At this time, Wang Wei was also ecstatic, and then he forgot his previous curiosity about Tussauds. Wang Lei strolled in the air in Tskras, as if he was in his own back garden. At this moment, his In his heart, at this time, it was also a burst of excitement and joy. Of course, when he used the air and space attack gun, he was constantly becoming more and more handy, but at this time, in his mind, it was once again. A voice came.Everyone Read Novel Network

"Warning system is low on energy"

After Wang Wei heard this voice, he was stunned again. Didn't he absorb so many of the itineraries before, the rubbish in the chaos?And then add it to your body?Why is there a sudden lack of energy now?

"Master, you don't know. Although this space attack cannon is powerful, it consumes the power in your body. Almost every time you use this space attack cannon, it will consume 1/3 of the total energy in your body. [-]. You bombarded three cannons in a row, which is great. You have attacked all the remaining energy in your body, which means that the energy in your body is in a state of emptiness once again. If you charge it, then you and your spaceship and battleship will not be able to last for too long, but if you don't see it for too long, it will disappear. When your battleship disappears, the names of those eight guys may also be changed. It will be attacked, and the wind in this outer space, and in this outer space, there is no attraction above the earth, and there is no protection of the atmosphere above the earth. Danger is always there"

No. [-] said in Wang Wei's mind again at this time, but Wang Mei sighed slightly when he was doing it. He didn't expect this time to have such consequences. It seems that this space attack Although the cannon is very powerful and has a strong recoil, the energy required by this guy to cast the Civic Chief is too great. If you are not in a crisis, you should try not to use such a powerful guy. Otherwise, His own energy has not been released casually.

The speechless Wang Wei fell into that bitterness once again at this time. The next moment he stopped talking and quickly immersed his consciousness into his dantian. This time, he did not directly urge him. His eight beads are instead driving the cyclone in the dantian, and the madness began to flock to the new black hole in the dantian. The crazy cyclone quickly merged into the black hole at this time. , and the black hole also moved again at this time. Then, the white hole also started to linger directly and continuously in the black and white holes. At this time, Wang Wei kept squeezing all his internal force to in this black hole.

Tourists also have countless funnel-like things around him, and they start to rotate continuously around him. Those rotations have some incredible textures. At this time, they continue to devour and release, followed by the surrounding stars. And a series of things were all inhaled into the body by him, and it was once again converted into countless drunk driving, and this time Wang Wei was sober, he watched the scene in front of him tightly, and when he found himself He was also shocked when the manufactured item appeared the moment it appeared and disappeared the next moment. He did not expect such a result. It seemed that he underestimated the power of this system.

Just as Wang Wei was contemplating, the next moment, he felt the energy all over his body. At this time, all his limbs were nourished, and the stars in his body really began to rapidly and continuously at this time. The beginning of the rotation began to turn, and Wang Wei made a small discovery. Every time he revolved his own power, it was no longer like before, but had exceeded his imagination, and even reached a considerable level, and These energies in his body are still nourishing his body continuously, making him feel very comfortable.

Chapter [-]: Spider-Man

This discovery made Wang Wei stunned for a moment. However, at the moment when he was stunned, the voice of the system came again in his mind:

"The low energy is full, now start a new round of energy experiment. The energy test is completed, and the system is running normally"

At this time, Wang Wei heard such a sentence from the system, and he was also curious for a while. He really didn't know what was going on. After the system was full of energy, a new round of energy experiments was started. test.

"Master, I have good news for you, when you completed the system energy test before and charged the system, and in the system, the village recorded miscellaneous energy, but the system needs to be in these miscellaneous energies at this time. Start sorting and classifying, of course, the system now has a new function, that is, energy conversion, sorting function”

At this time, No. [-] started to nag again in Wang Wei's mind. After Wang Wei heard No. [-]'s words, he was stunned for a while. He didn't know what to say. Well, since it is possible to start such a method, it is also very good. After all, the operation of mixed energy is definitely different from the operation system that divides energy into different categories. That is to say, if you want to refine the system, then you are here. In the system, maybe you can get some new things, maybe you can make your energy pure.The speed of warships has been increased, and the speed of system operation has been increased.

