With a lot of information pouring into his mind, Wang Wei only felt a burst of pain in his brain.Then, Wang Wei found that he could understand the meaning of the symbols on the wall.

Those symbols are like road signs, marking the route to take to get to the various areas.

After reading these words, Wang Wei was already certain that the two monster-like corpses of giant alien creatures were indeed the spaceships of a certain civilization.

And that civilization was the Atlantis civilization that the system had previously issued, asking Wang Wei to save it.Because these words are the words of the Atlantean civilization.

"Audience friends, you can see that these symbols are very regular. I'm sure that this is definitely the text of a certain civilization! This also shows that this is really a spaceship of an alien civilization. After all, If it really knows some kind of creature, it is impossible for the symbols of such laws to appear in its body!"

"Okay, now I'm going to take a random path. Maybe it won't be long before we discover the alien creatures of the civilization that created this spaceship! Keep your eyes open, everyone!"

After speaking, Wang Wei led An Ran into a passage.

Of course, Wang Wei didn't really choose a random passage.Instead, after reading the text on the wall, he chose the way to the spaceship command room.

There may not be aliens in other places, but there must be people from this Atlantis civilization in the spaceship command room.

Two minutes later, a wall of flesh blocked the way of Wang Wei and An Ran. , , .

Chapter [-]: They are elves

Climbing up the stairs and reaching the end of the passage, a wall blocked Wang Wei and An Ran's way.

According to the road signs in the passage, the battleship command room is in this direction, and there can be no road here.

There are only two possibilities. One is that the road signs on the passage walls are wrong, and they are used to mislead the enemy.

But in the interstellar war, the enemies are people from other planets, and it is definitely impossible to know the literal meaning of the Atlantis civilization.So there is no need for this at all.Not everyone has systematic help like Wang Wei.

And they were all attacked by the enemy into the interior of the warship, and they wanted to mislead the enemy by relying on the road signs on the wall, which was simply unrealistic.

Then there is only the second possibility. The wall of flesh standing in front of Wang Wei is actually a door that can be opened.It's just that Wang Wei doesn't know how to open the access door.

But I don't know how to open the door with technology, can't I use violence to open the door?

The live broadcast audience saw Wang Wei standing still in front of the meat wall, and they sent barrage inquiries one after another.

"What is the nerd doing? Did you fall into the alien's illusion?"

"God, you are going the wrong way. This is a dead end. Let's go another way!"

Wang Wei didn't see the barrage in the live broadcast room, but he still wanted to explain it to everyone.Otherwise, if you directly cut the meat wall in front of you, wouldn't it make it clear to everyone that he knew that the command room was here.

"Audience friends, in fact, I didn't choose this road randomly. I would like to ask everyone, in a large shopping mall, what are the most common things in the aisle?"

"That's right. It's a road sign that tells you what's where. Not everyone can remember all the places at once, after all. I think the same goes for aliens."

"I stood in front of a 'street sign' and watched it for a while. Each row of those 'road signs' was preceded by the same rule of symbols, and at the end had something like a 'wicker' with a thick end. With a thin head, isn't this the arrow of our humanity!"

"So, I picked the top spot and followed the direction of the 'wicker'. When I got to the second intersection, I saw the exact same 'symbol' again! So I was even more sure that It's a road sign to guide you!"

"And now, I have come here according to the guidance of the road signs. Although there is a meat wall in front of me, I am sure that there is definitely a space behind the meat wall! And this space is definitely an important area for this battleship!"

"Because all the 'road signs' that guide this room are at the first place of the 'street signs'! Plus this area is blocked by a wall, if this is not an important area of ​​the battleship, I will broadcast the dance!"

When the audience heard Wang Wei's last sentence, they all became lively.

"Zheng Shen, your analysis is very exciting, but I still hope that there is no important area behind this meat wall, because I want to watch Zhai Shen dance awkwardly!"

"Want to see the nerd dance +1"

"Want to see the nerd dance +10086"

Wang Wei didn't know the barrage of netizens. If he saw it, he would definitely be depressed to death.

At this time, Wang Wei had already drawn out the only melee weapon of the steel armor, the laser short knife.Flying Fiction www.fytxt.com

Unlike laser beams, laser knives can not attack very far. The energy of laser knives is limited to a range of [-] cm. Therefore, when using laser knives, there is no need to worry about damaging things behind walls after penetrating walls.

Turn on the energy switch of the laser short knife, and a beam of light shoots out from the knife handle.

Point the short knife at the meat wall and stab it, and then swipe hard, and a deep wound will be drawn on the meat wall.

After repeating this action several times, Wang Wei dug out a hole for the steel armor to pass through.And behind the wall, there is indeed a space.

He was the first to enter the space inside through the hole in the meat wall, and after seeing the inside together, even Wang Wei was speechless in surprise.

The room has no windows and no instruments.

However, there are five quite large backrest seats in the room. Looking from the back of the chairs, although it is impossible to see if anyone is sitting on the chairs, according to Wang Wei's speculation, there should be people sitting on each seat. 'Alien'.

Because, above each chair, there is a 'wicker' hanging down.According to Wang Wei's observation, the wicker looks exactly the same as the 'arrow' pattern on the 'street sign' in the outside passage.

Curious about what kind of creature was sitting on the chair, Wang Wei took a detour and took the front of the five chairs.

Then, when Wang Wei saw the person sitting on the chair, he was stunned again.

Because the people sitting on the five chairs are basically human beings!Whether it is facial features, body shape, or gender special diagnosis, they are exactly the same as human beings!

Do not!wrong.Wang Wei soon discovered the difference between each other and humans.

Human ears are semi-circular, but the ears of the 'five people' in front of Wang Wei's eyes are all pointed and long like the ears of elves in the movie.

And the five people in front of them, whether they are 'men' or 'women', have very delicate facial features.And every 'person' has long hair, and Wang Wei can't even distinguish the gender of these 'people' without looking at the chest and Adam's apple.

In addition, the wicker hanging from the top of each seat all hangs over the heads of the five 'people'.At the end of the wicker, there are countless thin whiskers, and those whiskers are quietly attached to the heads of the five 'people', and I don't know what they are used for.

Those who were watching the live broadcast were boiling again.Since Wang Wei started the live broadcast this time, the surprise to them has been constant.

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