Wang Wei saw that the earring man's wrist was bleeding profusely, and then he took the napkin and stuffed it directly into the hole in the earring man's wrist. The earring man raised his other hand and tried to push Wang Wei away.

But Wang Wei directly grabbed his other hand and pierced his wrists again. Wang Wei broke both hands of the man with earrings, and the man with earrings had tears and snot on his face.I love to watch Chinese website

The alarm of the police car outside sounded, but Wang Wei did not stop, and the owner of the restaurant hurriedly got up and climbed out, telling the police officer what happened.

Doles is an ordinary policeman who drives a police car to patrol the streets every day. Since the establishment of the Earth Gang, there has been no petty troubles, and even the news of the pickpocket has disappeared.

When I was worrying about how I would be promoted without merit, I received a call from my boss, saying that there was a fight in the street to the south, and I asked myself to investigate.

Doles was very happy, so he and his partner drove to the scene of the crime. When they arrived at the restaurant where the fight took place, they saw the mess inside and heard a heart-piercing roar.

When he was about to enter, the owner of the restaurant suddenly came out to stop him, told himself the ins and outs, and hoped that he would not wrong the good people and say that the good people would save the common people.

Doles doesn't care what kind of person is good or bad. Now as long as you have money, you are king, and whoever can afford his own money, you are a good person.

After rushing in, I saw a messy scene. One was lying on the ground covering his stomach and roaring, and two people were fighting. As for the remaining two, they were more serious and had already suffered personal injuries.

Doles picked up the gun and shouted to the people in the house, telling them not to move, or he would shoot himself. The nose ring man saw that the savior was coming, so he gave up the attack on Miso, but Miso didn't plan to let go. He passed the nose ring man and kicked the nose ring man to the ground with one kick.

Wang Wei did not listen to the police, but continued to torture the ear-pierced man. When the ear-pierced man saw the police coming, he was like a policeman calling for help, saying that this man was going to kill himself.

When the police saw Wang Wei's back, they didn't know where it was, and they didn't care about shooting indiscriminately. As for the one in front of him, he knew the former nine-star gang's Prince Misuo.

So I didn't dare to touch him. Knowing the powerful people in this city is a compulsory course for the police. Otherwise, if I provoke powerful people, I don't even have an official position.

Seeing that the man was unwilling to turn around, Doles walked in front of him, pointing at Wang Wei with the laser pistol in his hand at a distance.

"Get out of here, do you hear me?" Wang Wei turned and said to Doles.

Doules finally saw who it was. This was the city's gangster emperor. I heard that the hard bones of the chaos area were also gnawed. Doules hurriedly called his partner to quit.

By the way, the man with the nose ring and the man with the tongue nail were chained to the door of the restaurant. Wang Wei tortured him for a while. Seeing that he was dying, he took the knife and ran it across his neck.

The ear-pierced man just left this world. The nose-pierced man and the tongue-pierced man were wondering why the police didn't arrest them. Seeing that their brother was directly killed, the two dared not speak out.

Wang Wei wiped the blood on his hands and asked Misuo to lose money to the restaurant owner. Misuo had to take out three star coins from his body and give them to the restaurant owner.

The owner of the restaurant didn't dare to pick it up either. These people in front of them dared to kill even people. , , .

Chapter [-]: The Mysterious Yard

The restaurant owner tremblingly took the three star coins, which were enough to compensate for the loss of the table inside, as well as other supplies. After Wang Wei wiped his hands clean, he walked out of the restaurant.

"God of the house, do you have any orders?" Doles bowed his head and said.

"I killed one person inside, and the other two were sentenced to life imprisonment. As for the reason, you know what to do, I will trouble you about this matter," Wang Wei said to Doles.

"It's not about trouble, there are three people fighting inside, and the two of them kill one of them together. It's you who reported this illegal behavior yourself," Doles said to Wang Wei with a smile.

Wang Wei called Mi Suo over, felt around Mi Suo's body, and found twenty star coins in the pocket of his trousers. Said to be tea money.

Then, regardless of Wang Wei's affairs, he took Mi Suo into his suspended car. Mi Suo closed the door and continued to drive forward.

"Let's go again that day, now you don't have any money on your body," Wang Wei said to Misuo.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm an old customer of his family, I can owe money, let's go eat first," Misuo said in a panic.

Wang Wei saw that he kept insisting on this, and it was not easy to disturb his Yaxing, so he asked Misuo to drive to which restaurant. On the way, Misuo kept wiping his sweat, thinking it was the sweat from Misuo's fight just now, but Wang Wei didn't either. care.

The car drove straight forward, then turned a corner, and Wang Wei drove into the deep alley. Finally, there was no road in front of him. Misuo asked Wang Wei to get off the car and walked to the side road.

"Are you sure this is a place to open a restaurant? It's too remote," Wang Wei said to Misuo suspiciously.

"Jiuxiang is not afraid of the deep alley. The business of this restaurant is very good. I have booked this place for a long time, so I invite you to come here to eat," Misuo said, wiping his sweat.

Misuo took Wang Wei to a yard. It was indeed full of people, young and middle-aged. This simple meal was placed on the table.

There is no spare seat. Wang Wei is checking to see if there are any spare tables. This business is so good that there are no reserved seats.

"Where's the boss? Didn't you make a reservation? Why don't we have a seat?" Wang Wei asked Misuo.

Misuo didn't say anything, his eyes kept looking down on the ground, looking at the eyes on the table in front of him, it seemed that he had entered the den of thieves, which force could make Misuo so obedient.

Wang Wei found the nearest table, sat directly on the chair, picked up the clean chopsticks on the table, and began to pick up the dishes on the table and deliver them to his mouth.

"Come out quickly, if you don't come out, I'll leave after eating," Wang Wei said to the yard.

The closed door in the yard was suddenly opened, and a graceful figure walked out, followed by a middle-aged uncle.

The graceful figure has black hair, a pair of big eyes, and it seems to be able to speak, with a small cherry mouth and a set of white and shiny teeth, and the whole body is bronze.

With a light body and a simple military uniform, she has a cold demeanor, as if she is a queen.

"I didn't expect the emperor of the underground gang to be so young and approachable. I thought he was a middle-aged man with white hair." The girl smiled tenderly.

"If I have something to say, if I don't say it, I will go back after dinner. I am exhausted physically and mentally," Wang Wei said. 17 Novels

After Wang Wei finished speaking, he continued to lower the dish, and occasionally let out a delicious sigh. The girl walked through the crowd and came directly to Wang Wei's table.

The two men sitting beside Wang Wei said hello to the girl, and then got up and went to the table next to them with the bowls and chopsticks.

"How old are you, you are about to become a big sister, I don't know which city's power is it?" Wang Wei said casually.

"We're not from any power, we're just a bunch of people, can't you be a big sister at the age of [-]?" the girl said with a smile.

"Hello, the boss of the Earth Gang, the house god," Wang Wei put down his chopsticks, stretched out his right hand, and said to the girl.

"Susan, the captain of the special squad of the uprising army" Susan stretched out her hand and squeezed Wang Wei's hand.

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