Two young people, one looks very calm, the other is very impatient, want to let each other down.

Such strength and attitude are clear to all.

He Baoming's impatience, his competitive let him full of fighting, Xu Zhendong is a calm look at him. Sit in the consultation position.

"Next patient!"

A man in his 40s and 50s sat down. He looked a little thin, with sunken eyes and thick black eyes.

He Baoming is the first pulse, and looks at the patient's body, eyes and so on.

"Not enough sleep? Sleep no more than four hours a day He Baoming inquired.

"Yes, I've been working too much recently. I can't sleep at all!" Said the patient.

"But you shouldn't drink less water. Your body is seriously short of water. Now it has become a sign of diabetes to a great extent. Diabetes can attack at any time." He Baoming said, very serious.

"Yes, I'm here to see diabetes. Can you help me?" The patient looked at him pleadingly.

"Of course, I'm a real doctor." He Baoming said, took up the pen, wrote the prescription, said: "this is the prescription, you take it first. And I'm going to help you with acupuncture later, but you can show it to him first. "

Pointing at Xu Zhendong, the patient turns around.

Xu Zhendong gently pulse, eyes light closed, for a while, said: "your toilet should have quite a lot of ants."

"Ha ha ha, Dr. Xu, are you kidding?" He Baoming suddenly laughed loudly. Looking at Xu Zhendong, he said with disdain, "you just feel your pulse. You just say there are many ants in his toilet. Are you from the pulse? That's bullshit. "

Xu Zhendong ignored him and looked at the patient, "isn't it?"

"Yes, it's because every time I pee, a lot of ants come to drink my urine, so I feel like I have diabetes." Said the patient.

The smile on he Baoming's face stopped abruptly in an instant. He looked at the patient rapidly. He just laughed so loudly.

The slap came so fast that it was overwhelming.

Some people in the audience also steal and laugh in a low voice. Gou Yanbai coughs fiercely, and the laughter stops completely.

"Your diabetes should be inherited, right? Your mother's inheritance! " Xu Zhendong said again calmly.

This time, he Baoming stopped talking to avoid hitting his face again. Instead, he kept a close eye on the patient.

"Yes, my mother has it, so does my grandmother. Most of the people in my grandmother's family have it." The patient said, a sigh of helplessness, said: "I guess a few of my children also have, is still small."

"I don't know if your child has any, but your mother has all that pulse. Your child hasn't had an attack yet, and there are signs in the near future." Xu Zhendong said, looking at he Baoming and saying, "he Baoming was right just now. Part of the reason for the attack is that you don't sleep and drink much water recently."

"However, it's just a fuse. Even if there is no fuse, it will happen. It's just a matter of time." Xu Zhendong is very careful to help patients analyze.

All that was said was true, and the patient kept nodding.

"In fact, it's not difficult for you to cure this disease. I only need acupuncture to cure it. Of course, you are very weak at present. It's good to grasp some recuperation herbs to go back."

At this point, people can't tell who wins or loses, because they both talked about prescribing medicine and acupuncture.

However, from the perspective of diagnosis, Xu Zhendong had the upper hand slightly, which was felt by everyone.

"Why don't you ask Dr. he to talk about the acupuncture points and pharmacology first?" Xu Zhendong said, very modest.

Hating the patient, he Baoming said, "it's a gene inherited by your family. Basically, it's impossible to cure the disease. But I can help you alleviate the dilution and ensure your next generation. Oh, no, your child has already been born. If you bring your child here, I can help him contain it so as not to pass it on to the next generation again."

"The acupoints I want to see are Qihai, Yuji and Taixi. Three acupoints are enough, plus my grandfather's original Xiangyun acupuncture method, to ensure that I can completely control it." He Baoming said confidently, especially when it comes to his grandfather's Xiangyun needling, his face is full of pride.

Xu Zhendong shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "you do have some medical skills, but you can consolidate them."

"You..." he Baoming was impatient and wanted to beat Xu Zhendong. He looked at Xu Zhendong angrily and said, "what's your treatment?"

"I will do acupuncture at Taixi, Yuji and Yishu." Xu Zhendong said lightly.

"Pancreatic acupoints!" He Baoming was a little confused. He suddenly thought of something and found that he was wrong. The importance of acupoints was ignored.

People can see his change.

The result is also clear at a glance.

"As for the functions of these acupoints, I don't think I need to explain them one by one?" Xu Zhendong said that as a scholar of traditional Chinese medicine, if he could not understand the function of these acupoints, he could go back to the stove and rebuild them.

"Well, you're tough. I lost this game." With a cold hum, he Baoming turned around and couldn't bear Xu Zhendong.

Xu Zhendong smile, looking at the patient, said: "I give you acupuncture, soon, and can cure."

"No way!" He Baoming suddenly turned around and looked at Xu Zhendong, "it's heredity. It can only be contained but not cured. Who are you bluffing! Even if my grandfather is here, he can't say that he can cure the disease. "

"I don't know about he Lao's medical skills, but since he is called our" Yingtian miracle doctor ", his medical skills should be good." Xu Zhendong said, and he Baoming raised his head with pride. His grandfather was affirmed by the other party, which was a kind of honor. Xu Zhendong continued: "but if you say that, it is to belittle your grandfather's medical skills. I believe he is also a radical cure, but our means are not the same."

Of course, it's not the same. Xu Zhendong's practice of "shaking heaven scripture" has been passed on by the ancestors of Shennong, which is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Well, I just said that casually. If my grandfather is here, you don't even have a chance to do it." He Baoming said with disdain.

Many people already dislike his way of speaking, and they despise him one after another.

Xu Zhendong didn't want to argue with him, but began to give acupuncture treatment.

Everything went well.

The patient's condition improved a lot in an instant, and made him feel some changes in his body. When he went to the toilet to urinate, he suddenly emitted a strong smell of sugar, which is excretion.

Ten minutes later, in the urine, there is no detection of excessive sugar on the scene.

It's really a radical cure!

Everyone thought it was totally incredible.

The array Xu Zhendong used just now is very common. It is not the Taiyi Shenzhen needle that Gou Yanbai and Hu Xingyi have seen in ancient books.

He had a strong interest in Xu Zhendong's medical skills.

"OK, next...!"

All of a sudden, there was a rush!

"What's the matter? He fell down all of a sudden

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