Wang Wei was in a daze when the laboratory staff pushed the door open and told Wang Wei that the samples of the curvature flight technology had been created.

He hurriedly ran to the laboratory. In the laboratory, a huge engine was placed in front of Wang Wei's eyes. The engine that flew with curvature was the size of a house.

But it seemed so small in Wang Wei's laboratory. Wang Wei immediately came to the experimental bench and pressed the experiment button.

The huge engine roared, and finally it was silent, without any flames, but the waves in the space in front of him had already told Wang Wei that it had succeeded.

The next step is to arrange the plan. Wang Wei took out all the wormhole coordinates of the Milky Way. There is a wormhole detector, but the expensive price can make Wang Wei change a few more curvature flight technologies.

So Wang Wei simply exchanged the coordinates of all the wormholes in the Milky Way, zoomed in and out on the light screen, and found more than [-] wormholes in total.

These wormholes lead to unknown places, and there are wormholes that travel through the Milky Way, but Wang Wei found the only useful coordinate on the wormhole coordinate distribution map.Tomb Raiders Novel Network

There is a wormhole one light-year around the deep blue star, which leads to an extragalactic galaxy, and the target is the Andromeda system next to the Milky Way.

Now with the curvature of the flight, a light-year distance only takes a short time, so this is the best way to get out of the Milky Way.

Wang Wei will build a brand new exploration series, which will be equipped with curvature flight technology and super-light transmission.

Although I don't know where the wormhole will be in the fairy department, Wang Wei will send ten explorers.

They will conduct a general scan of the Andromeda system, and if they find a galaxy capable of life, they will conduct a careful scan.

Wang Wei immediately started the construction of the engineering robots, and it is estimated that all robots of the Exploration series will be built in ten days.

The warship will also be equipped with a new curvature flight technology, so that the warship will undergo a new transformation. Wang Wei also informed Xiao Hei to bring back the large warship of [-] people, and he will also carry out all aspects of transformation.

After laying out these plans, let Xiaohong rent all the unused large-scale places on the earth, and Wang Wei wants to build weapons and equipment, as well as warships.

He also asked Deep Blue Star to start recruiting soldiers, all with a high price policy, but let the kings bear the funds of the soldiers, since they have money anyway.

Wang Wei knew that if there were advanced civilizations in the extragalactic galaxy, it would not be so easy to deal with. A war was inevitable, so Wang Wei had to start to deal with the coming of war.

Although I want the people to live a good life, if a brutal galaxy invades the Milky Way where Wang Wei is located, then the Earth and Deep Blue Star will become colonies.

And their own local residents will live like slaves, so war is inevitable. For a better life in the future, there should be no women's kindness.

A beautiful and peaceful life must be followed by a sea of ​​blood building the bottom, and corpses as pillars, in order to avoid falling into the abyss.

In today's world, Wang Wei has already opened the third-level technology to all countries, and Wang Wei can't just let the Deep Blue Star be the dead bone of his own success.

We must start recruiting troops on Earth, and we must let them go to the battlefield. Otherwise, we will be fighting in Wang Wei's base camp, and we must unite them.

Wang Wei immediately telegraphed the leaders of various countries to come to Wang Wei's floating island for a meeting. If he wants to fight, his position must not be messed up, so Wang Wei must prevent this kind of thing from happening.

After two hours, the leaders of various countries came to the floating island, and immediately sent robots to invite them into the conference room, waiting for all the national leaders to arrive.

Wang Wei pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in, greeted the leaders with a smile, and finally came to the stage.

Who wants to give Wang Wei's face, Wang Wei is now the largest invisible force, and there is a distant Deep Blue Star, so Wang Wei invited himself to come here, and he came here immediately.

The following camp is divided into two factions, the faction headed by Huaxia sits on the left, the one headed by the United States sits on the right, and the people from their faction are at the back.

Although the leaders of the countries in the back bear the name of the country, in front of the leaders of the two major countries on earth, they are only the difference of a small village. , , .

Chapter [-]: Earth Alliance

"I called you here this time to inform you of two things," Wang Wei said.

"The first thing is that I have now developed the curvature flight technology, which means that we will have the strength to fly to extragalactic galaxies," said Wang Wei.

The leaders below were all taken aback, how long it took to start flying to the extragalactic galaxy, but all of them were old foxes, and they all congratulated Wang Wei with happy faces.

Wang Wei didn't expose them either. Looking at their appearance, he wanted to get the curvature flight technology from Wang Wei's hands, but Wang Wei still won't open it up to these countries. After all, he must have a treasure in his hands.

"The second thing is that I want to set up an Earth Alliance, and I hope you can join. I am the leader of the Earth Alliance. I will not participate in any of your affairs, but things outside the Earth must listen to me," Wang Wei said loudly.

There was silence below, and everyone was thinking. Among the factions in the United States, there was one who was instructed by the leaders of the United States and suddenly stood up.

"Why should we listen to you? You are just a scientist who has mastered advanced technology. If you want me to say, you go directly to the United States and enjoy the glory and wealth, and we will take the lead," said the cannon fodder.

Although Wang Wei knew that he was guided by the leadership of the United States, Wang Wei had to give him a slap in the face, otherwise he really wanted to join forces with Wang Wei.

Wang Wei immediately let the combat robot in and killed the cannon fodder. The bodyguards of the American faction became restless and took out their guns and pointed at Wang Wei.

Countless bullets hit Wang Wei one after another, and the battle robot immediately came to Wang Wei to block all the attacks.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, I apologize for our bodyguards," the US leader said, standing up.

In fact, the leaders of the United States wanted to kill Wang Wei in the chaos just now, but they did not expect that the battle robot would be so powerful.

"Charge some interest," Wang Wei signaled to the battle robot.

The battle robot immediately killed all the bodyguards, and the floor of the conference room was covered with blood. Wang Wei immediately let other robots in and cleaned up the bodies of these people.

Wang Wei doesn't want to destroy the United States, because he needs the United States to check and balance China. China is his motherland and has feelings. He doesn't want Huaxia to go down a road of no return.

On the contrary, Huaxia was very calm. When the American bodyguard pointed at Wang Wei just now, Huaxia's bodyguard was protecting his leader.

The United States has nothing to do with today's scene. China is far ahead of the United States in all aspects. If it continues like this, the United States will never rise again.

"I don't know, do you have any thoughts on my opinion?" Wang Wei asked the leaders of various countries in the audience.

Everyone nodded and said that they had no opinion on this proposal. The next step was to announce the success of this meeting to the world.

All the people of the country are very shocked. Now Wang Wei is the person representing the earth, and everything outside the earth will be represented by Wang Wei, but Wang Wei will not interfere in all the affairs of the earth country.

Ten days have passed, and the news around the world is buzzing. The first is that all national leaders have established the Earth Alliance, and Wang Wei is the chairman of the alliance.

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