"What Dr. Xu said is good, we doctors should have a kind heart and be determined to help the world." Gou Yanbai said, could not help but want to clap, said: "now can have such a mentality of young people really not many."

"Nowadays, most young people are competitive. I personally think it's not a bad thing. They should enrich their own capital while they are competitive. Otherwise, they have no capital." Gou Yanbai kept smiling. "Today, he Baoming came here from Xiangyi hall to compete with Dr. Xu. If Dr. Xu is not in a hurry, I suggest Dr. Xu meet his requirements

"Is this doctor Xu?" The second judge came over with a smile and a kind look, and said, "I heard that you don't agree with my teacher's medical skills. Don't you dare to accept my teacher's grandson's challenge now? Are you really worried about losing? "

"Who are you?" Xu Zhendong looked at the man and asked.

"Under the name of Xiaxiang medical school, Hu Xingyi is also a student of he Lao." Said the middle-aged man.

"Hu Xingyi? I haven't heard of it. I think it's a random practice of medicine! " Xu Zhendong said very impolitely.

"You... Why do you have such a poisonous mouth?" Hu Xingyi was very angry. No one ever dared to say that about him. He was slandering his TCM and his reputation.

"I don't mind accepting the challenge from you and he Baoming. Let's make a point here today." Xu Zhendong is too lazy to move. Since they are so aggressive, let them be convinced.

"Hum, without uncle Hu's hand, I can make you kneel down and beg for mercy." He Baoming said very haughtily, with high spirits.

Xu Zhendong looked at them and said, "it seems that you don't dare to come directly. Then I'll let you all admit defeat one by one!"

After that, he looked at Gou Yanbai and said, "Mr. Gou, please add me a table and chair. I have my own assistant here."

"Dr. Xu, here, I'd rather give way to the virtuous!" Gou qi'ang stood up, pointed to his position, looked at he Baoming and said, "he Baoming, our game is not finished, remember first."

"OK, but don't forget, you've lost me so far." He Baoming said haughtily, hoping that everyone would hear him and know that he has won over Gou Qiang at present.

Xu Zhendong is also impolite. He walks over. Although he had a competition with gou Qiang yesterday, there is no separation. Sitting in his position, Su Yike stands beside him.

"Come here, a patient!" Gou Yanbai said.

When the patient saw Xu Zhendong coming, the person who had seen Xu Zhendong yesterday was already excited to say the scene of Xu Zhendong's competition with gou Qiang yesterday, and the envy and excitement on his face filled his face.

The patient sat down immediately, and he Baoming began to pulse him for three minutes.


Pointing to Xu Zhendong's direction, the patient moved his hand to Xu Zhendong's side. Xu Zhendong gently signaled his pulse, and the real Qi immediately entered the patient's body for a walk. Know the patient's problem instantly.

Nodding gently, the patient stood up.

They began to write the prescription and finished it.

Hu Xingyi and Gou Yanbai picked up their prescriptions, looked at them, nodded and exchanged them. Hu Xingyi was a little surprised.

"Ha ha, Dr. Xu, this is the prescription that liver fire used to consume." Hu Xing said with disdain, stretched out his hand to give the patient a pulse, said: "the patient is just a little empty fire, should be working in a place with high humidity for a long time, right?"

"No!" The patient said, "there is a big stove where I work. It's very dry. I often drink a lot of water every day."

"Random doctor, you are mistaken." Xu Zhendong said calmly: "the patient is usually overindulgent, the so-called" food gas into the stomach, scattered essence in the liver, Yin Qi in the tendons. ". Do you often feel weak, sleepy, and muscular

"Yes, because my work is still a little hard work. I haven't worked hard recently." The patient quickly nodded, and then some cheeks flushed, said: "is it really because of the problem of lust?"

"Think for yourself, have you gone too far recently?" Xu Zhendong is also outspoken.

"Three times a night for a week." Said the patient.

"And to remind you, be careful not to get sick." Xu Zhendong said.

The patient took the prescription in shame and rushed to get the medicine.

"This..." he Baoming is speechless. His prescription is just the empty fire that Hu Xingyi said. It seems that he doesn't have to speak. It's obvious that he won or lost. Not only he lost the game, but Hu Xingyi also lost with him.

Gou Yanbai looked at them with a smile and said, "there should be no suspense in this game, right? Dr. Xu wins

Although they were unconvinced, the fact was in front of them.


The next patient is coming.

The patient first gave Xu Zhendong a pulse. Xu Zhendong looked at him and asked him to give him a pulse.

He Baoming's pulse time is a little slow, in order to ensure the accuracy of speechless.

They wrote the prescription and put it in the middle,

"Both of these indicate that the patient has chest tightness, feels better after coughing a few times, and often perspires and has cold limbs." Gou Yanbai said, gentle conditioning.

"It should be chronic myocardial infarction!" Hu Xingyi then said, looking at Gou Yanbai, he also nodded.

"Yes, chronic myocardial infarction!" He Baoming said with pride.

"From your two prescriptions, Dr. he's: 1000 grams of fresh hawthorn, 250 grams of Poria cocos, 250 grams of honey... While Dr. Xu's is: Castanopsis, dried ginger, Trichosanthes, asarum... Although they have different prescriptions, the effect is almost the same."

Gou Yanbai stopped for a while and continued: "the biggest gap between the two is in the course of treatment. Dr. he needs half a month, while Dr. Xu needs one month, so to sum up."

"He Baoming wins!" Hu said loudly, very proud.

"You're welcome. You're welcome." He Baoming stood up modestly and looked at everyone with his fist clasped. He looked like a master.

"Wait, I'm not finished yet!" Xu Zhendong said calmly, "if I only take this medicine, it's really a month as a course of treatment, but I don't only take medicine. I also need acupuncture. My medicine only takes three days."

"Three days? No way He Baoming looked at Xu Zhendong in amazement and said angrily, "three days can't produce any effect at all. It's traditional Chinese medicine. Its efficacy is relatively slow. It's not the quick effect of Western medicine. "

Xu Zhendong said calmly, "my medicine is only for the later period of recuperation, which can be done in three days. I only prescribe medicine when I see this patient is old. Otherwise, I don't use medicine. I only need acupuncture."

"Hum, you can boast without spending money. If you have the ability, you can eliminate the root cause of the disease immediately by Acupuncture and show me." He Baoming said aloud.

"Eko, help me to calm the patient." Xu Zhendong said, looking at the patient, said: "you take off your coat and leave your vest. I'll give you acupuncture immediately and recover in five minutes."

"Well, I'll see how you get hit in the face!" Hu Xing said with disdain, a cold hum.

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