"I am a house god, I am here to save you, you can tell me any grievances," Wang Wei said.

"Execution of the mayor, give us a bright future, and the bandits on the mountain," the common people said.

The common people were afraid that after the execution of the mayor, the bandits on the mountain would come down to take revenge, and Wang Wei could understand their feelings.

"Folks, now I'm going to the mountains to catch the bandits. You can throw vegetables, leaves and eggs as much as you want without beating him to death," Wang Wei said.

The villagers immediately went home to get the vegetable leaves, and even the eggs that were usually reluctant to eat, they all took them out and threw them to the mayor.

Wang Wei left dozens of people to watch the show. For fear that the people would get excited, he would consume the props to gain reputation for himself when he came to the stage.

Selected from dozens of sheriffs, the sheriff who knew the bandits jumped on the bat flying machine with the sheriff and flew up the mountain.

There are beautiful mountains and rivers on the mountain, and I don’t know how such corrupt officials can emerge. Is the feng shui here not good?

On the way to the mountain, Wang Wei saw that on the road below, he was wearing the same clothes as the sheriff. Wang Wei immediately sent someone to arrest him.

After some torture, Wang Wei realized that this was the mayor who sent him up the mountain to tip off the news, and Wang Wei asked him to lead the way. It seems that this place is really a nest of snakes and rats.

He fled by himself and even tipped off others. It seems that the mayor has a good relationship with this bandit leader.

Wang Wei asked him to lead the way, and when they reached the destination he pointed out, Wang Wei and the others flew down and pointed directly at the bandit's lair.

This time, the bandits are more local tyrants, and they all have luxurious stockades, but the sentry at the door has disappeared.

Wang Wei led people to rush in, but there was not a single person inside, and there were a few clothes on the ground. It seemed that they were running faster, but Wang Wei didn't believe that they could go to the ends of the earth.

Wang Wei left a mercenary to guard the two sheriffs, and went to search with the remaining mercenaries, but found nothing in the stockade.

But Wang Wei and others found a passage leading to the back mountain. When Wang Wei and others went there, they found that it was actually a grand canyon, with the territory of Enso Kingdom in front.

Wang Wei saw the bandits wearing civilian clothes arriving at the border, and one of the young men turned to Wang Wei and smiled.

Just let the mercenaries speed up to catch the bandits, who knows that the young man saw this scene, joked with the border officer, and let the bandits pass.

The mercenaries quickly ran to the frontier, but were led by the frontier officer to stay behind. Where did the mercenaries get this kind of anger, even if they had beaten the palace, would they still be mad at you as a soldier?

After picking up the laser gun in their hands and killing the border officer, the soldiers also dispersed, for fear that the next target would be themselves. , , .

Chapter [-]: Public Trial

The speed of the mercenaries should not be underestimated. They immediately caught up with the bandits and stopped them. Anyone who resisted was a shot.

Slowly, the bandits squatted on the ground and held their heads. Wang Wei came to the front of the bandits. He never imagined that only one or two hundred bandits could threaten such a big town.

It seems that the cooperation between officials and bandits is the most harmful. They are all ordinary people. How can ordinary people who have never been on the battlefield fight these gangsters.

Wang Wei found that young man from the crowd, and he actually dared to despise his own gods. I won't let you die without leaving your skin behind.

The young man I found was actually very similar to the mayor. I asked, and it was really the son of the mayor. No wonder the mayor had to call him on the road.

First of all, Wang Wei was holding the butt of the gun and turned a crutch to his face. The front teeth were knocked out by Wang Wei. He was not relieved. .

Facing his face, the door was smashed continuously. The young man's face was smashed into blood and blood, and even his biological father could not recognize it. This is his biological son.

Dozens of mercenaries were left behind, and they were escorted back to the town. As for the son of the town, they were carried back. How dare the soldiers at the border stop them.

The border adjutant held a picture in his hand. After seeing that it was him, he immediately took over the job of the mercenaries and let the soldiers escort them back. Wang Wei and the mercenaries got on the bat spaceship and aimed their guns at them. The bandits below, those who dared to escape were shot dead on the road, and the bandits also gave up their escape plan.

Coming to the stockade, the border soldiers took over the two security guards from the mercenaries, while Wang Wei connected the mercenaries to the bat aircraft.

After walking like this for an hour, Wang Wei and the others flew over the town.

The border soldiers brought the bandits over, and people spit at the bandits. Now, with Wang Wei's big backer, they dare to do anything.

Zhenzi looked at his son who was walking in front, and laughed up to the sky, saying that the four-generation single handed down of his family is still the last, and the tears from the corners of his eyes were rushing down.

When his son saw the mayor like this, even the last hope in his heart was shattered.

The town now has eggs all over its face, and some people throw shit on the mayor's face. It seems that they hate the town to the core. Wang Wei looked at the town full of shit.

Ask someone to fetch water to wash his face, otherwise how would he judge himself with a big smell of shit, a big pot of water rushed out of the town's face, the town was so frightened that he screamed, opened his mouth, and the shit on his face was all over his face. into the mayor's mouth.

The mayor wanted to spit it out, how could the mercenary do it, he stood in front of him with a basin and smashed it directly on the mayor's mouth, the mayor swallowed all the shit.

The two hundred bandits were kneeled on the ground by widening the distance between the squares and letting the people step back.

Next is Wang Wei's brainwashing time, saying that he is the savior of the world and is here to save you from the sea of ​​misery. The common people believe what Wang Wei said.

Then came Wang Wei's trial time. Wang Wei was behind the prisoners with a gun.

"Folks, tell me what the crime is in this town," Wang Wei said.

The people below were chatting, and when they saw that their voices could not be heard, they threw their shoes into the mayor's face.

Wang Wei motioned the old driver to come over, he would not let this beast go and let him die peacefully. Of course, he wanted the heinous mayor to enjoy the pleasure of torture.Love me e-book www.25txtxs.com

The old driver took out the dagger from his leg and walked towards the mayor with the dagger in his hand. The mayor was afraid for the first time.

"Folks, let me go, I will take good care of the town in the future, and I will never bully you again, please forgive me." The mayor kowtowed to the ground, bleeding from the forehead.

Seeing that the mayor was so dirty, the old driver asked someone to carry a large water tank and wash the mayor clean, just like an old sow that has just shed its hair.

Take off all the mayor's clothes, leave him only a pair of pants, and lay him flat on the ground. The mayor remembered, but his hands and feet were tied up and he couldn't move.

"Folks, as long as one person raises a hand, I will cut him a piece of meat, and if there are two people, I will cut two pieces of meat," Wang Wei said.

All the people in the square raised their hands. Wang Wei nodded. There was too much. Let the old driver cut off all the mayor's flesh.

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