The man in the suit was instantly paralyzed, and the people around him were also persuading Wang Wei not to shoot, otherwise it would be a crime. Although everyone hated the man in the suit, killing him was not a trivial matter.

"Hurry up and throw it here, or I'll kill you and throw you out of here," Wang Wei said.

The man in the suit took off the light watch on his hand tremblingly, and then sent it to Wang Wei, for fear that the light watch would break in the middle.

The man in the suit thought that as long as he stabilized him first, he would be up there soon, and then the police could be called to catch him.

Wang Wei grabbed the light watch from the man in the suit, threw it on the ground, and smashed it with one foot. The parts inside flew everywhere, and a small piece of metal bounced into the face of the man in the suit.

The man in the suit felt like he was about to faint. This light watch was borrowed from a friend. Originally, he wanted to pretend to be forced, but now he has to carry a debt of [-] star coins.

And he is only a small employee of the company, and the company pays the money for the floating city. Thinking of this, the man in the suit is not afraid of Wang Wei's threat.

He rushed forward and wanted to fight Wang Wei desperately, but before he could get in front of Wang Wei, he was kicked back by the old driver, and everyone around him stepped aside, for fear of blood splashing on his face.

But before the man in the suit fainted, he took out the pencil sharpener in his briefcase and stabbed at Wang Wei. , , .

Chapter [-]: Brain Restaurant

Before the knife in his hand could reach Wang Wei, the old driver rushed over and punched him in the face. His nose was smashed, and a lot of blood was shed. He fell to the ground and fainted.

The people around looked at this scene. Although they hated the men in suits, everyone cared about themselves. In the next interrogation, don't let them get caught.

"When someone comes in, they are not allowed to speak. It's all up to me, or I will pull your back," Wang Wei threatened them.

The people in the elevator nodded one after another, for fear that Wang Wei would kill himself later.

After a few minutes, the ten-minute journey was over, the red light on the elevator also turned green, and a policeman in uniform opened the elevator door.

"What's going on, how did he pass out on the ground, who did it?" The policeman took out his baton and said to the people in the elevator.

Everyone in the elevator looked at Wang Wei. After all, the police had a baton, not a laser gun. If it was a laser gun, they would have turned against the water long ago.

"Officer, he fell ill and kept smashing the elevator with his head. We didn't dare to persuade him, and then he passed out," Wang Wei said to the police.

The policeman pulled the man in the suit up to look at it. There were indeed only scars on his face, and his entire face was bloody, so he couldn't see clearly.

The man in the suit's knife had been stuffed back by the old driver for a long time. As long as they didn't speak, Wang Wei would have a way to deal with it.

The police took out the phone and called the doctor to drive him back. Wang Wei and others were also let go. After all, all the oral confessions were the same, so there must be no problem.

Wang Wei took the old driver out of the traffic bureau, and when he came outside, he took a car. Even the cars in the floating city were suspended, and the advertisements were also holographic images, and the whole person was very vivid.

It's still three o'clock in the afternoon, it's still very early, and the city lord hasn't gotten off work, so Wang Wei wants to ask the city lord's mansion from the taxi driver's mouth. After all, in this city, the taxi is the map pass.

Wang Wei waved and called a taxi. Wang Wei and the old driver got into the back of the taxi with their things. The taxi driver also adjusted the mirrors to monitor Wang Wei. Otherwise, if Wang Wei committed a robbery, he would There is no chance of a reaction.

"Go to the city lord's mansion, remember to take the shortcut," Wang Wei said to the taxi driver.

"I'm here to complain, don't bother, it's better to go back and stay down there, it's heaven, if I had enough stars, I'd go down long ago," the taxi driver kindly said to Wang Wei.

Seeing Wang Wei carrying the old driver and carrying a large backpack, it looked like he was going to the city to complain, Wang Wei looked at his clothes, did he seem to come from a poor family below?

"No, I came from a relative, the city owner is my relative, and the city owner is my eldest nephew," Wang Wei said to the driver.

The taxi driver looked at Wang Wei with an unbelievable expression on his face. The city owner has lived in this city since he was a child, and even his parents died a long time ago. Could it be that the content of the promotional video is fake? ?

It seems that he can't vote for the city lord in the future. No matter whether Wang Wei is a relative of the city lord or not, he is just a run-and-rent, as long as he can make money or not.

This city is quite big, there are high-rise buildings everywhere, and there are hover cars flying on it. Taxi are the lowest cars and can only fly close to the road.

After driving for a while, the taxi driver drove to the center of the city. There were no high-rise buildings in the center. There were villas and countless greenery here. 315 Chinese website

There is also a lake in the center of the greenery, surrounded by trees, which is particularly dazzling in high-rise buildings.

"This is where those high-ranking officials live. From here, it's where those people live." The taxi driver pointed to a road and said to Wang Wei.

Wang Wei thanked the taxi driver, and took the old driver to the surrounding restaurants to have a good meal first, and then go to implement his plan at night.

Wang Wei found a high-end restaurant. Because there were restaurants like this around, he walked in together with the old driver, sat at a random table, and picked up the menu to read.

The dishes above are very expensive, but Wang Wei just ordered two bowls of noodles.

The waiter took the menu and left. Wang Wei sat for a while before the waiter came back with two dishes and placed them in front of Wang Wei.

Wang Wei saw that the dish was not called noodles, it should be called noodles, which did not match the samples on the menu.

Call the waiter over again. After the waiter came over, he asked Wang Wei if he had any needs.Wang Wei pointed to the noodle samples from the menu and said if he was bullying us from coming from out of town.

"Do you outsiders know what fashion is? What you eat is called art, are you trying to get enough food, two hillbillies?" the waiter said contemptuously.

"You don't open a restaurant to get enough food, but to make art?" Wang Wei asked.

At this time, another waiter was carrying a plate with noodles on it, but it was the weight of the sample, and walked past Wang Wei.

"What's the matter with you, are the two hillbillies bullying you? Forget it, I'll go deliver noodles to a guest." He asked the waiter in front of Wang Wei.

Wang Wei didn't care. He walked outside with his things, but was stopped by a man in a suit. The old driver wanted to do it, but was stopped by Wang Wei. Wang Wei wanted to see how they bullied the outsiders. .

"Hello, sir, I'm the lobby manager of this restaurant. You must pay the two coins before you can leave here," the lobby manager politely said to Wang Wei.

Wang Wei took the laser pistol out of his backpack and pointed at the lobby manager, who was shivering with fright.

"Take out all your money, we are robbery," Wang Wei said to the lobby manager.

"Don't move, I'll kill anyone who moves, go and take out the money," the old driver said to the waiter just now with a gun.

But the waiter was already paralyzed on the ground, his body was shaking constantly, and there was a smell of urine from his body.

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