The mercenaries immediately surrounded the fish, and there was a mercenary every ten meters, and the old driver ran to the biologist to see.Beauty Nest Novel

Now the old driver is very boring. He used to be able to protect the house gods, but now he can only manage these mercenaries.

All this is thanks to that woman, but that woman is Wang Wei's lover, and the old driver gave up the urge to hit that woman.

At this time, the biologist was dissecting the huge fish, and Wang Wei ran over to see what the fish looked like. Wang Wei saw a mark on the back of a fish.

Wang Wei immediately climbed onto the fish's back, while An Ran watched from below. The old driver couldn't hold back his restless heart and ran onto the fish's back.

"God, what are you studying? Do you want to eat fish?" the old driver asked curiously

"I don't eat, look here, this is a mark, don't you think where these marks come from? Go and see if there is such a mark on the back of every fish," Wang Wei said to the old driver.

The old driver jumped off the back of the fish and climbed onto the back of another fish. All the backs of the fish were seen by the old driver, and the old driver ran to Wang Wei.

"God of the house, so all the fish have this wavy mark on the back," said the old driver.

"Yeah," Wang Wei muttered to himself.

In this case, only humans would put such a mark on their own items. Are there still humans in the sea?Wang Wei was very curious.

How can such a huge fish become someone else's property? It seems that that race already has its own civilization. Could this mark be the words of that mysterious race?

On Earth, whatever your surname will put on your belongings, maybe there is a whole new race underneath, a race that lives in the sea.

Wang Wei took the team back to the base, and when he returned to the base, he immediately asked Qian Duojin to prepare a few sets of diving equipment. Qian Duojin searched the base up and down and only found fifty sets of diving equipment.

Wang Wei personally went into battle this time, and asked the old driver to choose a diving expert, and the old driver immediately went to find a diving expert.

Mercenaries sometimes fight in the water, so diving is a subject that must be trained. These mercenaries have outstanding performance in diving.

"You don't have to go to An Ran this time, you can accompany your sister," Wang Wei said.

Of course An Ran quit and wanted to go with Wang Wei, but after some persuasion from Wang Wei, An Ran left.

When the old driver saw that Wang Wei had no bodyguard, he immediately acted as a bodyguard to surround Wang Wei's safety.

After a while, forty-eight mercenaries came in, all of them refreshed, and at first glance they were good diving experts.

"These are the outstanding diving experts in our mercenaries," the old driver said, pointing to these people.

Wang Wei immediately put on the diving equipment, and after everything was sorted out, the old driver and the forty-eight mercenaries were all dressed, and then got on the bat drone and flew towards the beach.

Wang Wei came to the beach just now, but the fish were gone. Wang Wei looked at it curiously. Could it be an illusion just now?

Wang Wei walked over to look at the position of the fish just now. There were actually traces of dragging. The direction of the traces was in the sea. Could it be that the owner of the fish came back.

Why don't they go ashore and establish diplomatic relations with humans? Can't they go ashore? , , .

Chapter [-]: Strange Fish

Wang Wei decided to go to the sea to find out. After everything was prepared, he would waterproof the laser gun, otherwise the machine would have problems in the water.

After the preparation is complete, the underwater flashlight and the oxygen inspection of the oxygen equipment are ready to enter the water.

After a few water sounds of "puff, puff, puff", all the personnel entered the water.

The seawater and salinity in it are the same as those on earth, and there are also corals and other plants in it, which is exactly the same as the sea on earth.

After swimming in the sea for a while, nothing unusual was found. He only continued to swim in the deep sea, and there was nothing along the way, which made Wang Wei feel very strange.

"wow wow"

A kind of sound spread in the sea, which made Wang Wei and the others alert. Wang Wei and others gathered around, and they looked around and saw nothing. Could it be that they had hallucinations.

When Wang Wei and others sent vigilance and continued to swim forward, a huge figure sprinted over, with a pointed mouth, straight into Wang Wei's chest.

After Wang Wei saw it clearly, it was like a long spear, but Wang Wei and others were not afraid, and turned the laser gun's power to the maximum to shoot at the strange fish.

Although the monster fish is huge, it can't stop the power of the laser gun. The head of the monster fish breaks a big hole, which was hit by the old driver, and a lot of blood flows out of the head.

The body of the strange fish began to float upward, and just as it was about to float to the sea, a strange fish rushed over and dragged the dead strange fish away.

However, Wang Wei and the others were blocked by a large amount of blood from the strange fish, and they didn't see this scene at all.

"Have you seen this kind of fish?" Wang Wei turned to ask the mercenary.

The mercenaries shook their heads one after another. They had never seen such a thing even in the ancient Amazon River, so everyone was confused.

Seeing them shaking their heads, Wang Wei was also disappointed. He thought that the same environment would breed the same animals. Maybe the evolutionary path was a little off, causing this situation.

When the blood has faded a little, let the old driver count the number of people, and then move on if there is no problem. The oxygen cylinder on his back can only let Wang Wei and others breathe for three hours.

Thirty minutes have passed now, and when it is time to turn back, we can only let Wang Wei and others continue to swim for an hour.

After Wang Wei and the others rested, they continued to set out and swam for about ten minutes, only one kilometer away from the position just now, but the sound of the strange fish came again.

But it was just the sound of a strange fish just now, and now it gives Wang Wei the feeling that it is a group of strange fish, so Wang Wei guessed right.

A group of strange fish surrounded Wang Wei and others in the center from all sides, but they didn't attack, so they looked at Wang Wei and others.

He didn't have time to waste with this group of strange fish, and he didn't have much oxygen on his back, so Wang Wei directly gave an order to destroy this group of strange fish.

Thirty strange fish were not enough for Wang Wei and others to enjoy themselves, so they were wiped out.

Now Wang Wei and others swam to the deep-sea area, all [-] strange fish sank and disappeared into the endless darkness. Wang Wei and others used the underwater flashlight to look at them, only to see that the group of strange fish was actually dragged away by their companions. .

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly" Wang Wei shouted loudly.

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