Tianyi group headquarters, office!

"Ha ha ha, it's really wonderful. Yang Wanxiang was dragged into the water by a little doctor." Peng Tianyi said happily, looking at the news report in the computer, very happy.

"President, now is the time for us to attack. We have always been under the pressure of Vientiane group. Now they are in chaos. Some people even say that some of their businesses have no choice but to stop." Assistant president is also very happy to say.

"Don't worry. It's not the right time. It's just skin deep." Peng Tianyi said, looking at the news in the computer, as well as the information in his hand, these information can be provided by the people he installed inside the Vientiane group, and updated immediately.

"Now it seems that Yin diansen does not want to crush Vientiane group immediately, but to put pressure on him. Now is not the time to attack." Peng Tianyi said happily, recalling the situation on the spot that day, he said: "you didn't go in at that time. The Little Doctor Yang Wanxiang took with him was so angry that he quarreled with Yin Shoufu."

"But the little doctor is really very powerful. He even said that he was ill with Yin Shoufu's son. Later, Yin Shoufu went back to ask the little doctor to come back, but the little doctor didn't come back. Hehe, young people are very young. Now it's such a situation."

"Now that Yin Shoufu hasn't exerted all the pressure, it only means that he is warning the Vientiane group and forcing the little doctor to submit. I ask you to check the little doctor's background for me. Are you clear?"

The assistant to the president stepped forward, took out a folder, put two simple pages in it in front of the president, and said:

"The background of this little doctor is very simple. He is just an intern who just graduated. He met Yang Qiankun, the son of Yang Wanxiang, who had a sudden illness before. They met each other. Some interesting things happened between them."

"At the beginning, Yang Wanxiang's wife looked down upon traditional Chinese medicine and little doctor. Little doctor didn't see her son. Do you know what happened later? Yang Wanxiang and his wife knelt down to the little doctor directly. They are still on the table. Look at this picture. "

This picture is exactly the scene when Yang Wanxiang and his wife knelt down to beg Xu Zhendong, and many passers-by were watching.

"It's interesting, but they get along very well, but it can be seen from here that the little doctor has a lot of personality. Yin diansen is the richest man. He won't kneel down, so the little doctor is stubborn and won't treat the children of the richest man. Ha ha ha, so Vientiane group won't recover."

"The pressure process needs to be carried out slowly. When the worries of the richest man are gone, it's time for Vientiane group to collapse. At this time, when Tianyi group is rising, what we need to do is to be the first in Yingtian city and the second in Jiangnan province after Yin family."

Peng Tianyi is very happy to say that his Tianyi group has been pressed by the Vientiane group, and finally met such a good opportunity.

He's too excited to sleep.

"Congratulations to Mr. Peng, the rise of our Tianyi group is just waiting." The assistant president also said with a smile.

"Hahaha, I'm going to have a drink with some old friends today to celebrate the good news."

Xiangshan villa area!

Xu Zhendong forgot how he came back last night. He changed his pajamas and saw that the floor was a little wet. It seemed that he had just mopped the floor. When he walked into the bathroom, he smelled a stench. It was the smell of vomit.

"Lying trough, how much wine did I drink yesterday? I vomit so much that I feel sick. I can't do it again." Xu Zhendong said, scolding himself in his heart.

"You wake up, drunkard!" Su Yike came over, looked at him and walked over unhappily.

"I... something happened last night, and I have a lot of responsibility." Xu Zhendong felt guilty. He felt guilty for the attack of Vientiane group.

"What's the matter? Can make you drink like this Su Yike said.

"You go to the living room and wait for me. I'll come out and explain to you after I wash."

After a simple wash, he runs to the living room. Su Yike brings breakfast, or a nutritious breakfast. Xu Zhendong eats happily.

"You watch the news on TV first."

Su Yike hesitated, turned on the TV to switch to the news channel, and saw some related reports of Vientiane group, which were all bad. In some places, the project stopped working. More workers are making trouble.

"See, these have something to do with me, or they are directly caused by me. I am not competent as a doctor. I can save other people's physical diseases, but I can't guarantee their food and clothing."

Xu Zhendong said helplessly.

"What's going on? Isn't Vientiane group always very good? How can it suddenly become like this, and what's the matter with you? " Su Yike came out with a lot of question marks.

"Let me tell you something. Do you remember Mr. Yang asked me to accompany him to see a doctor with his business partner? Do you know who that person is?" As Xu Zhendong said this, Su Yike shook his head and said he didn't know. He continued: "that man is Yin diansen, the richest man in Jiangnan province. After our talks broke down, I even scolded others, and the disease was not cured."

"Be clear!"

Xu Zhendong spoke out the whole incident.

After hearing this, Su Yike was shocked. She didn't expect it to be like this. Therefore, Xu Zhendong really has a great responsibility for all this.

"Then what? Are you really not going to see his son? " Su Yike asked.

"I'm not going to see his son." After finishing his last breakfast, Xu Zhendong said: "his son's disease needs an ancient acupuncture method to treat. If he finds Mr. Tang, he may be able to relieve it. But Mr. Tang certainly can't be cured completely. No one can cure this disease except me. I can't do it. He didn't come to me at last. I want him to pay back his trampling on the dignity of traditional Chinese medicine."

"Now the mess of Vientiane group is only temporary, unless Mr. Yin doesn't want to save his son." Xu Zhendong said, hesitated for a while, said: "there is no parents in the world, the love of their children is not selfless, so he will not give up his children, wait."

Relieved Su Yike angry matter, two people rush to work.

Su Yike went to Shennong medicated food workshop to work as a supervisor, and tried to find a way to launch the first phase of the product.

Xu Zhendong came to the hospital.

As soon as I came to the Department of traditional Chinese medicine, I saw president Hua sitting in the position of director Jiang.

"Dean, why are you here?" Xu Zhendong asked curiously, you know, Dean Hua is a person who doesn't need to punch in at work. There's no need to come so early.

"Of course I'm here for you!" President Hua said and stood up with some helplessness on his face.

"To me?" Xu Zhendong was surprised, as if he had guessed it, and said, "what can I do for the dean?"

"I won't beat around the Bush any more. About Yin diansen and his son's illness..."

"Stop, Dean. Although I know you will come to me mostly because of this, it's not that I don't give him face, it's that he doesn't give me face, it's that he doesn't give Chinese medicine face."

"So I refuse!"

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