Ten days later, the story of Wang Xiao challenging the two leaders of the star and the black hole in the star headquarters spread quickly, and the whole world was in full swing.

The leaders of the two sects of stars and black holes didn't want to fight.

Although they have received Wang Xiao's challenge letter, they have every reason to say that they lost it and didn't pass it to them, so they didn't know it.

In this way, we can avoid the duel with Wang Xiao.

But what they never thought was that Wang Xiao announced to all the sects and practitioners of the whole Jinlu River and lake, so that everyone knew that he would challenge the two leaders of the star and black hole in ten days.

In this case, if the two leaders refuse to take part in the challenge, they will be shameless. In the future, I'm afraid they will have no face to go out and continue to mix.

Wang Xiao's move really pushed the two sects to the brink.

Wang Xiao, on the other hand, had a very leisurely time in the Jinsha branch, while touring the mountains and rivers of the city where the Jinsha branch is located to see the local conditions and customs. On the one hand, I understand the birth and development of Jinlu, and feel the rise and hegemony history of Jinlu. From these histories, Wang Xiao seems to feel an indescribable force.

Formal this strength, let Wang Xiao have a kind of blood boiling feeling, the true Qi in the body seems to find a vent, crazy running. It makes Wang Xiao feel a sense of enlightenment.

Standing on the top of the statue of the goddess, Wang Xiao looks at the city in front of him.

This city is praised by the world as yearning for fairness, freedom and equality, and Wang Xiao is filled with emotion.

"The development and rise of human beings is actually the same as that of cities and the development and evolution of a country. For the development of a country, in the long history of hundreds of years and thousands of years, countless heroes must have been born, who have shed their blood for the prosperity of the country. There must be countless heroic blood and bones buried under a powerful country! "

"It's the same with people. One needs to go through countless hardships and pains to grow up. But let a person really began to change, often not step by step, but a sudden take advantage of the wind. For example, a poor person, even if he works hard all his life, may not have great prospects. But once this person has a good chance to become the son-in-law of a high-ranking official one day, he will soon spontaneously cultivate a kind of momentum, and this transformation is often completed in a short time. This kind of transformational growth, even if it is only a few months, but the growth rate is greater than the sum of the previous decades. " Wang Xiao was filled with emotion.

He believes that most people in society feel the same way.

And I have a very deep feeling about it.

"Since I absorbed 5% of the aura in the Lingshi vein and opened the boundary magic power, I obviously felt that my growth was a turbulent transformation. In a short period of ten months, I went from a second-order practitioner to a real eighth order practitioner. This kind of violent transformation, everyone's life can meet, can't ask. The vast majority of people will never have such a great opportunity in their lifetime. "

Wang Xiao opened his hands and embraced the sky.

After ten months of seclusion, Wang Xiao really lived up to the expectations of the public and her own.

Wang Xiao plans to go back to Huaxia lake to settle accounts with enamel mountain immediately after he completes the task of Shentang dominating Jinlu lake this time. Longyali, whom I have been thinking about, should return to freedom.

Every time I think of longyali's figure, it's hard for Wang Xiao to calm down.

Although Wang Xiao now wants to rush to the Chinese river's lake to settle accounts with enamel mountain, Wang Xiao knows that he still has a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders and a lot of things to do.

Huaxing gang has just accepted Shenmen. After ten months of running in, it is a relatively successful reception. But Hatton and Apollo were very ambitious people. The reason why they chose to join Huaxing gang and become Wang Xiao's subordinates was that they believed that Wang Xiao could help Shentang unify Jinlu's rivers and lakes and become the overlord of Jinlu!

In the past ten months, Apollo and Hatton, as well as many of their heaven level masters, have been respectfully doing things under Gu Long's arrangement, but they are full of dissatisfaction.

If Wang Xiao can't help Apollo fulfill his original promise, it will be very difficult for him to continue to rule the gate of God in the future.

After all, Shenmen is not an ordinary school.

Therefore, Wang Xiao must fulfill the dreams of Apollo and Hatton. Only in this way can he completely conquer the two men and conquer the shrine.

When the gale came, Wang Xiao felt a chill. With a wave of his hand, it turned into a dark shadow and disappeared in the sky.

It's about time for the duel. Wang Xiao must go to the star headquarters!


Star headquarters, covering millions of acres, is comparable to the territory of a small county-level city.

Far away, you can see the vast and domineering headquarters in the sky, standing between heaven and earth, forming a unique landscape. Anyone who sees the buildings of the stars can't help but wonder and be impressed by the style of the star headquarters.Stellar headquarters is the most magnificent arena, which can accommodate millions of people. You can imagine the scale of the scene.

But today, the huge training ground is full of people, and almost the whole training ground is surrounded. From a distance, the crowd is too spectacular.

"Wocao, the duel between Wang Xiao and the two headmasters will be coming soon. I feel very excited when I think about it."

"Yes, this battle must be the one that decides our whole Jinlu River and lake. If Wang Xiao wins, then the whole Jinlu River and lake will be Wang Xiao's world. "

"If Wang Xiao fails, then the world of Jinlu will belong to stars and black holes, and Shenmen will completely withdraw from the stage of history and be erased from the history of the earth."

