It was a party by the lake, and only eleven people attended. As for the five wolves, it was usually common to see the golden wolves, and the other four wolves and Thomas trained the laser gun team together.

"Welcome to these two distinguished guests, let's raise a glass together," Wang Wei said to everyone, raising the glass in his hand.

The rest of the people also stood up and toasted with Wang Wei. Susan, who was standing beside Wang Wei, also toasted with Gray. After toasting, everyone said hello to Susan and talked about their own affairs.

The old driver and Gray were fighting on the side, and they didn't like each other. They carried a box of liquor and walked to the side to drink. Susan told Wang Wei that Gray was a wine lunatic, and he was famous in the uprising army for a thousand cups. not drunk.

Susan told Wang Wei on the side that the old driver couldn't drink Grey's, but the rest of the people looked at Susan, as if to say that you don't understand the power of the old driver.

Gray really drank a lot, and he was confused after drinking three bottles of white wine with the old driver, but Gray did not admit defeat, but aroused Gray's fighting spirit, but after the fifth bottle, Gray still fell to the ground. , , .

Chapter [-]: Gathering

The old driver was still very awake, and the people around him also covered their faces and laughed, while Susan was very exaggerated as she watched Gray fall down. Gray was a famous wine master in the rebel army.

I didn't expect that the old driver would get drunk with five bottles of wine, and the old driver helped Gray back to his house. The old driver was a person who was fine even drinking five people, so he might get drunk by Gray.

The battle was doomed from the beginning, and the result was only a matter of time. After the old driver helped Gray in, he came out and turned to go to the toilet.

After the old driver came out of the toilet, he shifted his target to the five wolves. The five wolves were also preparing to regain face on the old driver, and the five faced off against the old driver.

And Susan saw that her uncle Gray was drunk so quickly, and that person was fine. Susan was going to avenge her uncle Gray. It was impossible for the old driver, and Susan set her sights on Wang Wei.

"House God, let's have a showdown, I want to avenge my Uncle Gray," Susan said viciously to Wang Wei.

Then he took two glasses of wine from the table and started drinking with Wang Wei. Soldiers must not be afraid of drinking. This is what Gray told him, so Susan could also drink a few sips.

Susan and Wang Wei drank a glass, but Susan felt that it was not enough, so she threw the glass in her hand on the ground, took two bottles of wine from the table, and signaled Wang Wei to have a showdown.

Wang Wei took the wine bottle and drank all the wine in it in two sips. Then he put the empty wine bottle on the table and looked at Susan with provocative eyes. Susan drank it all politely.

Susan finished drinking in one breath, her face flushed a little, and she seemed to be a little drunk, but Susan took two more bottles of wine and gave one of them to Wang Wei.

This time Susan didn't wait for Wang Wei to drink, so she started drinking. After two bottles of wine, she was already dizzy. When Wang Wei was about to drink the bottle in his hand, Su Shan has passed out on the table.

Susan started talking nonsense, Wang Wei had to put the wine bottle beside his mouth back on the table, ready to call Fire Wolf to send Susan back, but when Wang Wei started looking for Fire Wolf, he was finally on the table. Fire wolf is found below.

Wang Wei shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he was the only one who sent Susan back. Wang Wei grabbed Susan and let her lean on his shoulders. He supported Susan and walked towards the wooden house.

A warm wave of air came from her ears. Susan had already started to get angry in Wang Wei's ears, making Wang Wei's heart ticklish. Wang Wei suppressed the restlessness in Zhu's heart.

Helping Susan to the door, Wang Wei stretched out his hand to open the wooden house, turned on the lights in the house, and decorated the house in pink in an afternoon.

It seemed that Susan, who was wearing a military uniform, could not have imagined that there was still a girlish heart. Wang Wei had no time to spare, so he threw Susan on Huang directly, just as Wang Wei was about to leave the room.

Susan started to vomit when she was lying on the huang, but fortunately, she vomited on the huang side, but it was not good to leave her here like this. Wang Wei had to walk over and help Susan to stand up, ready to put Susan to sleep. Go to Huang Central.

