bathroom!"

When Xu Zhendong went out of the private room, he was just passing by the restaurant when he saw some people gathered together. Xu Zhendong was also a bit curious.

Looking around, he Baoming disappeared. Looking back at the place where people gathered, he seemed to see a man lying on the ground. He seemed to have a disease.

In the face of patients, Xu Zhendong is duty bound, quickly went to have a look, and sure enough, saw a middle-aged man lying on the ground twitching.

"What about the medicine? Don't you mean to bring your medicine at any time? " The two people on the side said anxiously.

"I forgot to bring it today. It didn't happen until recently. I didn't expect it to happen so soon today." The girl was very worried and looked, "I'll go to see if there is a drugstore near here."

"No, I'm a doctor!" Suddenly a voice came out, and a young man came out.

"Isn't he Baoming from Xiangyi hall? He's the grandson of doctor he. He's good at medicine. He'll be fine. "

"It's a heart disease. Why don't you take medicine with you at any time? Fortunately, the grandson of the great doctor is here. It's lucky."

They were all glad to have a doctor by their side.

He Baoming confidently took out the silver needle bag and looked at the convulsed man. He confidently said: "it's OK. Heart disease is a trivial matter. It's common for him to treat heart disease. Although this congenital heart disease can't be eradicated, I can pacify the malignant attack."

Said, take out the silver needle, after a little disinfection, the silver needle in the man's heart part prick down, a needle down, still don't see what effect.

"Don't worry, another injection. This is my grandfather's unique acupuncture method Xiangyun acupuncture method, which ensures that one injection can relieve the pain."

Words fall, a needle goes down, is still the heart part.

"Wait a minute, it'll work in a minute."

They waited quietly, and there was no more words, because it was the grandson of doctor he who made sure it would be OK.

A minute passed quickly.


Who knows a minute later, the middle-aged man spit fiercely, dare feeling more dangerous.

"It's... It's impossible. I'm right. It's impossible. How could that be? "

He Baoming is also looking at the middle-aged man's situation.

"This... He Shao, just now you said that your medical skills have been passed on by your grandfather, very powerful? Why can't a sudden heart attack be cured, but it's more serious. "

"Isn't he Lao's grandson? How come? Does he Laozi's grandson have such strength? "

"I'd better send it to the hospital as soon as possible. This person doesn't feel good."

People began to question, began to doubt his identity and ability.

"It's impossible. My needling or needling technique is right. How can it be like this?" He Baoming still doesn't want to believe it and confidently checks the patient's body.

"Will you?" The girl just now was waiting anxiously for he Baoming.

"I... I..." he Baoming was speechless.

"Let me do it!" Another young man stood up, squatted on the side of he Baoming and said, "your needling is right, but this man's situation is a bit special. He is not just a heart attack. In this case of multiple heart attacks, he has shifted his heart a little bit, so you can't do it according to the way you fight for it."

He Baoming looked at the young man in surprise and said, "do you know Chinese medicine?"

"Understand some!" Xu Zhendong said casually, took out the silver needle bag, shook it and quickly took out the silver needle. At the same time, he Baoming's silver needle was pulled out and returned to him.


Xu Zhendong only needs a silver needle, which is very accurate and fast.

Thirty seconds later, the middle-aged man suddenly stopped twitching.

The girl helped him wipe the saliva on the corner of his mouth and said nervously, "boss, are you... Are you ok?"

The middle-aged man struggled to stand up, checked a little and said, "it's OK. It's OK. This injection is powerful."

After that, he looked at Xu Zhendong and said, "little brother, thank you. If I didn't have you, I really don't know what to do. My secretary didn't take any medicine. He had an attack once a week ago, usually once a month. I don't know how to have a sudden attack today. It's a bit too late to prevent."

"Your condition has begun to deteriorate. If it can't be cured, it will become more and more frequent in the future." Xu Zhendong said very seriously, continued: "can I help you pulse?"

The middle-aged man was very happy to stretch out his hand. Xu Zhendong cut his pulse for two minutes. He frowned slightly and said, "congenital heart disease begins to enter a vicious circle. It's not that it can't be cured completely. I need to wait for some time."

"Little brother, do you think it can be cured?" The middle-aged man looked at Xu Zhendong in amazement, a little excited.

"If it's me, it can be cured, but I don't have the ability at present, but I can help you temporarily relieve the attack time, control its malignant at the same time, give me some more time, I can help you cure."

Xu Zhendong firmly said that according to the powerful knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine inherited by Shennong, he learned how to cure this heart disease, but he needed a strong Qi. Now he has reached the third level of "shaking the sky classic", and the Qi is insufficient, so he needs to wait for some time.

"Really? Thank you, little brother. I can wait for you. I can wait. " The middle-aged man gratefully took out a business card and said, "this is my business card. My name is Ren Zhonglei."

After that, looking at the briefcase in the Secretary's hand, the Secretary delivered it wisely. He took out a bunch of keys from it and said, "little brother, I don't have any good things, but there are many houses. This is a deposit. It's just a villa in Xiangshan. If you are willing to accept it, come to me tomorrow, and I'll take you to see it myself."

There was a burst of exclamation.

"What a rich man he is. Is he going to live in a villa or in Xiangshan? Only the rich of tens of millions can live in Xiangshan. Who is this man?"

"How do I feel a little familiar? It seems that I often see it on TV. It seems that I often see it on the financial channel. I really can't remember its name."

"I know. Ren Zhonglei is the real estate king. He is a king in the real estate industry. No wonder he says that he doesn't have many other houses. This villa is not a trivial matter for him."

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