Money is really not lacking for Huaxia Institution.What is lacking is top talents in the industry like Wang Wei.

Now there is one, and the country will of course grasp it tightly.

This time, An Ran and Wang Wei came to the headquarters of Ducheng Nuclear Industry Group early.It was not half an hour late like the last launch of the smog absorption tower.

After all, Elder No. 2008 said that he would also come over to show his face.Food Fictionwww.meishi[-].com

All the media reporters also came to the large conference room of the nuclear industry group early, and then took their seats as arranged by the staff, and then waited for the start of the press conference.

It's exactly ten o'clock.The top management of Ducheng Nuclear Industry Group, as well as the mayor of Ducheng, the mayor, Wang Wei, An Ran, and Elder No. [-] all took their seats on the stage.

First, the leaders of Ducheng Nuclear Industry Group delivered speeches, and then the leaders of the city delivered speeches.

Basically, they are playing an official role. Under the correct leadership of the country, Huaxia's nuclear industry technology has finally made a breakthrough by leaps and bounds. Huaxia has finally mastered the technology of controllable nuclear fusion. Huaxia is about to build the first nuclear fusion nuclear power plant in the suburbs of the capital.Barbara...

But they didn't take up too much time, after all, the No. [-] elder was still waiting behind.

After the leaders of the Ducheng Nuclear Industry Group and the leaders of Ducheng delivered their speeches, it was Elder No. [-]'s speech.

"Regarding the construction of a controllable nuclear fusion nuclear power plant, first of all, I have to commend our youngest genius scientist in China, Wang Wei! Because this technology was researched by him alone! To talk about the subject of 'controllable nuclear fusion', we in China... No, it has been studied all over the world for many years. But there has not been much progress. Now, because of Wang Wei, we Huaxia have finally mastered this technology first!"

"Let's not talk about how good this technology is for the country. Let's talk about things that are closely related to the people. Now there are more household appliances, and household electricity consumption is also rising. It is not unusual for a family to pay hundreds of thousands of electricity per month. . But after the nuclear fusion power station is built, let’s not say too much, the price of electricity will be reduced by at least [-]%, or even more. And all of this is due to Wang Wei!”

Elder No. [-] spared no effort to support Wang Wei.As An Ran said, the country hopes to make Wang Wei a star scientist.Let the young people worship him instead of the actors.

The news conference of Metropolis Nuclear Industry Group needs to be edited on TV, but it is broadcast live on the Internet.

Originally, this kind of press conference would not be watched by many people when it was broadcast live on the Internet.

However, after the advertisements of major Internet companies, almost all people who are surfing the Internet choose to click on the news headlines after seeing the news headlines.

[Wang Wei, the youngest scientist in China successfully developed controllable nuclear fusion technology! 】

[He who saved the earth not long ago actually did this! 】

[One thing he did reduces the turnover of the Power Supply Bureau by more than [-]%! 】

[Another invention of Wang Wei, [-] billion people around the world are stunned! 】

Chapter [-]: Restart the et plan

As soon as I entered the online news live broadcast room of major media, I saw Wang Wei, Elder No. [-] and a group of unknown people in front of the camera.

On the wall behind the crowd, there was a large banner.

[Huaxia Controllable Nuclear Fusion Power Station Groundbreaking Conference! 】

Seeing this title, all netizens were all excited.

"Fuck!!! Controllable nuclear fusion was really researched by the nerds!!"

"The house god said more than ten days ago that controllable nuclear fusion will be available soon! It's only ten days, and the construction of the controllable nuclear fusion power station is about to start! It's really fast!"

"First, the plasma cannon, then the smog absorption tower, and then the controllable nuclear fusion! The house god is the man who opened it!"

"I am glad that I am a Chinese, and I am proud of being a Chinese!"

"It feels like Huaxia has opened the protagonist's halo since the god of the house blew up the meteorite!"

Compared with the excitement of Chinese netizens, some foreign netizens feel uncomfortable.

Such as Citi, such as the country of sticks, such as neon, such as the fighting family.

"Huaxia has surpassed the world in technology again! What are the scientists in our country doing!"

"It costs our taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year, but we can't even research one! Our status as the international leader of Citi will be lost!"

"China has risen, and we can't stop it!"

It was still eleven o'clock in the evening at Citi.

Inside, when Governor General Puchuan was still having sex with his wife Melana on the bed, the special phone for work suddenly rang.

However, Puchuan ignored the phone call, and continued to traverse Melana's body.

Although Puchuan didn't intend to pay attention to the phone, the ringing of the phone didn't seem to want to let Puchuan go, so it kept ringing.

Maybe it was the ringing of the phone that made Puchuan more sensitive. After more than ten seconds, Puchuan was suddenly finished.

Seeing Melana's unfinished expression, Puchuan was also very angry.

This call doesn't come early or late, but it comes at a critical moment.Looking at the name of the secretary on the caller ID, Puchuan answered the phone angrily.Balance Novel Network

"If what you're about to say makes me think it's not important enough to have to call in the middle of the night, then you won't have to go to work tomorrow!" Puchuan said angrily.

Puchuan's secret technique was startled by Puchuan's voice, why did it suddenly make such a big fire.

But Puchuan's secretary didn't think too much about it, so what he wanted to report to Puchuan was really important.

"Mr. Governor! Huaxia Metropolis Nuclear Industry Group suddenly announced that they have mastered the technology of controlled nuclear fusion, and will soon start building large-scale nuclear fusion power stations in China! Mr. Governor, this is a very dangerous signal Since Huaxia has been able to use nuclear fusion technology for civilian use, it means that their nuclear fusion technology will be more mature in the military field!"

Puchuan was just a businessman before, and he didn't know much about cutting-edge technology.So he didn't quite understand what that meant.

"It's just a super weapon, and Citi is the country with the most nuclear weapons. What's there to worry about!" Putuan said without worry.

"Mr. Governor! This is not just about super weapons. The energy release of nuclear fusion is dozens of times that of nuclear fission. And there is no radiation danger! If China applies controllable nuclear fusion to aircraft carriers, submarines, and fighter jets , their combat power will increase several times!"

"You mean that our military status will be surpassed by China?" Puchuan asked angrily.After all, in the hearts of most Citi people, Citi is the most powerful country on earth, and no other country can surpass them.

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