"Then he is your first patient!" Gou qi'ang pointed to the patient with arthritis and said, "you said that acupuncture can cure him in five minutes? Then prove what you said! "

"Good!" Xu Zhendong looked at the patient and said, "roll up your trousers. I'm convenient for acupuncture."

The patient looked at Xu Zhendong with some doubts and hesitated. Some stuttered and said, "I won't show you. I don't know you at all. I'm here just to ask Gou Baotang to help me see a doctor."

It's human nature. If TCM doesn't have a certain reputation, I won't believe you.

"Let him take a look for you. We'll take it for you." Suddenly, a middle-aged man came out, dressed in a Chinese tunic suit. He looked like a master of traditional Chinese medicine. "I'm Gou Yanbai here to guarantee you that if something goes wrong, we'll never let him go."

"Dad! What are you doing here? " Gou Qiang looks up at the middle-aged man, a bit surprised.

Gou Yanbai nodded slightly, looked at Xu Zhendong and said, "young man, you just said that this person can be cured by Acupuncture in five minutes. Even I can't do it. I'd like to see how capable you are."

"If you really have this ability, I will promise you to compete with my son. If you win, I will help you."

"I'll thank Dr. Gou first." Xu Zhendong said politely, looking at the patient.

At this time, Gou Yanbai ordered people to bring a table and a chair to Xu Zhendong. Xu Zhendong was also impolite, sat down, and hinted that the patient would sit down.

The patient hesitated and looked at Gou Yanbai, who nodded heavily. He limped a few steps and sat down in front of the chair. Xu Zhendong helped him roll up his trousers and knee joint.

"It won't hurt. It'll be fine soon."

Xu Zhendong shakes easily, and the silver needle bag appears in his hand. These silver needles have been warmed by his own genuine Qi for a long time, which is not comparable to ordinary silver needles.

Three silver needles appeared in his hand and pierced his knees.

The two hands keep twisting the silver needle, the true Qi constantly passes through, slowly and gently, feeling the rapid repair of arthritis in the body.

In five minutes!

Xu Zhendong took out the silver needle, looked at the patient, said with a smile: "you stand up, walk and try!"

That person doubts, stand up, a lot of people all surround come over, pay close attention to this matter very much.

How long have not encountered such a Chinese medicine competition.

The patient moved his steps, stepped out one step, and could walk normally. He was a little surprised. He walked a few more steps, but he was not lame.

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, hehe, it really doesn't hurt."

The patient exclaimed pleasantly, taking a few quick steps in a row, which was completely normal.

"This... This little doctor is so amazing. He was cured with three injections. It's very efficient."

"Well, my little doctor, can I help you? I've had irregular menstruation recently

"Little doctor, please help me to have a look. My neck often hurts."

"It seems that the little brother's medical skill is even higher than that of Gou Qiang. Today's competition is very good."

The patients were surprised to say that they wanted Xu Zhendong to help them see a doctor. For a moment, Gou Yanbai and Gou Qiang's faces were a little ugly.

With a smile, Xu Zhendong said, "thanks to gou Baotang for providing free venues. We all compete, not a competition. Traditional Chinese medicine is used to save people, not to compete."

"No! I want to compete with you Gou Qiang said, his attitude is very firm, as if he would die endlessly.

Xu Zhendong has some helplessness. He looks much more gentle than he Baoming, but how can he have similar personalities.

"How about today's competition instead of competition?" Xu Zhendong said.

"No, it's better than that!" Gou Qiang is determined to compete.

"Well, if you say yes, then yes." Xu Zhendong was helpless and accepted his challenge.

"Let's go!"

The next patient came to Xu Zhendong's side immediately. Gou Qiang was a little angry. The first choice of these people was Xu Zhendong instead of his own side.

Xu Zhendong cut his pulse gently, and his true Qi swam away in an instant. At the same time, he asked, "which disease do you want to see?"

"I have a cold these days. I hope the doctor can give me acupuncture treatment Said the patient.

Xu Zhendong gently pointed to gou Qiang's position, and the patient went to give him a pulse.

"Your cold is just a piece of cake. Your throat is a little inflamed, and you've been coughing a little seriously lately, haven't you?" Gou qi'ang said with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He was a little proud. Yu Guang looked at Xu Zhendong's direction.

"Yes, exactly, exactly!" The patient nodded hastily.

Gou qi'ang looked at Xu Zhendong with pride and said, "prescription, or do you need acupuncture for five minutes?"

"All of them!" Xu Zhendong light smile.

"All of them? It's a joke. You have to take acupuncture and medicine at the same time for a little cold. It seems that your medical skills are not good either! " Gou qi'ang said very carelessly.

Xu Zhendong doesn't speak. The patient has moved over. Xu Zhendong has written the prescription three or two times, and Gou Qiang over there has also written it.

Two people put in the middle, both looked at each other's prescription, Gou Yanbai also came to have a look, frown tightly.

"Hand over, I'll give you a pulse!" Gou Yanbai looks at the patient.

"Hey, hey, are you prescribing the wrong medicine?" Gou Qiang sneered, looked at Xu Zhendong's prescription, and said: "you're prescribing some heavy medicine, right? The dosage and your medicines should be for asthma?"

"Yes, it's the one who treats asthma. Although his asthma hasn't happened for a long time, it still exists. His cold is also caused by asthma. Now the cold is just a symptom. In a few days, asthma is more serious than asthma."

Xu Zhendong said calmly, with a confident face.

"You are so funny..."

"Stop it!" Gou Yanbai suddenly interrupted his son's words. Others looked at him. He looked at Xu Zhendong with respect and politely said, "what's the name of the little brother? Who did you learn from? "

Xu Zhendong very indifferent said: "my Xu Zhendong, the school is inconvenient to inform, hope to understand."

"Xu Zhendong?" Gou Yanbai frowned and kept absorbing the memory in his mind, but he never found a family of traditional Chinese medicine surnamed Xu, "I'm sorry I don't know much about it, but doctor Xu's medical skills do have a few brushes. This patient does have asthma."

"This... Dad, is that true?" Gou Qiang looks at his father in surprise, and Gou Yanbai nods.

"You have asthma?" Gou Qiang looks at the patient.

"A long time ago, it hasn't happened for a year. I thought it was automatically cured. I didn't pay attention to it until now." The patient said, "is it going to attack again?"

"Yes." Gou Yanbai took Xu Zhendong's prescription and handed it to him. He said, "just follow this prescription."

When the patient took the prescription, he looked at Xu Zhendong and said, "doctor Xu, did you just say you want acupuncture?"

"Yes, it can't be cured without acupuncture. I want to help him completely cure this asthma." Xu Zhendong said calmly.

"What? This is congenital asthma, it is impossible to cure, can only control it. But you said you wanted a radical cure? " Gou Yanbai looks at Xu Zhendong in amazement, full of disbelief.

Xu Zhendong looked at the patient and said seriously, "I need you to take off your coat or wear a vest, which is convenient for me to apply the needle."

"All right!" The patient was very cooperative and took off his clothes immediately.

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