Two very weak magicians are nothing to him at all. They can be solved easily.

When they came back with dinner, they saw their daughter-in-law also sitting on the sofa to have a rest. They ate happily.

The day after tomorrow is Christmas Eve. In recent days, Xu Zhendong has been with his daughter-in-law here. Maybe no one knows for the time being. Neither the Li family nor the Su family has found anyone. Instead, Liu Ruoxiang and Pang Qifeng and others have come to visit.

We all know about Su Yike. We try not to trouble Dr. Xu to go to the hospital. We can solve the problems by ourselves. Let Dr. Xu have time to accompany Su Yike. At this time, she needs company most.

Two days have passed. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I thought nothing would happen on this day like these days. However, Liu Ruoxiang called Xu Zhendong to go to the hospital. There was a strange case.

Xu Zhendong quickly went to the hospital, came to the ward, saw a young girl a little stupefied, trance abnormal.

"What's the matter?" Xu Zhendong looked at the patient, some doubts.

"Master, there is something wrong with this man's brain. It should be that his brain nerves have been tampered with. Do you remember the cases we had in Yingtian before? Research that claims to develop brain intelligence. "

Liu Ruoxiang was not sure. She could only speculate that at that time she was only working around the master, and she didn't know much about it.

"Although this person's condition is different from that there, there are some similarities. I suspect there is a certain connection. At present, our hospital has received five similar patients."

Listening to Liu Ruoxiang's words, Xu Zhendong gave the patient a pulse, and the patient was a little confused about the outside world.

As Liu Ruoxiang said, a wisp of true Qi flows across the body and immediately discovers the problem. Moreover, her situation is a little bit infiltrative, and the amount of intake is relatively small each time. It allows the body to absorb a little bit, which is in the process of quantitative change accumulating into qualitative change.

To reach a certain degree of qualitative change, there will be problems, just like this woman now.

"And the family?" Xu Zhendong's face is a bit dignified. He needs to understand the patient's daily life. He must have taken some medicine for a long time.

The patient's husband came and said that the patient didn't take any medicine for a long time, and his daily life was very ordinary, just like ordinary people.

"Can you show me the menu you eat every day? What do you often eat? " Xu Zhendong asked, it must be a kind of food for a long time.

"If you eat it for a long time, it's fish. My wife likes fish. I buy fish every meal, but it should be OK. My neighbor sells fish every day. He doesn't have any problems

The patient's husband said, thinking back and forth, he couldn't think of any food to eat for a long time.

"Let me see your body!" Xu Zhendong looks at him.

He's also very cooperative with the doctor and reaches over.

Xu Zhendong gives him a pulse, he basically has no problem, is some overwork.

"It's not fish. If it's fish, you'll have problems." Xu Zhendong said, and then looked at the patient, said: "your wife has nothing, not necessarily food, but you two separate, she ate for a long time, you don't need."

The patient's husband thought, recalled, slapped his legs and said, "my wife uses a kind of health care product, which is free of charge from her company. Every month, she will send a small box and take one pill in two days. Is that ok?"

"Maybe that's the problem." Xu Zhendong said, looking at Liu Ruoxiang and said, "don't you say there are five such patients? You ask them which company they work for and whether they have taken the company's health products for a long time. By the way, if possible, let them take all the so-called health products for testing. "

"Good! I'll do it right away Liu Ruoxiang immediately set about it.

"You also go back and bring the health care products to us for testing. Otherwise, even if we cure her now, she will still relapse in the future." Xu Zhendong said, very calm and family members to speak, "what's the name of the company your wife works for?"

"Naihui pharmaceutical company, my wife is just an ordinary clerk." The patient's husband said casually.

"This company is so familiar!" Xu Zhendong thought about it for a while, but he felt very familiar. He seemed to have heard about it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

"This company is very famous, and it is also one of the largest companies in the pharmaceutical industry. The drugs produced by this company are recognized by many hospitals and cooperate with many hospitals. Moreover, their drugs are very expensive, mainly because of their good effect."

Dr. Han said immediately that he had been in the medical field for so many years and knew this famous pharmaceutical company very well.

"By the way, this company is a joint venture between Huaxia and Japanese. Now the president seems to be called Yan... Yan Shaxi, yes, Yan Shaxi, general manager Yan."

Xu Zhendong surprised, yes, heard, "Yan Shaxi's company, Liu Jiaying mentioned once."

Before long time as like as two peas, the husband brought his wife's health food for a long time. Liu Ruoxiang also brought health products, and they were all working in Nai Hui pharmaceutical company. They were all small employees.

It's getting closer to the truth.

Xu Zhendong picked up a medicine and put it into his mouth. Xu Zhendong, who has a very sensitive sense of taste and smell, immediately found out the problem, which is almost the same as before.

"This is it!"

Basically determined, Xu Zhendong immediately let the patient take the medicine to other hospitals to do laboratory tests, try to get a few more hospital certificates, so the effect is better.

The success rate of reporting cases is higher.

After helping the patient, Xu Zhendong went back and told director Bai GONGTING about it.

I didn't expect that Bai GONGTING said that in fact, they have been tracking down this matter, but they can't do anything about it. The information provided by Xu Zhendong can be said to be a timely help. He said that this matter has attracted the attention of the relevant departments above, and hoped that doctor Xu would help to investigate it together.

"It seems that what director Bai said before is right. We can't do anything absolutely. We can only catch big fish with long-term efforts." Xu Zhendong suddenly realized that when Yingtian closed the case, some people fled. Fortunately, he asked why they didn't catch all of them.

Director Bai said the above meaning, it's not useful.

It's really to find out the root cause.

Those big men are really far sighted, which is beyond the reach of those who have just been out of society for more than a year.

One night, Xu Zhendong was thinking about it and fell asleep unconsciously.

Wake up the next day is Christmas Eve.

Morning received Ren Zhonglei's message, let them not forget today's queue, two people naturally will not forget.

They entered the venue at 3 p.m. and the venue was sent to them.

"Eko, you may become the focus at that time. Aren't you afraid of being criticized?" Xu Zhendong hugged his daughter-in-law and asked carefully, fearing that her daughter-in-law would be angry.

Su Yike breathed heavily and said, "do you think what I've done these days is abnormal? In fact, I just want to make a public appearance. I want to see if Su Tianxiong is worthy of being my father and what his attitude towards my existence is. "

Originally, this is her intention!

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