Moses directly opened the car door and jumped out, ignoring the flowers he stepped on to rot, and ran to the small stone house beside the garden. The two maids standing in front of the stone house had long been surprised. , , .

Chapter [-]: Return to Base

Moses had just walked out of the garden when the sound of a cup knocking over came from the stone house. After a rustling sound, the wooden door of the stone house was pushed open.

He has wavy, curly hair with blond hair, blue eyes, a slender nose and a small mouth. He is a head shorter than Moses. This is Moses' wife.

"Moses, you're back, why didn't you bring anything?" Evelyn said happily.

In the past, every time Moses came back, he would hold strange things in his hands, so Evelyn was a little uncomfortable when she came back without something for the first time.

"Evelyn, I brought you something magical," Moses said.

Moses turned his head and gestured to Wang Wei, hoping that he would come down quickly.

Wang Wei had to bite the bullet and pull the old driver down.

One foot stretched out from the sky where Moses stepped on the footprint just now, and then the old driver jumped down with Wang Wei.

Evelyn opened her mouth wide, speechless in surprise, and pointed to the position of the suspended car.

"Moses, where did you find this trick, it's amazing this time," Evelyn asked curiously.

"They are my friends, and I'm here to take you away to a magical place," Moses said, pointing to Wang Wei.

Evelyn knew that Moses had no friends, but Moses returned empty-handed this time with a few friends. Evelyn wondered if Moses had begun to change, but she was able to make friends, and Evelyn was also happy for Moses.

Moses didn't dare to tell Evelyn what happened to his brother this morning, otherwise Evelyn would have a quarrel with Wang Wei. Besides, nothing happened to Enso XXI, so it's better not to tell. .

"Moses, where are we going?" Evelyn asked worriedly.

Moses couldn't tell. Wang Wei didn't tell himself where he was going. He just said that he was going to a strange and distant place, maybe the other side of the sea. In Moses' impression, only the sea side was the farthest.

"Let's go to the other side of the sea," Moses said happily.

"Oh," Evelyn replied.

Although her husband is a little naive and believes in the good side of the world, he is not a vegetarian, so he still accompanies him to find out.

Evelyn was about to instruct the slave to go down to prepare the carriage, but was stopped by Moses and said that she could only go by herself. Evelyn was even more suspicious, but for her husband's curiosity, she still took a look.

After all, her husband's young and fierce name is not blown out, I believe that Moses can protect herself, so Evelyn should follow.

Wang Wei took the back seat first, and the old driver was shouted that Xiaohong was crowded in front of him. Wang Wei didn't want his brother-in-law to be crowded.

Moses took Evelyn to walk in the flowerbed. Evelyn felt colic in her heart. Every time she cultivated a flower, Moses would destroy a piece of it in various strange ways.

Walking with Moses to the center of the flowerbed, Evelyn didn't even know how she got there. There were some flowers that could still support, and she was rubbed by Moses' big feet.

Evelyn didn't see clearly until she came here. There was a row of seats that seemed to be more advanced than her luxury carriage. Moses walked in now, and Evelyn followed closely.

Sitting inside, I feel very comfortable inside, and there is a cool breeze blowing, which is very comfortable in this scorching sun.

It was a man with a scar in front who seemed to be in a bad mood and squeezed with a girl, but Evelyn was not as heavy as Moses.Biquge

"The girl in front is deaf and mute," Moses said to Evelyn, pointing to Xiaohong.

Because Moses kept talking before, but Xiaohong shut down by himself, so he didn't say a word to Moses. Moses thought that Xiaohong was deaf and dumb.

"Fly back to the base," Wang Wei said to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei started the suspension car and started to take off. Evelyn asked Moses like a curious baby, but Moses said that it was divine power, the power of Shure.

Hearing this reason, Wang Wei also felt as if when the engine was called Shuer God, Wang Wei didn't bother these two wonderful creatures without ignorance.

The speed of the levitating car is very fast. Yesterday, because Moses did not know the way, he flew the entire continent, but today, with the coordinates drawn yesterday, he directly chose a straight line to fly.

Along the way, Moses was like an all-knowing scholar, and he basically didn't mention the key points. The old driver in front was refuted by the dog food all the way, and Evelyn still chose to believe her husband.

The suspended car flew over the base, and after selecting the apron, it flew down. The apron was worked by Qian Duojin overnight, and a circle was drawn on the grass to form an apron.

When he reached the sky above the base, Xiao Hei turned off the optical camouflage and fell directly.

Before Qian Duojin saw the bat aircraft coming back, he thought that Wang Wei was back, but only after inquiring did he know that he was going to pick up someone.

So Qian Duojin waited on the tarmac early, for fear that Wang Wei didn't know the existence of Qian Duojin.

The suspension car stopped, and the old driver rushed out the door. No one would be comfortable with the dog food that was fed all over the place along the way.

Qian Duojin saw that the old driver was angry and ignored him. The mercenaries are all hot-tempered people. In the past few days, several mercenary fights have been dealt with on the base.

Evelyn came down and looked here. There were huge iron blocks, several flying iron blocks, and people dressed in strange clothes. After Moses came down, he opened his mouth and looked here.

Qian Duojin doesn't know about these two, but he doesn't care about it. After all, if he came with the house god, then he is a friend.

After seeing Wang Wei getting out of the car, Qian Duo Jin Ma Shan leaned over to greet him, for fear that the house god would be wronged.

Wang Wei couldn't say anything when he saw Qian Duojin like this. After all, he did this to himself.

"Manager Qian is going to arrange a house for these two," Wang Wei said.

"Who are these two?" Qian Duojin asked curiously.

"This man is my brother, and the woman is my brother-in-law's daughter-in-law," Wang Wei said impatiently.

Qian Duojin immediately walked away when he heard the tone of the house god. If he had been an old fritter for so many years, if he didn't even understand this kind of human accident, he would have been pulled down long ago.

"Follow me," Wang Wei said to Moses

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