"I heard that the star leader, star yobert, is a great master. I'm afraid I'm at least a master of Tianqi level. I'm not sure if I've reached the eighth level. "

"The leader of the black hole, Hei Persia, is even more outstanding. He is the leader of the golden land argumentation a hundred years ago. Since then, I have been practicing in seclusion. Now, I'm in a vocational high school, and I dare not think about the powerful key value. "

"You see, staryobert and harpos are coming!"

"Crouching troughs, the two masters I admire most, are finally on the stage. Oh, it's worthy of being star yaobert. I can't hold such a big air when I come on the stage. "

"I think it's better to be a Black Persian ox fork. His breath doesn't need to be displayed by his aura. There is a breath of reincarnation in line with the way of heaven. These masters are too terrible. I'm really worried about Wang Xiao. "

" Wang Xiao has really jumped the arrogance. Young people in their twenties dare to challenge this big leader. They really don't want to mix up. "

"What do you know? Sooner or later, the old generation of experts will withdraw from the stage of history. The stage belongs to the young people. I believe that today's battle is the battle for the older generation of monks to withdraw from the Jinlu arena! "

"This war will certainly change the history of the Jin Lu River."

"Look, Wang Xiao is here!"

"The elder brother I admire most is finally on the stage."

"NIMA is so young and handsome..."


In full view of the public, Wang Xiao slowly fell down from the sky, and finally came to the empty space in the middle of the martial arts training ground. In the face of countless people's attention and admiration, Wang Xiao seems very calm, just a pair of indifferent eyes swept on the star yaobert and Hei Persia.

If a few months ago, in the face of these two masters, Wang Xiao would really feel great pressure. But at this moment, Wang Xiao looked at nothing directly.

The two men's accomplishments were almost the same as Apollo's, barely reaching the seventh level of heaven's accomplishments, but Wang Xiao didn't see it at all.

You know, when Wang Xiao was at the fourth level of the sky, he could kill otron at the sixth level of the sky. Now after ten months of absorbing the aura of Lingshi vein, Wang Xiao has become a cultivator of the eighth level of heaven, and his combat effectiveness is completely comparable to any master of the Ninth level of heaven.

It can even be said that there are few opponents in the sky.

Just two days and seven steps, how can Wang Xiao care?

Although they are the leaders of the two giants, there may be some means to press the bottom of the box. But Wang Xiaosi didn't care.

Even if they have the means to press the bottom of the box, so what?

In the face of absolute power, all intrigues are paper tiger!

Therefore, Wang Xiao looked down at the two headmasters opposite, with a look of indifference and pride. His eyes seemed to be looking at two animals!

Xingyaobert was very upset with Wang Xiao's eyes, but he couldn't attack them. He still kept a good smile: "Wang Gang leader, our Xingxing gang and Huaxing Gang have no injustice in the past and no hatred recently. Why is that so?"

Obviously, star yaobert does not want to have a direct conflict with Wang Xiao.

Black Persian appears to strengthen more hard, at the moment a shout: "Bert, don't talk to him at this time. As long as you and I join hands, I think we can easily kill him completely! This man is really arrogant. He really thinks he can defeat our joint efforts. If we don't give him a good lesson today, he really thinks Lao Tzu is the first in the world. "

The star yaobert appears very helpless, has to nod at the moment.

Wang Xiao snorted coldly: "now I'll give you one last chance to commit suicide and take refuge in Huaxing gang. Otherwise, the end will be miserable! "

Wang Xiao really thought so. Even if they are defeated, they will never survive.

Apollo and Hatton are enough to receive stars and black holes.

Keeping these two people will only leave hidden dangers to the future shrine.

After hearing this, hepos laughed: "ha ha ha, this is really the biggest joke that hepos has ever heard in this century. You were still playing with mud when I was dominating the world. Now that you've grown a little bit, don't you dare to say such a big thing, and you're not afraid of being struck by thunder? "

Star yaobert is also very uncomfortable and looks angry.Wang Xiao said coldly: "in that case, let's fight!"

Black Persia yelled: "today, let you this Chinese pig, see our golden land's great magic power!"

The words fall in the twinkling of an eye, Black Persian shot.

Star yobert followed closely.

Two people a hand, immediately into two huge tornadoes swept.

Tornadoes tear the surrounding air, so that the surrounding space has produced numerous cracks, it looks shocking.

But Wang Xiao always stood still in the same place, in the face of the two people rushing over, without the slightest tension, instead of a long sigh: "so little energy, why come to die?"?! Ah

Wang Xiao sighed, then gently raised his right hand and suddenly Drew: "the space crack of the boundary!"

Words fall instantly, black Persia and star yaobert two people make of tornado middle suddenly split countless space crack!

It was as if the space had been broken.

"Click, click..."

A clear cry. Star yobert and harpos were cut into countless pieces at the same time!

"Cracks in space Is this the magic power of demarcation? Ah, ah... " Staryobert screamed, and the whole body burst out.

"The magic of demarcation Although Wang Xiao is known as the cultivation of the eighth level of heaven, what he shows is the magic power of the Ninth level of heaven The world powers are terrible. Ah!! Why? After two hundred years of closed door cultivation, I have achieved great void power, but in the end, I'm not as good as a yellow haired boy. I'm not willing to... " Black Persia with a heart cracking scream, the body suddenly broken.


Wang Xiao was still standing in the same place, with compassion in his eyes, shaking his head and sighing: "I said, why are you suffering..."

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