Thomas' small wound, like the eye of a needle, his immune system would immediately stop the bleeding, and by the next morning, it would be as if it had never happened.

After finishing all this, Wang Wei took the old driver out of Thomas' room, and the next step was to let the old driver go to Nine Snake's room to complete the task, and he went back to the room to sleep.

There was no one in the hall on the first floor, and the tables were cleaned up, as if no one had been here before, but the strong smell of alcohol in the air could not be blocked.

The next day, Wang Wei got up, went to wash up, and came to the lobby on the first floor. The old driver and Nine Snakes both had breakfast in the lobby.Dance in Chinese

Nine snakes also stood up to say hello to Wang Wei. Unexpectedly, the nano-robots began to play their role overnight.

Wang Wei's next target is the Sirius Gang, which borders the Nine Snakes. This gang is three times as large as the Nine Snakes, with about three times the number of people, and the weapons are not as limited as the Nine Snakes.

The Sirius Gang bribes the police in their area. The weapons in their hands include pistol-type laser pistols and rifle-type laser guns. Wang Wei now has three laser guns in his hands.

But from the mouth of Nine Snakes, the Sirius Gang has [-] laser guns and five laser pistols, which are much better than the equipment of Wang Wei's current gang of miscellaneous soldiers.

The reason why the Nine Snake Gang and Dali Gang were not eliminated was that the Heavenly Wolf Gang had a deadly rival, the Nine Star Gang.

In this city, there are a total of five factions, four gangs and one district, Thomas' Dali Gang, Jiu Snake's Jiu Snake Gang, Sirius Gang and Jiu Xing Gang, these four gangs account for half of the city.

The last area is the famous chaotic area. It is full of drugs and violence. No one dares to control killing people here. I heard that a big boss in the floating city above created this chaotic area below.

Fortunately, there is a lot of money in this chaotic area, so no one from the four gangs in the chaotic area dares to enter. The vicious people inside are much more brutal than those outside.

Wang Wei planned to attack the Sirius Gang first, and then he would be able to fight against the Nine Star Gang. Who called the Sirius Gang bordering on his own Earth Gang?

The boss of the Sirius Gang is Galio. He has liked werewolves very much since he was a child. When he grew up, he established the Sirius Gang with his classmates. The Sirius Gang does have the blood of a wolf.

They are very united, so the eldest brother of the Nine Stars Gang has never gnawed on the hard bone of the Sirius Gang, but Wang Wei, who has crossed the river, will eat this hard bone.

Just when Wang Wei was about to eat breakfast, a suspension car suddenly stopped at the door. The suspension car can only be driven by the people above who have the money. Unexpectedly, someone in the area below is driving a suspension car.

After eating, Nine Snakes was about to go back to his room when he heard the sound of the brakes at the door. When Nine Snakes saw the suspended car, he knew something was wrong.

It is difficult to maintain a balance between the current gangs. No one dares to touch anyone else. Only whoever makes the first move will be attacked from behind by others, so this situation is maintained.

But this morning, the boss of the Sirius Gang, Golden Wolf, heard that the Dali Gang and the Nine Snake Gang had been integrated into a single Earth Gang. Although the two gangs could not make waves when combined, they could bring great benefits to the city. unstable factor.

As the boss of the Heavenly Wolf Gang, he brought his brother, the wood wolf, to see how sacred this is, who dared to risk the world to integrate the two gangs.

Golden Wolf pushed open the door of the hover car, and walked down the door with his brother, Wood Wolf, to see who had the courage.

"Hahaha, who is the boss of the Earth Gang? I, the Golden Wolf, came to visit you, just come to congratulate you," the Golden Wolf said loudly.

Unmoved, Wang Wei and the old driver scrambled for a piece of bread. Both of them blushed and didn't look at the golden wolf.

Jin Lang was very embarrassed. He was standing at the door of this small house, but he didn't come out to greet him. It seemed that the new gang leader was not very courageous. , , .

Chapter [-]: Come in and talk

Nine snakes are not as calm as Wang Wei, they ran to Wang Wei's side, bent down and said in Wang Wei's ear.

"Outside is the leader of the Sirius Gang, Golden Wolf," said Nine Snakes.

As for the other Nine Snakes, it's not that they don't want to talk about it, but they want Wang Wei to deal with it. After all, he is only a member of the Earth Gang, and it is Wang Wei who has the overall situation.

Wang Wei nodded, indicating that he knew who the person was outside. Wang Wei took a piece of paper from the table, took out a piece of paper and wiped off the oil stains on his mouth.

Seeing that Wang Wei had given up the fight for the bread, the old driver immediately took it to his plate and tore the bread into small pieces and threw them into his mouth.

Wood Wolf couldn't help it anymore, his Five Wolf brothers still had a bit of face in this area, even the eldest brother of the Nine Star Gang didn't dare to hang himself outside.

The wooden wolf wanted to rush in, and wanted the boss of the Earth Gang to smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces, but was pulled by the golden wolf.

Golden Wolf wants to see if the boss of the Earth Gang is truly fearless?Or just an ignorant fool.

Wang Wei threw the wiped tissue on the ground, looked at the golden wolf outside, his eyes went straight into the heart of the golden wolf, the golden wolf felt like a stripped sheep, standing naked in front of Wang Wei.

"Come in, let's talk in my office together," Wang Wei said lightly.

Wang Wei turned and went upstairs. The old driver swallowed the bread in his mouth and followed him up. Golden Wolf felt that his face of the Sirius Gang had been completely lost.

But today's face must be recovered from the boss of the Earth Gang, so he stepped into the house, and the wood wolf followed, wanting to see how his boss handled this matter.

Wang Wei dared not to give Golden Wolf face, but Nine Snakes wanted to give Golden Wolf face for his new gang leader, so Nine Snake took Golden Wolf and Wood Wolf up to the second floor.

Nine Snakes pushed open the door of Wang Wei's office and invited Jin Lang to sit in, only to see Wang Wei sitting on a chair in the house, and the old driver standing beside Wang Wei.

Nine snakes had to lead the golden wolf to the sofa. It is impossible to let the golden wolf stand at the door. After the golden wolf sat on the sofa, the nine snakes stood by the door of the office.

"Hello, Golden Wolf, have you eaten breakfast? If you haven't, I'll ask my little brother to get you some," Wang Wei said.

The wooden wolf finally couldn't bear it anymore. He was fed up at the door, and now you are still sitting on it, treating yourself as a little brother?

"Do you think it's awesome that you have the younger brothers from these two gangs, it will only take a minute for us to destroy you by the Sirius Gang," the wooden wolf roared.

Golden Wolf also wanted to see the ability of the boss of the Earth Gang to do things, so Golden Wolf didn't go to pull Wood Wolf, he just wanted to see how Wang Wei dealt with it.

Wang Wei signaled the old driver to go out to deal with this matter. The old driver walked to the wooden wolf step by step, his eyes fixed on the wooden wolf, and the wooden wolf also stared back with fierce eyes.

"Master didn't speak, what's your name here? Let him shut up," Wang Wei said.

After the old driver heard Wang Wei's order, he punched, and the wooden wolf faintly heard Po Kong's voice, but before the wooden wolf could react, the old driver punched the wooden wolf in the face.

The wooden wolf was directly hit by the old driver's powerful punch, and then bounced off the wall onto the sofa. The wooden wolf fainted on the sofa. 90 Literature Network

The Golden Wolf wanted to see how capable this big man was against his direct brother, the Wood Wolf. After all, the Wood Wolf fought with him in the first place, and one beat ten, and his vitality was very strong.

But under the punch of this big man, without any backhand strength, the golden wolf stood up abruptly.

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