Xu Zhendong carefully felt his pulse and found that there were many hidden diseases in his body. If he didn't give away the villa, Xu Zhendong would not have seen it, because these hidden diseases were not a big problem.

"Mr. Ren, I suggest you eat more calcium food." Xu Zhendong just casually said, then said: "your heart disease belongs to congenital, relatively difficult, I now help you with the needle, we need to find a room."

"Bedroom, come on!" Mr. Ren immediately led Xu Zhendong to a bedroom.

"The coat is off."

Mr. Ren has a certain amount of fat, which is why Xu Zhendong asked him to take off his clothes to improve efficiency.

Xu Zhendong uses needling method, very fast needle inflammation, fingers twist silver needle, constantly across the real Qi in the past.

Mr. Ren's face is full of enjoyment. He closes his eyes gently. Occasionally, he feels a little uncomfortable. His eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and his patience goes away.

Five minutes later, Xu Zhendong finally raised his hand, took back the silver needle and cut his pulse again. When he saw that it had been contained, he was relieved.

"Well, Mr. Ren, it will be OK in a month." Xu Zhendong said calmly.

"Thank you, Dr. Xu."

Mr. Ren is also a busy man. After chatting with Xu Zhendong for a while, he left in a hurry and asked Xu Zhendong to call directly.

After president Ren left, Xu Zhendong saw that Su Yike started to clean up the villa, starting from the hall.

On the way back to the company, the Secretary drives.

"Mr. Ren, is Dr. Xu exaggerating? Is it for your villa The Secretary has always been skeptical, but he didn't dare to mention it before.

Ren Zhonglei didn't answer immediately, but pondered for a while and said, "I don't believe it very much. You can check this doctor Xu for me, but what he said is right. How can I completely deny it?"

After a pause, he looked out of the window and said, "please contact Hong Kong for me. Oh no, I'll go to see the famous master of metaphysics in Tianshi today. And help me contact Yanjing to see if I can move the time to the next day. "

"OK, I'll take you back to the company and do it right away." The Secretary said very simply, without any procrastination.

And two people who are still in the villa, looking at Su Yike who is cleaning.

"Yike, didn't the Secretary of general Ren say to call the hourly workers to clean up?" Xu Zhendong asked suspiciously.

"I told her to stop yelling and we'd just clean it ourselves." Su Yike said, looking at Xu Zhendong and saying, "Zhendong, what is the metaphysics you just told Mr. Ren? Why didn't I know you could still have these things? "

"You didn't know how good I was, did you?" Xu Zhendong's mouth showed a touch of danger. "In fact, I met my master a long time ago, but I have never shown what my master taught me. I dare to take it out after graduation, and metaphysics is one of them. I will have a lot more."

Then he looked out of the window and said, "it's going to rain tonight. Do you believe it?"

"Ha ha, it's the same as martial arts TV series. It says that it will rain tonight. Did you watch the weather forecast?" Su Yike obviously didn't believe what he said, and said: "what you just said is that Ren always has a car accident. What you said is so true. Ren always wants to believe you. If there is no car accident three days later, will you be driven out? Ha ha ha

Xu Zhendong also helped with the cleaning and said, "do you want us to make a car accident, or we'll be driven out. How ugly it is. Maybe Mr. Ren even made me a libel. I think I'll be in prison."

They talked and laughed while cleaning.

Until the afternoon, they finally finished cleaning, tired of a sweat.

They went straight back to the school to move things.

During the whole day of moving, Xu Zhendong had less things, boys, but Su Yike had too many things, shoes and clothes. Xu Zhendong was speechless.

Until the evening, two people are free, but the free time is to observe the layout of the whole villa and so on, very interested in studying.

They live under the same roof. Although they are not lovers, they are also close friends. Who knows if they will become lovers in the future.

They watch TV together, cook together, and study together. Su Yike knows that Xu Zhendong's medical skills suddenly become very powerful, and then she likes to ask him for medical questions. Xu Zhendong also knows everything.

The next day it was work again.

Work together, in front of outsiders, the two are lovers.

Every night, Xu Zhendong would practice "shaking the sky classic" and try to see if he could open "Twelve changes of Hongmeng", but he always failed.

"It seems that I took time today to buy some medicinal materials to make up for myself, medicated bath!"

Fortunately, when Xu Zhendong returned the money Yang Wanxiang gave to Xu Zhendong, he resolutely refused to accept it. In addition, the president gave Xu Zhendong 500000 yuan, saying that it was given by director Bai. Xu Zhendong was very helpless and accepted it.

Because of the medicine bath, Xu Zhendong bought a lot of herbs at once and went to the Chinese medicine store to buy them. The boss was very happy to see so many customers, but he ran out of stock in two days.

"Little brother, why do you need so many herbs? I don't have enough to buy them. You have to leave some for me to do other people's business." The boss is very helpless, of course, Xu Zhendong's business is also a business, but many people want to come here to buy medicine, but they are told there is no more.

"I recommend you go to goubaotang or xiangyitang to buy them. The herbs there are better than mine, and there are many channels for them to buy them. Or you can ask them to take you to pick up the goods."

The boss had to push Xu Zhendong, a big client, to another home.

Xu Zhendong also very helpless, can only go to gou Baotang.

When I came to goubaotang, I saw a lot of patients queuing up to see a doctor. These people were relatively poor and dressed very ordinary. I couldn't see a person wearing a famous brand.

Xu Zhendong went straight in.

"Please line up, sir."

"Well, I'm not coming to see a doctor. I'm looking for your boss. I'm looking for him for something." Xu Zhendong said.

"You want to see Dr. Gou? He doesn't have time either. It's time for him to see a doctor. He doesn't see anyone except the patients. " Said the porter.

"Well, I'll come back later."

Xu Zhendong is very helpless to find other pharmacies, do not intend to go to the kind of hospital to disturb the doctor.

Ran several drugstores to gather enough of their own!

"Zhendong, are you sick?" Su Yike helped her with the medicine and asked.

"No, I'm very well." Xu Zhendong said that the effect of medicine bath in recent days is very obvious, and the speed of absorbing aura has also become much faster.

Last night, I almost opened the first page, and I saw the next page, which made Xu Zhendong very excited.

"Why do you buy so many herbs every day? Are you alchemy like the emperor Su Yike said half jokingly.

"What do you think? It's good for me to take a medicine bath." Xu Zhendong turned to read, said: "do you want to have a medicine bath?"

"I don't want it!" Su Yike immediately refused, "tomorrow is the day when you say that there will always be a car accident. I always remember, thinking about whether we will be driven out, hee hee!"

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