Wang Wei has gone to open up a new planet, but these powerful and big countries can only be trapped and struggling on the earth.

This has made the heads of many countries very anxious.

After all, everyone knows that going to a new continent to open up wasteland can definitely make a lot of money.Not to mention going to a new planet to open up wasteland.

Those who open up wasteland first can choose the land with the best resources at will.

And those who go later, can only drink some soup at the back, or even eat some leftovers.

Well, with the technology of Mi Jian and other countries, it seems that it is unrealistic to go to Deep Blue Star in a short period of time.

But if you can't go to the deep blue star, it's not a big problem to go to the moon.

At present, only Wang Wei and Huaxia can develop the resources of the moon on the moon.

Those developed countries such as Europe and the United States are very jealous.

Although there is no environment on the moon that can allow human beings to survive, it has a lot of resources.

Such a large piece of public resources was monopolized by Huaxia and Wang Wei, and all countries were very dissatisfied.

When joining the Science Alliance, Mi Jian found that the science library of the Science Alliance did not have the technology they wanted most.

It is the controllable nuclear fusion reactor technology and the power system of the space shuttle and so on.

They didn't ask for a lot from Wang Wei.After all, the Science Alliance was established by Wang Wei, and Wang Wei's rights were also the greatest.

If Wang Wei doesn't hand over those technologies, Mi Jian and other developed countries in Europe and America can't do anything about it.

However, in addition to Wang Wei, Huaxia also has this technology.

And at the beginning of the establishment of the Science Alliance, it was announced that all members would share all their cutting-edge technologies in the world.

However, there are no such technical materials in the scientific library of the Science Alliance, which means that Huaxia has not taken out those materials.

Therefore, Mi Jian applied to punish Huaxia on the grounds that Huaxia did not abide by the treaty of the Science Alliance.

However, Wang Wei did not meet Mi Jian's request.

Instead, it tells all countries that as long as they master the technologies that are now disclosed, they will naturally open up more advanced technologies.

Although Mi Jian was dissatisfied with this, he was helpless.

As the saying goes, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.Wang Wei's strength is stronger than them, so they can only suffer silently.

However, although there is no controllable nuclear fusion reactor technology and space shuttle power system related technologies, this does not mean that they cannot go to the moon.

Many countries have the ability to launch satellites, and naturally they also have the ability to enter space.

And the space shuttles of countries such as Mijian and Goose are able to land on the moon.It's just that after landing, you may not be able to fly back [-]%.

However, there are many, many advanced technologies in the scientific library of the Science Union.For example, increasing the energy released by fuel, optimizing the energy utilization rate of rocket engines, and optimizing the performance of various materials.

Although these technologies are not comparable to the technologies contained in the space shuttle, they can also greatly improve the technological level of those countries.

Especially in the space field, a safe moon landing could not be guaranteed before, but now it can be guaranteed to be [-]% safe.

The performance of the spacesuit has also become better, unlike the previous one that could only maintain a third of the atmosphere, it is now able to maintain a standard atmosphere.

Astronauts on space missions are also much safer.

Therefore, half a month after Huaxia started its lunar development plan, Mi Jian, Goose Country, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and other countries have also publicly stated that they will also set up a lunar development project.No.3 Chinese Website www.[-]

It’s okay if you don’t have the ability. Now that you have the ability, naturally you can’t continue to watch Huaxia and Wang Wei eat alone on the moon.

In addition to the rapid development of science and technology at the national level.

Various technologies of private technology companies have also made considerable progress in recent times.

Electronic hardware manufacturers directly take out the technologies that they have developed before, but have not been put into the market for the time being.

No way not to take it.

In the past, they prepared to let the previous generation or the previous generation of technology make enough profits before releasing new technology.

There is no way to do so now.

I think there are many more advanced technologies in the scientific library of the Science Union.

If those hardware makers keep the technology they used to see as treasures in warehouses, as they did in the past.

Maybe, in the future, it can only be kept in the warehouse all the time.

There are only a few cutting-edge manufacturers in the hardware field.They make a lot of money.

However, there are many rich people in this world.There are also many people who want to get involved in their industry.

It's just that there is no relevant technology, even if you have money, you can't get in.

But now that the technology is open, it is very simple to enter the industry, as long as you have money.

If those old manufacturers still use those old technologies to fool people, then they are not far from being eliminated by new manufacturers.

Therefore, after the establishment of the scientific alliance, various electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers have all been changed for several generations.

Although the appearance may not have changed much, the performance has definitely improved more than a lot.

Of course, this is the reserve technology of each manufacturer.

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