Yin diansen was also very surprised. He was the richest man in Jiangnan province. Usually, someone spoke to him, but he begged him in a low voice.

Now he spoke to the little doctor in such a slightly threatening tone, which had already given him a lot of face.

The most important thing is that he called in person. If it's someone else, it's a dream opportunity.

Xu Zhendong had such an attitude and refused himself.

"Dr. Xu, I'll call you in person, and I promise to give you 10 billion yuan for consultation. Do you want to give up?" Yin diansen said incredulously, "this is the money you can't earn in your life. Are you sure you don't want it?"

"Even if I can't make it in my life, I won't want it." Xu Zhendong said firmly: "I tell you, not everyone bows down for money, not for wudoumi. Xu Zhendong studies medicine to help the world, not for money."

"Well, I'll tell you something about hanging pot to help the world!" Yin diansen said, trying to calm down, said: "is it right to treat patients. You can't wait to save yourself. As a doctor, should you have the heart of a doctor? "

"Yes Xu Zhendong replied.

"Is my son a patient? Are you a doctor? Are you going against the morality of being a doctor? " Yin diansen said, a bit proud, he is waiting for Xu Zhendong's answer.

"Doctors should help the world and have the benevolence of doctors." Xu Zhendong said, silent for a while, said: "but we doctors are also people, you look down on Chinese medicine, look down on me, let me go, threaten me."

"We doctors also have dignity. You trample on my dignity, threaten my life, and even let your housekeeper and your bodyguard arrest me. Even Bodhisattvas are angry."

"Your son is a patient. I should have treated your son badly, but do you think I'm so cheap? To treat people who trample on my dignity? So I'm sick? "

Xu Zhendong said a lot all of a sudden, a lot of vomit, these words he endured for a long time, but for these words, he did not want to continue to talk with him.

There was a sudden silence.

Yin has been at the top of the food chain for too long. I always feel that the world revolves around me. As long as I do it by myself, nothing can't be done.

At the beginning, he promised that as long as someone treated his son, he would be willing to pay 10 billion yuan for diagnosis. Since then, almost every day, doctors will come into his house to treat him.

Ten billion is the money that many people can't earn in their lifetime.

There is a large sum of money, which is moved by countless people, and some foreign doctors come here.

In addition to doctors, there will also be some business tycoons to find some hidden famous doctors to enter his home, not only for his 100 million, but also for Yin diansen's favor.

This is a hundred billion rich man. To get such a favor is not comparable to ten billion.

Just casually cooperate with you on a project, the rate of return is more than 10 billion.

However, two people rejected him yesterday.

One is businessman Yang Wanxiang, the other is doctor Xu Zhendong!

This is something he never thought of.

After calming down, he said calmly, "Dr. Xu, it's my fault. I apologize to you. I hope you can come and see my son."

"I said I won't go. I'm very busy. There are still many patients waiting for me to treat. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you!" Xu Zhendong said he wanted to hang up.

"Wait!" The tone over there suddenly became solemn and said, "doctor Xu, I'm so low. Next time, please don't force me, or you will regret it!"


Xu Zhendong hangs up directly. This man wants to threaten himself.

After hanging up, Xu Zhendong directly pulled the call into the blacklist and ignored it.

And director Jiang on one side has been stunned, looking at Xu Zhendong is like looking at this monster.

"That's the richest man, the richest man in Jiangnan Province, so you refused?" Director Jiang said in disbelief.

"No matter who wants me to treat him, at least you have to respect him, not to mention someone who tramples on my dignity." Xu Zhendong said very simply.

Looking at the patients already in line, he said, "let's go to see the doctor. The patients are already waiting."

Director Jiang shook his head helplessly. He did not expect that Xu Zhendong really refused the invitation of the richest man.

They have been seeing a doctor, and nothing special happened today.

The quiet day passed like this, but Yin didn't find him through others.

In the evening, Yang Qiankun came to find him and directly found the villa.

"How do you know I live here?" Xu Zhendong asked curiously.

"I'm sorry, I also have a villa in Xiangshan, but it's empty all the time. I've decided that I'll live in Xiangshan in the future and be a neighbor with you." Yang Qiankun said, his eyebrows always slightly wrinkled.

"What's the matter? What happened? " Xu Zhendong can see that.

"There's something wrong with the company at home." Yang Qiankun was reluctant to talk about it, but he had to say that although he was usually idle, he was still implicated in an accident in his family's company. He patted Xu Zhendong on the shoulder and said, "how about going to a bar with me for a drink? A drunken solution to a thousand worries. "

Xu Zhendong looks at Su Yike and asks for his daughter-in-law's advice. Su Yike also sees that Yang Qiankun is worried and says, "you can go with him. Don't be too late."

"Thank you, sister-in-law!"

They drove directly to the Xiang Guo bar, an industry owned by the Vientiane group.

"Yang Shao, here you are." Immediately, a foreman came to greet him with a smile and said, "Yang Shao, private room?"

"Yes, give me the best private room!" Yang Qiankun said aloud.

"How many beauties would you like to drink with?"


"No, thank you!" Yang Qiankun stretched out his finger to say five words. Xu Zhendong immediately interrupted, looked at Yang Qiankun and said, "I know something happened in your family. I'm here to drink with you. You call a beautiful woman to drink with you. If Yike knows, he will not spare me."

"Dr. Xu, you are too timid!" Yang Qiankun said with disdain, "just call my little red."

"All right!"

The foreman left.

They went straight to the private room.

"After a while, my little red will come. I'll tell you, it's my true love. I'll accompany you all my life. Let you see it." Yang Qiankun said happily, looking excited.

They just came into the private room, and the whole room was empty, but soon the waiter served a lot of food and wine.

Put a lot of wine, Yang Qiankun resolutely said not enough, the waiter can only continue to take, Xu Zhendong helpless words to stop.

"Yang Shao, here you are!" A clear girl's voice came.

The door was pushed open, a girl came in, dressed in bright red, the whole person is very beautiful, dressed very beautiful, have to say, this is a beauty embryo.

The body is perfect. It's developed in accordance with the golden ratio. The perfect S-curve is shown. The chest is very strong. The Red Hip skirt is also a temptation.

"See, this is my little red!" Yang Qiankun excitedly walked over and put his hand on her shoulder. He couldn't help touching her jade peak.

This woman really surprised Xu Zhendong

At the time of astonishment, the whole body trembled and the Yin Qi came!

"Yin Qi!"

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