In Wang Wei's mind, there is a contemplative person, but at this moment, a vacuum of space appeared all over his body again. It was only at this moment that Wang Wei saw that the space around him was actually countless times larger. And this countless times of space has once again become a vacuum. This kind of vacuum area makes him very uncomfortable, but he has no other way, but at this time, he can quickly turn his own power into continuous operation. , and even mobilized some energy to resist the storms in this place, to resist the discomfort caused by the vacuum to his body within the vacuum range.

Of course, now Wang Wei doesn't have the strength of Huang Zongxi, and he still can't resist this place. These vacuum areas are the pressure on him. At this time, Wang Lei's heart is also bitter for a while, but he didn't say anything more. Speeding up, he ran towards his battleship.

"Master, the psychological journey of the neighbor's battleship is not very far now. It is estimated that it will arrive in about two hours."

At this time, No. [-] said such a sentence again in Wang Wei's mind. After Wang Wei heard No. [-]'s words, he really didn't know what to do. He really I don't understand what's going on here?Could it be that he spent more than two hours in that place before, but he was constantly advancing for more than two hours here. At this time, Wang Wei's heart had a moment of doubts. , and at this time, No. [-] in his mind continued to speak:

"Master, when you were charging the system before, the battleship was approaching you unnaturally, and you were constantly approaching the battleship, so you were able to get so close to the battleship"

"What? You mean that when I am moving, the battleship is also moving. The reason I am getting closer and closer to the battleship is not because I have a close grasp of the battleship, but because the battleship is also moving towards me? "

"Yes, master, when you are moving towards the battleship, the battleship is also moving towards you. The reason why the distance between you and the battleship can be maintained so fast is also because of the movement between you and the battleship. In terms of physics, when two objects moving at the same time travel in one direction, the distance between them can only be shorter and shorter, and it is equivalent to you being alone in two objects at the same time. It is precisely because of this that you can move forward so quickly and get close to the battleship in front of you.”

"So that's the case, so that means the battleship is moving in our direction now."

"Yes Master"

After hearing this, Wang Wei felt a little quieter in his heart, and then he said to himself:

"Well, that's fine. At least the distance between us and them will not be too far, so the possibility of the battleship being attacked will be greatly reduced. Maybe it's worth it. This is also the safest method."

Wang Wei said such a sentence, but No. [-] did not answer him. Wang Wei didn't say much, and quickly continued to run towards the front. Of course, his speed had already accelerated at this moment. within the maximum range that can be tolerated.

"The d system indicates that the warship is under an unknown attack"

Just when Wang Wei was about to approach the battleship, suddenly the sound of the system came from his mind. When he heard the sound from the system again, Wang Wei couldn't help but be startled. The thing he was worried about still happened. .

"Number [-], calculate how far we are from where that place is now, and then help me calculate, how long it will take us to meet, and turn on the detection, let me see who is attacking our battleship"

"The first system activates the super vision"

At this moment, the voice of the system came from Wang Mei's mind. Wang Wei had no time to think about it at this time. In the next moment, the situation around the battleship appeared in front of her?There are countless unknown flying things, similar to robots. At this time, those robot-like things are frantically surrounding the battleship and constantly attacking Wang Wei. When he saw these guys, he was also angry. The first reaction was that Duma must have something to do with Duma. Duma actually used such means to deal with him, so he couldn't show his weakness. However, now Duma has launched a new round of attacks.Let them try it out to see how far their current strength is.

In Wang Wei's field of vision, the distance between himself and the battleship in front of him also appeared. At this moment, there was a burst of anger in his heart. Of course, his heart was even more anxious. His own battleship has carried out a series of attacks, causing damage to the battleship. So far, it has not been good. Now there is a new round of attacks. This guy is really a hundred-footed worm that is dead and not stiff.

