When they came inside, everyone else was sent away than the leader, but Wang Wei and the old driver stayed.

"Seriously, I don't welcome you here." The leader stood aside, looking at a painting on the wall.

The painting is of a middle-aged murloc, but with white hair on both temples, looking at him with a smile on his face.

Wang Wei thought it was very strange, aren't murlocs lacking scientists?Why are you not welcome to come, and why?

"Now that we live and work in peace and contentment, we must focus on the teachings of our ancestors in order to become leaders. We don't have to go back, we don't need to pay attention to any enemies, and we can continue to develop with peace of mind."

"The murlocs around me were elders, and they inherited their ancestors' teachings," Gibson said. 652 Literature Network www.652txt.com

Yes, it is clear that they can stay away from war, so why do they still create war?

"The second-generation leader began to suppress the development of technology and did not want to return to that evil planet, but these elders, using the ancestral teachings as an excuse, want to replace us."

"That's it, our leader and the elder have been fighting for a thousand years." Gibson clenched his fist and slammed into the wall.

"I can provide you with technology, but I can provide weapon technology and warship technology, but I have conditions," Wang Wei said.

As long as they don't provide weapon technology and battleship technology, they can't fly back to their original planet, so they can avoid war and help murlocs in disguise.

"What conditions?" the murloc leader said excitedly.

"I like fame, and I just want you to promote me among your murlocs and make you murlocs worship me," Wang Wei said.

"I promise, don't say it's promoting you, even if I give you the position of the leader, it's not impossible," Gibson said.

Next, Wang Wei and Gibson were discussing cooperation matters. Wang Wei only provided technology. Whether he could succeed or not depends on Gibson. Although Gibson violated his ancestral teachings, everything was for his own murlocs.

There is nothing wrong with this, maybe that tyrannical dynasty has long since disappeared into the long river of history and turned into a bubble.

And now the best thing is to live happily in this ocean, this is what the leader should do, as for Zu Xun, it is the idea of ​​​​the first generation of murlocs.

Next, after discussing with Gibson, Wang Wei pushed open the door and walked out. How to explain to the elders next is Gibson's business.

What I have to do now is to go back to the shore and slowly hand over the technology to Gibson. It is impossible to give it all at once. That is what a fool would do.

Wang Wei took the old driver to the door. Zhuying and Zhumo were waiting at the door. After riding the fish, they went to Zhuying's village, and they just had to go back to the shore.

After a day's long journey, I came to Zhuying's village and spent the night in the village. The next morning, all the murlocs in the village came to say goodbye, and Zhumo looked at Wang Wei reluctantly.

Zhu Ying sent Wang Wei to the shallow water area and left without knowing it. She swam to the shore and came to the place where the bat aircraft was parked. Forty-eight mercenaries were still waiting there.

The mercenary was roasting an animal's meat leg over a fire. Wang Wei hurriedly ran over to eat under the sea for the past few days. It wasn't food. He made Wang Wei swallow every meal like poison.

But the old driver ran faster than Wang Wei, rushed over and blasted the mercenaries away, took out the dagger on his leg and cut the meat leg in half, and ate it first.

Wang Wei didn't expect the old driver to be so good, but he still left half of it for Wang Wei. The mercenary next to him saw that his lunch was gone, so he went to the side and continued to cut a piece of meat for roasting.

"Why didn't you go? You can go first, and then send a bat flying machine." Wang Wei asked.

"We didn't dare to go back, we didn't go back with you, our fraternity gang ripped us off," said a young mercenary.

Seeing that they love him so much, Wang Wei is not pretentious, and gives them some meat and legs.

After eating and drinking enough, Wang Wei flew them back with them. The first time he arrived at the base, Wang Wei held a meeting.

In the conference room of the earth base, the mercenaries did not participate this time, only the high-level logistics personnel came. The first thing was to ask people to check the documents of the countries by the sea.

Let's see if the murlocs have contacted people on the land, and why the murlocs dare not go ashore. I believe that with a little brains, they can walk on the land. After all, they are also creatures of intermediate civilization. , , .

Chapter [-]: Feeding the Dog Food

After instructing the matter, Wang Wei ran out of the meeting room immediately, ran out of the cafeteria and asked the chef to cook a sumptuous meal for himself. The old driver saw Wang Wei running out, and of course he knew where he went.

So now the two of them are eating in the cafeteria, and they want to supply all the meals they haven't eaten in the past few days.

Wang Wei was eating when An Ran and Ang Xue ran in. When they came in, they hugged Wang Wei and kissed him for a while. They also touched Wang Wei's body up and down to check that everything was fine.

An Ran and Ang Xue knew that after Wang Wei went into the water, there were huge strange fish underwater. Of course, they were very worried. They did not return to the base for four days.

The old driver was fed a wave of dog food by the scene in front of him, and he took some food and ran to another table to eat.

After Wang Wei explained it clearly to them, after sending them away, he called the old driver to come and have dinner together. He and the old driver had enough fish food below.

After eating, Wang Wei will go to the exclusive room of the base. Both An Ran and Ang Xue are arranged to live here. After all, it is such a big place, and it is very lonely for only Wang Wei to live alone.

After a night of playing with the two hostess in the castle, Wang Wei fell asleep. He opened his eyes and closed his eyes underwater, and he was full of water, for fear that the energy space suit would break and he would be crushed to death by the huge water.

Now I can sleep peacefully, wake up the next day, it is nine o'clock in the morning, there is a breakfast on the table beside my bed, there is a note under it, it is made by An Ran.

Wang Wei has a more important thing now, which is to promote himself. Now that his reputation has reached [-] billion, he is only [-] billion away, and his technology store can reach the fourth level.

At present, the main source of Wang Wei's reputation is the followers of God Haer. Only half of the people in his normal name believe in Wang Wei. As long as the remaining half, then Wang Wei's reputation will reach [-] billion, and the remaining [-] billion. , Murlocs and Orcs should be able to fill.

Therefore, as long as he wins this planet, he can open the fourth-level technology store, so now Wang Wei's first priority is to let this planet enter the era of communication.

He wanted to build a company himself, Wang Wei thought about it for a morning, and finally decided to call it Zhaishen Technology.

Now Wang Wei doesn't even need to register a company, he just needs to build a factory for mobile phones. Not to mention one for everyone, but one for every household.

If a large amount of materials is lacking, the factory will let its own technicians manage it. There is no place to build a factory and let the local residents work.

I can still win the hearts and minds of the people, and of course I have to do things that kill two birds with one stone.

Now it is very difficult to publicize from town to town, not to mention success, so there is only one way.

The rest are definitely related to the civilians, as long as the civilians live well, have a good life, and don't fight wars.

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