"We only have two choices now, whether to let Calvin come in, or let the space station fall to the earth! A choice must be made now!" kina said seriously.

However, before everyone can make a decision, another thermometer has changed significantly.

However, at this time, the three people in the central control cabin did not speak, and no one pressed the injector corresponding to the thermometer.

Although, no one wants Calvin to return to the space station.

However, no one wants Calvin to enter Earth either.

After all, the four astronauts still alive in the space station, their parents, lovers, children, relatives, and friends, are all on Earth.

While neither of them wanted to die, neither did they want their beloved family members to be threatened by Calvin.

The temperature pointer of the thermometer was still raised high, and it was obvious that Calvin was still in the injector.

After a few seconds, the pointer of the thermometer finally fell back.

In other words, Calvin is no longer in the jet.

Of course, no one would think that Calvin left the jet.The jet's temperature returned to normal because Calvin had entered the space station through the jet's manifold.

"Everyone, it's coming in..." ,, ..

Chapter [-]: Run!Calvin!

All this was seen by the ten combat robots that remained stationary with the International Space Station.

And when Xiu turned on the jets of the International Space Station, ten fighter robots also adjusted their positions.Otherwise, they may be hit by the International Space Station.

When Calvin was outside the International Space Station before, the ten combat robots that remained relatively stationary with the International Space Station had the opportunity to kill Calvin.

Not to mention that all Nightblade-2 B-type combat robots have extremely sharp double swords and objectively powerful laser pistols.

Even if the Nightblade 2 B-type combat robot doesn't use weapons, it just grabs Calvin, so that he can't enter the space station and can only stay in space, Calvin will die after a long time.

However, because Wang Wei's previous order was to wait and see what happened, not to interfere in the affairs of the International Space Station.

Therefore, the ten Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robots just watched silently from beginning to end, and had no intention of helping the gang of people on the International Space Station to eliminate Calvin.

And Wang Wei, who watched the video in the biological experiment cabin of the International Space Station, did not give an order to help the gang of people on the International Space Station eliminate Calvin.

Although it seems that the gang on the International Space Station finally chose to let Calvin re-enter the space station.

But in reality they have no other choice.

After all, if they choose to continue to activate the jets of the International Space Station, although it can temporarily prevent Calvin from re-entering the International Space Station, it will also accelerate the fall of the International Space Station.

Once the International Space Station falls, the four people still on the International Space Station will surely die in the end.However, Calvin, who has strong resistance and vitality, may not necessarily die.

So, in reality, the four people who are still alive on the International Space Station don't have two choices.Instead, there was only one option, and that was to have Calvin re-enter the International Space Station.

Then control the International Space Station back into stable orbit.At the same time, find a way to destroy Calvin who entered the International Space Station.

In this way, the four of them have a chance to survive.As long as the four of them survive, then the earth will definitely be fine.


Inside the International Space Station, all four people who are still alive are gathered in the central control module.

Show has fired up the ISS's thrusters, hoping to push the ISS back into stable orbit.Not sure if the fuel is enough, but don't give up hope just yet.

The central control room was dead, and everyone was in a low mood.

Two people have died on the ISS, and Calvin is now back on the ISS.

The four people who are still alive must find a way to kill Calvin.

If they can't kill Calvin, then in the end, the four of them must be killed.

Finally, Miranda, the only biologist still alive on the International Space Station, broke the silence in the space station.

"Calvin can dominate Mars for hundreds of millions of years, and its strength is undoubtedly unquestionable. But since Calvin disappeared from Mars in the next hundreds of millions of years, even if we bring it back from Mars, it is still It can only be reactivated under certain circumstances."

"This means that when certain atmospheric components are missing, they can be put into a dormant state. Even if it is a long time, Calvin can be killed."

"Calvin can't survive without air, we can return to the Serenity node cabin, seal the entire cabin, and remove the air from the other cabins! Without air, Calvin will eventually die!"

Xiu nodded: "This plan is feasible!"

"That being the case, then Miranda and John are in charge of the parts east of Serenity! Show and I are in charge of checking and closing the north and south cabins!" kina said.Shucang website www.shucang.cc

"OK! Let's get started!"

After that, the four of them all split up and acted.

Close the doors between each compartment, then turn on the exhaust function to exhaust the air from the other compartments.

Then all the gaps in the Serenity were closed, ensuring that Calvin would not have any chance to enter the Serenity with oxygen.

However, just when the four of them were just closing all the doors of the Tranquility cabin and sealing all the gaps in the Tranquility, Calvin suddenly got in through a pipe and rushed directly to the nearest John. Doctor's face.

"Woo! Woo!! Woo!!!"

John desperately tried to rip Calvin off his face, but to no avail.

Although John's strength is not small, Calvin's strength is not small, and Calvin's body surface is very slippery, making John completely useless to use all his strength.

The other three immediately put down their work and picked up the plasma cutting gun prepared in advance, which is often used when cutting metal sheets.

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