Chapter [-]: Gang battle

Thomas took Wang Wei for a while, and came to the place where Wang Wei ate Bawang's meal yesterday. Now he also has twenty star coins on his body, so he can change his account.

I walked in with people. There were fewer people here in the early morning, and they all came here for breakfast.

Yesterday, after seeing Wang Wei, the waitress didn't come to greet Wang Wei, she treated Wang Wei as a transparent person.

Seeing Wang Wei coming again, the owner of the restaurant thought he was coming to eat Bawang again, but he became restless when he saw Thomas beside Wang Wei. Thomas is the boss of the film and he comes to collect protection fees every month. Could it be that these two people Is it Thomas's?

The more the restaurant owner wanted to, the cold sweat came out of his forehead. What if Thomas was unhappy and smashed his restaurant. His whole family relied on this restaurant.

The boss immediately ran to Thomas and handed over the star coins he received this morning to Thomas.

"Boss Thomas, I didn't know these two were your brothers, otherwise I wouldn't stop them," the boss said with his head down.

When the waitress saw that it was Thomas, she had no choice but to swallow her anger and dared not come to meddle.

Thomas didn't dare to accept it either. It seemed that his boss had a relationship with this restaurant, so he looked at Wang Wei.

"It's said that this is the site of the Earth Gang, how can you give the money to others? Is it Thomas?" Wang Wei said.

Thomas also nodded, he was no longer the boss anyway, so he had to obey Wang Wei's orders.

Restaurant owners also understand what's going on?It turned out that the man in front of him had recovered the entire Dali Gang in one night, and now he has to hand over the protection fee to the new boss.

"There is no need to pay protection fees here. Thomas will take care of this place in the future," Wang Wei said.

Wang Wei took out three star coins to the boss. The boss said no, and he invited the new boss to eat. In the end, Wang Wei forced it into the boss's hands, and finally threatened the boss, and the boss accepted it with confidence.

Then Wang Wei took people out of the restaurant and continued to patrol his own site. At the end of the south was the desert where Wang Wei came. On the way, Wang Wei saw that the young man who was robbed by him yesterday was also gone.

But the things in his backpack are still there, it looks like a gun, but the old driver couldn't figure it out after a long time, so he had to give up, after all, weapons in different places are in different forms.

The only thing that is the same is the function. It seems that I will go back to the garage to let Thomas see if it can be done well.

After inspecting Thomas's site, he went back to the garage and pushed open the big iron door. Two of the sedans were gone. They should have been taken away. The remaining two belonged to Thomas.

Wang Wei called Thomas into his room, took out the contents of the backpack and showed it to Thomas.

"This is a laser gun, this is a prohibited item, how did you get it, boss, this thing is scarce," Thomas said excitedly.

It turned out to be a laser gun. I said how the parts are so familiar, but the laser gun looks different from the laser gun on the earth. The laser gun here has the scope installed in it.

The stock is oval, but with these two changes, the principle of the laser gun is the same.Naikanba Chinese website

Thomas held it in his hand and couldn't put it down, as if he was his wife. The next thing was the most important thing, that is, Wang Wei wanted to expand his territory.

Wang Wei chose Daligang's nemesis as the first target of expansion, the Snake Gang. Both sides dislike each other and often fight.

But tonight Wang Wei is going to be serious and take down the Nine Snake Gang in one fell swoop. The next step is to ask Thomas to call people. It is not easy for old drivers to deal with too many people.

Then I took everyone to have a good meal in the garage, and then drank some wine, but Wang Wei told them to drink less. After they drank a little, they stopped drinking.

When night fell, everyone took out their weapons, all knives, and then nothing else, all knives. Guns are controlled items on this planet. If you catch them, you will go to jail.

Thomas's knife is bigger than others'. It was specially made by Thomas, so it fits Thomas' figure very well.

Wang Wei sat in the back of the car, Thomas was driving in front, the old driver sat in the co-pilot, and Wang Wei was next to a laser gun. Wang Wei could not guarantee whether there was a laser gun on the opposite side.

So it's better to bring it by yourself. If there is one on the opposite side, Wang Wei can guarantee to kill the gunman on the opposite side as soon as possible.

The car slowly climbed the hill, followed by Thomas's younger brother, and the place where Thomas and the Nine Snake Gang fought was at the junction of the two sites.

The junction is on a street above the slope, and all the shops around it are closed for [-] hours, as if they knew that the fight was coming, and there were no pedestrians.

Only a faint light illuminated the road, and slowly, the car climbed to the top of the slope, and there was someone standing on the other side of the street.

As the boss of the Nine Snake Gang, it was very strange that the boss of the Dali Gang, who usually had a little trouble with him, would ask him to come to this duel.

But I am not afraid, but I have taken out my family property, and I usually do not dare to take out two laser guns. When others report it, the floating city above will come down and arrest me and enter the most vicious prison.

Seeing Thomas appearing staggeringly across the street, I don't know how he had the courage to come, and seeing his little brother coming behind, I wanted to laugh even more.

His younger brother came by car, and every four younger brothers had a car, but his younger brother had to walk. It seemed that his territory was about to expand.

"Thomas, have you sent me a site?" said the boss of the Nine Snake Gang.

Wang Wei looked at the person who was talking loudly across from him, his appearance was bland, and he couldn't find it if he was thrown into the crowd, but he had nine pigtails on his head.

"I'm no longer a Daligang person. Now I belong to the Earth Gang, and my boss is in the car." Wang Wei opened the sunroof on the roof, stood up and signaled to the boss of the Nine Snake Gang that he was the boss of the Earth Gang.

"Whatever your gang, this is the boss of my Nine Snake Gang right now," the Nine Snake Boss said.

The old driver pushed open the co-pilot's door and rushed over with Thomas, and dozens of people on the opposite side rushed over.

Wang Wei saw the boss of the Nine Snake Gang opposite, still standing in the same position, and there were two people standing beside him, he knew that the people on the opposite side would definitely not come to a duel so easily.

The old driver ran in the first place, the first one rushed into the crowd, punching one at a time, he had already knocked down three people as soon as he entered the battlefield, and the people behind saw the old driver so fierce, and they were not far behind. , , .

Chapter [-]: Painting the pie

Wang Wei's goal is to keep an eye on the voice of the boss of the Nine Snake Gang. Those two sneaky people must ensure that no one is cheating in this duel, but if he cheats, he doesn't know if he will not. meeting?

After the old driver rushed into the crowd, after placing three people, he continued to rush to other people, but when the Nine Snake Gang saw that the old driver was so fierce, they all avoided it, for fear that the old driver would take him as the next target.

But the speed of the old driver is very fast, and the tricks can make people lie on the ground, or they can make people unconscious and lose their combat effectiveness. If it is not to prevent people from dying, the old driver can grasp these People are all killed here.

The boss of the Nine Snake Gang can still bear it. He has dozens of talents, and he will instantly let the old driver bring down seven or eight. If this continues, this duel will be one-sided.

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