The sexy beauty walked in front, as if walking on the ground, Wang Wei stood firm and tried it, just like walking on the soft sand, making people feel very comfortable on the soles of his feet.

"You will point the gun in your hand at me later, and we will be punished for not letting us go back to the village," said the sexy beauty.

Wang Wei nodded and pointed his gun at Little Loli, who called Little Loli chatting along the way, and the noisy Wang Wei was not clean.

The old driver also pretended to point at the little loli, and the little loli pouted, but it was her sister who said that she had no choice.

A glowing bead was placed every ten meters on the seabed. Wang Wei felt it was warm when he touched it with his hand. When he picked up the bead, there were still roots under it, but the bead became dull.

"This kind of beads glows by absorbing the heat of the ground. If you want, you can take it," said the sexy beauty.Global

Wang Wei could not have imagined that this racial civilization has developed to such a degree, and it seems that it is not only the earth that has developed.

After walking for a while, a huge town appeared in front of Wang Wei, and there were two things holding strange weapons at the door of the road.

The two guards discovered the situation here, picked up the weapons in their hands and fired into the sky, a slender thing jumped out of the weapon and exploded in the sky.

Everyone looked at Wang Wei, and within a while, a row of fish appeared in front of Wang Wei, and many murlocs jumped from the fish.

This kind of fish is not as big as the fish just now, but it is only two heads bigger than a murloc, and it is very suitable as a mount.

"Zhu Ying, Zhu Mo, why are you being held hostage?" said the mighty male fisherman standing in the front row.

"Captain, today we went to patrol the beach, and we were taken hostage by these two humans by accident," Zhu Ying said.

"Yes, yes, Captain, my sister took me on patrol and they kidnapped me," Zhu Mo said happily.

"Human please let go of those two girls, I know you have no ill intentions," an old-fashioned voice said.

An old fish-man pushed aside the fish crowd and walked out.

"Hello, village chief," everyone said to the old murloc.

Wang Wei put down the gun. Anyway, he didn't have any malicious intentions. It was said by the front man named Zhu Ying. Otherwise, there would not be such a big scene. The old driver also carried the gun to his back.

Zhu Mo stuck his tongue out at Wang Wei, and ran to hug the village chief, who touched Zhu Mo.

"You are aliens, right now humans on land don't have the high technology like yours," said the village chief.

"It turns out to be aliens, it turns out that aliens look like humans outside."

"I thought aliens had three heads and six arms"

"Yeah, how can you say you have a big head?"

For the first time, Wang Wei felt embarrassed that he was called an alien by the murlocs, and you are the aliens.

The village chief motioned to follow him. Wang Wei and the old driver followed Wang Wei around and came to a house. The village walked in, and Wang Wei followed closely behind.

"Sit down," said the village.

Wang Wei and the old driver sat on the chairs made of coral, feeling very silky, and the village chief told his story.

"We are a defeated race. We fled here. We were a very high-level civilization at the beginning. Under the tyranny of the king, our uprising failed. We brought our own nation to settle here."

"Our planet is a beautiful ocean star, but we only escaped with ordinary residents, but scientists are in control of the king"

"We, without any technology, settled here, but sooner or later we will fly back to our planet and end that tyrannical empire"

"Now we have bred so many mermaids, but the technology has declined. There is no way to fly back, but to settle down here."

"Now that you are here, then your technology has reached a very high level. We are willing to pay any price and just want to return to our own planet," the village chief pleaded. , , .

Chapter [-]: Murloc Race

From the village chief's words, I heard that they were a failed rebel army, and they fled here with people, but there are no scientists in the rebel army, and the current technology is very backward, and now they are accelerating the development of technology.

Today's murlocs are in great need of scientists. After so many generations of breeding, there are many murlocs. It is only a matter of technological development. With development, the murlocs will return to their hometowns.

"How many years have you lived here?" Wang Wei asked curiously.

The village chief touched the pale hair on his head, as if recalling something beautiful.

"How many years? It's been a thousand years. We lived happily in this thousand years, but Zu Xun told us to fight back," the village chief said helplessly.

If it wasn't for the war, these murlocs would not have been displaced and came to this kind of place, but they were very happy here.

"Alien, I will send you to our leader. We welcome your scientists very much," the village chief said happily.

"Then how do you know that we are not malicious," Wang Wei said.

Wang Wei was still curious, how did they see that they were not malicious? Could they be telepathic?The brain waves of some creatures are very powerful and can see through the human mind.

The origin of brain waves is the same, except that powerful brain waves can read ordinary brain waves, so all supernatural phenomena can be explained by science.

"First, the guy next to you kept his eyes on the ground, but the gun in his hand didn't point at the vital part of my granddaughter."

"Second, your face is full of helplessness. I really miss what you are doing to hate, but as the leader of the team, there will be something annoying to do such a thing." The village chief took a sip of the cup.

Wang Wei stared at the old driver and saw the old driver's face. Wang Wei was very curious as to why he made such a low-level mistake as an experienced mercenary.

"God, I have no choice, I can't act, if it's true, I definitely won't do this," the old driver said innocently.

I'm also very embarrassed, because it was that Zhu Ying's fault, otherwise I wouldn't be like this.

"Let's play here today, I will send someone to take you to our leader tomorrow, and someone will greet these two guests well," said the village chief.

The village chief's door was pushed open, and Zhu Ying came in. Wang Wei looked at the snake and scorpion woman with hatred, and Zhu Mo, who followed Zhu Ying, looked at Wang Wei with a smile.

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