(End 6, 14,000 words, seek subscription support!)

This is the end of the national technique drill.

Ten minutes.

Not long!

But definitely not short!

But in just ten minutes, Li Lei brought national performance, which was extremely shocking !!!

Not enough at all!

Netizens also wanted to post a barrage, expressing the extension of the performance time …


But at this time, with Li Lei’s merit, a long breath was like a sharp arrow stringing out of his mouth … · Fly two or three meters away

Only then slowly.

The pores on his body opened immediately, and the faint mist surrounded him … like a fairy.

If this is on the top of a beautiful mountain, or with a Taoist outlook.

Isn’t it the ancients who said the clouds and clouds?

It is mistaken for the immortal?


Is it normal?!

“I rely on, and said that you are not repairing it?

“Other people say that they are practicing national arts, but Li Lei, do you look like you are practicing national arts?”

“Are you just Xiu Xian?”

“What is the principle? How many meters can you shoot in your mouth?”

“It’s exaggerated? Now in March, there are more than 20 degrees of Shudu, and you can’t see the smoke with a breath!

How many meters are spit out?

“Even in winter, how far can you fly away?

“Is Li Lei’s body burning water? Like the steam engine, it releases a few meters away from the steam engine?

Sending a smoke shrouded yourself? ”


“This scene was placed in ancient times.

“I know, it’s a nuclear reaction … All the end of everything is: boil water! But Ji Lin is burning in his body.

“The nuclear response of God and his meow, boiling water, this is a manifestation of the talents of the great achievements. It proves that Li Lei’s national technique has reached great

The deep realm.

“The national art performance is over, is it over?”

“Isn’t it? I want to see it again!”

“Let’s play a actual combat performance!”

“You can pull it down. After watching Li Lei’s national art performance, I just want to say who can fight with him?”

“When Li Lei is 1v6, it is really difficult for him. Should I always accept my own strength? I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will see what the kingdom of life, the master, and the swordsman …White? ”

“It’s really hard for Li Lei, the opponent of that level can’t be released at all … No wonder he will let the people of the country be together. Is there no pressure at all?


Seeing Li Lei’s merit.

Netizens have discussed.

The weather in Shudu over 20 degrees, even if you breathe yourself, you can’t highlight a white smoke like winter.

But after Li Lei received his work, his breath was like an arrow, and it shot from his mouth and flew.

Even in winter, you can produce white smoke.

But it is not possible to see Bai Yan.

What’s more, Li Lei was full of white smoke when he finished his work.

It should be emerged from his pores.

Really exaggerated!

At this time, Li Lei didn’t look at what the audience said in the live broadcast room carefully.

“Okay, this is the live broadcast this time. Some things need to be dealt with.

“Then remind you, don’t blindly practice national technique, and don’t blindly believe in some scammers’ national arts …

“If you want to learn national art, you need to screen it in advance.”


“At least one punch can make a crispy ring, a few centimeters of wooden boards or woods that can be easily played easily …

“If you can’t do this, it is basically a scammer, or you are not studying art.”

“Everyone must be alert, and they are deceived in police defense.

“Finally … That’s it, goodbye!

Li Lei reached out and made a gesture of worship and ended the live broadcast.

TK short video platform.

Two television stations at home and abroad have ended the live broadcast.

On the whole, this live broadcast has attracted very much attention.

Earlier Li Lei answered the questions of netizens, and the popularity and attention were not so high.

In the live broadcast, Li Lei took everyone to the backyard … When he personally demonstrated the light body, it exploded completely!

He performed a light body, leaped three or four meters, and rushed to the 20 -meter tree.

Then jumped from the 20 -meter tree …

The live broadcast content was recorded by netizens, and then spread to the Internet.

No, it is the screen !!

The same is the same at home and abroad! (Looking at the storm novel, just go to Novel Network!)

Then TK short videos, countless netizens around the world were attracted to watch the live broadcast.

Polisherlessly, Li Lei’s live broadcast, even if President Mi Di was invited to live broadcast, could not achieve this effect.

Unparalleled !!

TK short video platform, make numb directly !!

Daxia domestic users have exceeded 800 million, and the growth rate of users is not fast.

But this time Li Lei live broadcast, it has brought more than 30 million new users.

As for foreign countries?

It’s even more exaggerated!

There are more than 200 million new users !!

One day!

In other words, one morning.

Li Lei lived a live broadcast, CN TK increased by 230 million users!

The exclusive to the 50 million dollars, buy too straight !!!

The live broadcast of Daxia and overseas TV stations has reached a peak of the ratings!

—— The strongest man on the earth!

This is Li Lei’s latest title !!

After the live broadcast, external discussions and topics.

Only to reach the explosion.

Before the live broadcast continued, everyone was watching Li Lei’s live broadcast and performance.


At the end of the live broadcast, the entire network was all related to Ji Lin and the national art.

“This is my teacher: Mr. Li Lei!”

Li Lei’s national art performance and live broadcast end.

The little prince uses the language of the Middle East to cooperate with English to introduce his teachers to these gods of God.

The little prince’s friend, not everyone is the same as him.

Some people don’t even understand English.

Only the little prince’s opening, Li Lei felt that it was good to be a salted fish.

Otherwise, it is too difficult to teach these people to learn national skills.

Zhang Li would not speak Allah in the Middle East … the other party would not speak English.

Study Chinese?

That’s even harder!

Without an efficient translation, the teaching of Li District will be greatly reduced.

Of course … these local tyrants can directly ask the little prince.

66 1

I am very happy to see you, welcome to Daxia, come to Shu Du …

Li Lei briefly said two polite words.

These gods speak, and they have been translated by Zhang Li and the little prince. Li Lei dare not guarantee that in this God Hao Tian Tuan, it is really all

Don’t people understand Chinese?

“Very powerful, Mr. Li Lei is so amazing! It is really shocking !!

“It’s incredible, is this the real kung fu of Daxia?”

“Mr. Li Lei, we really want to follow you to learn ** (Li Nuo Zhao) Xia Guoshu, I hope you can teach us!”

“Please teach us how much money is not a problem!” [ 074443351]

“We can be like a little prince, just a disciple of a name … I hope you must not refuse, please!”

“Mr. Li Lei … yesterday we arrived in Daxiashu, the little prince has introduced you in detail for us, and also said that your chase

Seeking, I don’t want to waste time and distraction because of other things, and pursue the highest state of Daxia State Art.

“You can’t teach yourself, you can also let your disciples: Mr. Wang Jie teaches us Yang.”

“When you have time, you are free, and occasionally point out that our mistakes are at the same time!


When the little prince introduced Li Lei, these foreigners stood up, shaking hands with him enthusiastically.

Too enthusiastic!

一 叽!

Zhang Li and the little prince do translation at the same time to translate English and Middle East language for Li Lei.

From the words of translation, you can hear the attitude of these gods very sincere.

I do n’t know, do Zhang Li and the little prince say what these people say?

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