The gentle and graceful young man described doctor Xu's present state, but now the whole person has gradually begun to become ordinary.

It's the end of the treatment. Take out the silver needle, and it's over. Liu Ruoxiang and other four people are still watching, their eyes are very persistent and focused.

"Xiao Yu, move the trash can, it's OK!" Xu Zhendong said, take out the last silver needle, light said.

"Good master!" Luo Xiaoyu said happily.

Xu Zhendong five people left the patient, immediately a doctor came to see what happened, Xu Zhendong naturally can not hinder them to check the patient's condition.

The patient did not wake up, still in a coma, but no longer use oxygen masks and other things, just lying on the bed.

"Now that Dr. Xu is finished and Dr. Cao is still operating, we have won." A Chinese medicine doctor said loudly.

"Win, win, we win."

Some people are excited to follow up.

"Be quiet, don't be happy too soon!" An old man of traditional Chinese medicine said, and everyone shut up. "Did you forget the last game? The first to finish doesn't mean to win. The main thing is to see the effect. "

It's true. Now Dr. Xu only wins in time. The final result depends on whose treatment is more effective. That's the real meaning of medicine.

However, this does not affect the condition of other people to examine the patient.

Xu Zhendong and others are also out of the way. Both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine used to check the patient's condition, which is also to test the effect of doctor Xu's treatment.

All the people who had checked felt the accident and were shocked slowly on their faces.

"It's... It's impossible. It's a patient lying on the edge of death, but now it seems that nothing happened, it's like falling asleep. What a means against heaven."

An old man said, shaking his face slowly, giving him an unreal feeling. I have to say that he can't imagine how Dr. Xu did it. If he was himself, he certainly couldn't do it.

"It brings back a man who wanders at the gate of death. Is that the power of ancient needling? It's really unusual. Ancient needling is ancient needling. "

"It seems that the realm of Dr. Xu is beyond my reach in my life. Even such patients can be cured to such a degree. I feel inferior to myself."

Both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine are greatly surprised by this result. Traditional Chinese medicine is very generous to say that it can't compare with Dr. Xu's medical skills, but western medicine is not so generous.

Western medicine doctors choose silence after checking the patient's condition. Silence is the best proof. But they always think that traditional Chinese medicine is witchcraft and deception. Now silence is the best face slapping.

From time to time, Western doctors look at the closed operating room, where the operation is still in progress, many people are frustrated, even if it is western medicine operation, how can it be done? Now this patient is in such a situation, no disease can be detected, the patient just fell asleep.

"Dr. Xu, I didn't expect you to know the ancient needling method, and there are more than one, which really shocked us." An old man said, looking very kind, with a trace of envy and jealousy in his eyes.

"Thank you. These are the means of making a living taught by master. They are also the means of curing diseases and saving lives." Xu Zhendong said modestly.

"Dr. Xu, you... I told you before that you can't use this ancient needling method. How can you still use it?" Gou Kuangyi came over and whispered in Dr. Xu's ear, "there are so many people here. This matter will surely spread to the Tang family in Yanjing. There will be a lot of trouble."

It is generally acknowledged that the thirteen needles of the ghost gate is owned by the Tang family in Yanjing. Now that Dr. Xu owns it, he is likely to be sued by the Tang family for plagiarism or other charges, or even killed quietly. For a big family like the Tang family, Dr. Xu is too small.

"Thank you for doctor Gou's concern, but I can't hide it. I can't live without using this acupuncture all my life. Let's see what the Tang family says." Xu Zhendong said calmly, with thousands of thoughts, lost in thought.

His good brother Tang Chaoshi is a member of the Tang family in Yanjing. If the Tang family really wants to ban him according to the charges, will it make it a little difficult for his good brother to do so.

As time went by, another hour later, the western medicine operation was finally completed.

Dr. Cao pushed open the door of the operating room. The first time he came out, he looked to the side of the stage. To his surprise, he saw many people around the patients, but Dr. Xu was sitting on a chair not far away, as if nothing had happened.

"What's going on over there?" Doctor Cao asked a Western doctor nearby.

"Dr. Cao, an hour ago, Dr. Xu, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, had completed the treatment." Said the doctor.

Dr. Cao was surprised. He glanced at Dr. Xu, then at the direction of the patient. He walked over and continued to ask, "what's the situation of the patient now?"

"You'd better see for yourself." It's hard for the doctor to say.

Seeing Dr. Cao coming, the doctors took the initiative to give way. Dr. Cao came to the patient and saw that the patient's face was like a normal person, lying there like sleeping.

Check the patient's condition immediately. The more in-depth examination, the more shocked he is. This person has recovered as usual, and can't see that he is a patient at all. Now he is in a state of emptiness. He needs to sleep to nourish his spirit. He should be able to wake up in seven or eight hours.

People are also concerned about Dr. Cao's reaction. When they see that Dr. Cao's face is full of shock, they almost know the result.

"Dr. Cao, are you..." I thought western medicine couldn't believe it.

Cao Yiguang ignored him. He just felt his heart sank to the bottom of the sea and his spirit broke down. He never thought that he would lose. He would lose even though he had never been defeated.

Cao Yi's heart is grey and cold. He even has some difficulty in breathing. He wants to collapse. People around him come to help him.

"Dr. Cao, are you... Are you ok?"

"Premier Cao, it doesn't matter."

"Quick, help Dean Cao to lie down."

Many people rush to the peak. Cao Yiguang is the president of Jiangnan provincial hospital. He is a big man. He must not have an accident.

"Help me to Dr. Xu!" Cao Yiguang's spirit collapsed. He was defeated by traditional Chinese medicine and a young man.

They helped Dr. Cao to Dr. Xu, and Dr. Xu quickly stood up. It was polite.

"Dr. Xu is worthy of being a descendant of the ancient acupuncture method. It's a great honor for our medical community to be able to recover the patient's treatment to such a degree." Although Cao Yiguang said that he had lost, he was more relaxed. He sighed a long time and said, "I lost. TCM won. Dr. Xu won."

So you're giving up?

The Western doctors were silent, and no one spoke.

Chinese medicine side did not more than clamor about their own victory, but slightly whispered about the results.

This year's competition is really wonderful, especially the battle between Dr. Xu and President Cao. It can be said that it is the climax of the whole seminar. Everyone does not believe in Dr. Xu or traditional Chinese medicine.

But TCM won.

Two out of three.

Dr. Xu won two games in a row!

In other words, Dr. Xu won and TCM won.

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