But Susan lowered her head and started a second wave of attacks. She vomited all over her body and spit out all Susan's own uniform. Wang Wei couldn't imagine how this woman could vomit so much.

Seeing her like this, she couldn't sleep well, so she had to take off all her military uniforms, revealing the underwear inside, but Wang Wei, following the gentleman's principle of seeing no evil and not listening to evil, closed his eyes and helped Susan to the center of the bed.Flying Fiction

But Susan grabbed Wang Wei's arm while Wang Wei was not paying attention, and the sharp nails penetrated into Wang Wei's flesh. Wang Wei couldn't hold back his cry, but blood flowed from Wang Wei's arm and dripped onto the sheets.

If I had known this earlier, I would have worn long-sleeved clothes, so that I would be saved by someone grabbing my flesh, breaking off Susan's hand, and taking a piece of my flesh.

Wang Wei couldn't help it and opened his eyes. Susan's figure was indeed very sexy, but Wang Wei didn't have much time to appreciate it. He put the quilt on Susan's body and exited Susan's house.

Wang Wei clutched his bleeding arm. He hadn't seen his own blood for so long. He didn't expect it to be broken by a little girl. Wang Wei was not in the mood to go back to the dinner party. Wrap yourself up.

After putting a simple bandage on his arm, Wang Wei fell asleep, and the noise outside gradually subsided, and Wang Wei himself fell asleep.

When he was asleep, he was woken up by a scream. Wang Wei got up and went outside to see what happened.

Looking at the bandaged hand on the arm, when I opened the gauze, there was a scab inside. It seemed that my body had been improved by the physical strength medicine. The bandaging was simply unnecessary, so I threw the gauze in the trash can.

Wang Wei pushed open the door and walked out. Five wolves, Nine Snakes, and Thomas were already standing outside. Wang Wei asked them to get up so early, and they said that they slept outside and were woken up by the scream.

Gray and the old driver were already dressed, but Gray rushed into Susan's cabin next to him, because the scream just now belonged to Susan. Gray has been with Susan for so many years, and this must be Susan's scream.

Gray pushed open Susan's wooden door and went in to see Susan curled up at the foot of the bed pulling the quilt, with tears dripping from the corners of her eyes.

Gray originally wanted to check Susan's situation, but the fast-eyed Fire Wolf rushed in front of Gray and stopped them outside the house. After all, it was a woman who could understand the situation.

Wang Wei can see Susan's fluffy hair through the crack of the door, and the tears in the corners of his eyes. Could it be that something big has happened?

Gray hammered his head with his hand outside the house, saying that he shouldn't drink more, if it weren't for Miss Drinking, there would be no accident, and the old driver comforted him.

After a while, the sobbing in the room stopped, and Fire Wolf pushed the door open and walked out, then closed the door.

"Uncle Gray, Miss Susan was raped, and it happened last night," Fire Wolf said to Gray.

When Gray heard what the Fire Wolf said, he was paralyzed on the ground, with tears streaming from his eyes, saying that he was sorry for the commander.

Wang Wei was also shocked. When he came out last night, the door was locked. Could it be that someone broke the door after he left and attacked the drunk Susan?

Wang Wei clenched his fists, blaming himself for not taking care of his younger brother, and he figured out that he must be sentenced to death, making his life worse than death, and giving Miss Susan justice. , , .

Chapter [-]: Misunderstanding

The tears at the corners of Gray's eyes also stopped, and he looked at the fire wolf with red eyes, and his fists were clenched together, trying to confirm again whether the news was true.

Fire Wolf nodded heavily, and once again conveyed the news, Fire Wolf also sympathized with Susan, but there was no way this was the truth.

"But Miss Susan found that there was a little flesh in her fingernails, and the criminal should have been scratched by Miss Susan," said Fire Wolf.

Wang Wei said if it was himself, it was impossible, he was indeed caught by Susan yesterday and bleeding, but he was not sure whether there was shredded meat in his fingernails.

"Go and find me all the younger brothers, one is not allowed to be missed, and if you find any that are missing, they will be brought here directly to me," Wang Wei said sharply to Nine Snakes.

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