Chapter [-]: Battleship Repair

When Wang Lei looked at the distance in his eyes, it was constantly beating, and his heart was also getting nervous at this time. He didn't know if the battleship could withstand this time. After all, was there any damage to the previous battleship? Well, if the battleship is damaged to a certain extent at this time and cannot be used at all, then it will be too late for him to cry.

"How much damage is the battleship? Quickly report to me the current damage of the battleship"

Wang Lei asked anxiously at this time, the number 21 and [-] in his mind, after hearing the perfect words, did answer directly:

"Don't worry, the damaged part of the battleship has been repaired. As long as you can fully guarantee your own energy, even if they attack the battleship, with the repairing ability of the battleship, it can last for about a day. You're enough to get to where you were before"

After Wang Wei heard No. [-]'s words at this time, he also breathed a long sigh of relief. He was moving forward at full speed. He was worried about the battleship, but now the battleship had an accident, and he was still worried about the battleship. Can he resist his arrival? Now, after hearing No. [-]'s words, he is really relieved. That is to say, what he feels now will not be affected, because with the firmness of the battleship, it will be damaged. If so, it will take about a day, enough to dare to report and enough to kill those robots completely.

Wang Wei didn't say anything more at this time. , he once again accelerated his speed and rushed towards the battleship at the fastest speed.

The eight people in the 20-gram battleship did feel that the battleship was shaking continuously at this time, and they were also a little worried at this time. Although they could not see what was going on outside, they felt that it was in their hands. In their hearts, they kept popping up at this time. They knew that if it continued like this, they and others might be directly destroyed, so they were extremely anxious at this time.

Wang Wei rushed to the surrounding of the battleship at a speed like lightning. At this moment, he saw four or five guys like spiders, who were constantly extending their front claws to the battleship. The claws were so sharp that Wang Wei could Imagine that if there was a pair of King Kong in front of him, he would have been beaten by these guys long ago. Fortunately, the defense of his battleship is extremely abnormal, so he can resist it.

Not much to say, at this time, Wang Lei was using all his energy, because at the moment he was still wearing the dragon armor, and he had not taken it back, so the golden light on Wang Wei's body. The armor is also particularly dazzling at this time.

Those guys who were similar to Spider-Man were also speechless at this time. They didn't expect that they were about to break the battleship, but at this time, someone came, and the man in golden armor in front of them. The guy is still so perverted. At this time, Wang Wei dashed over quickly, and it was a crazy bombardment at those guys. Those guys, who had not had time to react at this time, were directly beaten to waste by Wang Wei. Iron, and some pigs had stabbed their long pointed claws into the spaceship and battleship at this time, but the next moment they were directly crushed into pieces by Wang Wei and thrown aside.

For these guys, Wang Wei's heart was full of anger. He didn't have a good impression of these guys at first. Now he was even more angry when he saw these guys. So, he used the power of his whole body, At this time, they were bombarding those guys quickly, and those guys were constantly barking at Wang Wei and making some squeaking noises. Wang Wei couldn't understand them, but Wang Mei knew that these guys were at this moment. Damn it, he won't say anything more, he is running his own power quickly, bombarding the cannon with his own super cannon, etc. He has used a series of super weapons for close-range attacks that he can use. .

The current Wang Wei is in the middle stage of Emperor Wu. He can handle these little robots without any effort, but to be on the safe side, Wang Mei still goes all out.

The sound of Honghong's three consecutive sounds came out, and Wang Wei's scolding at this time was also a burst of anger. He didn't care about these guys in front of him, and he didn't watch these guys grin at him. He just listened to what they said. I don't know, and he's not in the mood to listen.Qiushuzhai Chinese

In just one encounter, Wang Wei had already destroyed all the seven or eight robot spiders in front of him.

After destroying these spider-men, Wang Wei quickly appeared in the battleship.

"What happened? Why did the hull of this spaceship start shaking continuously at this time?"

When the doctor saw Wang Wei come in, he rushed up quickly and was told by Wang Lei, while the other people looked at Wang Wei at this time, all of them were unnatural, and their mouths opened wide.

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