No, then what is he doing to me? Wang Wei asked such a sentence with some doubts at this time, and after hearing Wang Wei's words, Xiaokui was indeed a little speechless:

"Yes, no, and before An Ran came, he didn't even send a message at all. It seems that he came to you in a hurry."

After hearing Xiaokui's words, Wang Wei was also a little melancholy at this time. He didn't understand whether what Xiaokui said was true, nor did he know why An Ran came to him.If there is nothing to do, then how can An Ran come?

Where is this place?

"It seems that he is worried about something, should we continue to watch it?"

Wanting to remind at this time that after hearing Xiaokui's words, Wang Wei didn't say anything more, but continued to watch.

This time, the video played by Xiaokui made Wang Wei a little helpless at this time, because he saw that An Ran walked to her door at this time.

Knocked on the door and saw that no one opened Wang Wei's door, so he was a little stunned at this time, and then he took out the key from his pocket and inserted the key into Wang Wei's door, then his face With a hint of laughter, he directly entered Wang Wei's house

among the children.

When Wang Wei saw An Ran's appearance, it was a little strange.

Just how could this Enron not have the key to our house?How did he get into my house?

At this time, Wang Wei was a little confused, but at this time, Xiaokui laughed and said to Wang Wei:

"Haha Wang Wei, it seems that people are very sincere to you" Qishu website

"Fuck you, don't make trouble." At this time, Wang Wei said something angrily, but Xiaokui made a face at him after hearing what he said, and then said:

"If a person falls in love with another person and wants to surprise another person, then it is not surprising that they have the key to their door"

"Okay, Xiaokui, stop talking, let's continue watching."

Xiaokui made a face at Wang Wei at this time, and then pouted:

"Well, if you said you were worried about An Ran, you were worried about An Ran, so don't tell me."

After hearing Xiao Kui's calligraphy and painting, Wang Wei was also speechless for a while, but he didn't say anything more, but quietly looked at the back, in his own room, looking for his hand, touched it. Wherever he is, he seems to be meditating, and then

is hesitating.

After a long time, An Ran turned around and left the room in a bleak manner, and then she regained her tranquility again.

Immediately after, Wang Wei saw a few people at the door, and at this time, those people were shouting loudly outside his door, as if they were shouting something, and then he didn't see Wang Wei's appearance. With a ruthless kick, he kicked towards Wang Wei's door.

"It seems that these guys have to go to their theoretical theory, otherwise they will have to rebel."

Wang Wei clenched his fist fiercely at this time, and Xiaokui was a little speechless when she saw Wang Wei's appearance.

"Hehe, it seems that a lot of things happened to you during my absence. I didn't expect it to attract the attention of Xia Dongguofang. It seems that this is not a small thing."

Xiaokui laughed and said such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei was a little angry at this time. He clenched his fists in resentment, and really wanted to go up and blow those guys a while, if he hadn't known this. things, in the kind of real also created by Xiaokui

In the real and illusory scene, he really rushed up.

Xiaokui didn't say much, but Wang Wei was seeing those damn people rushing into his yard, and then they violently opened her door to her in the most savage and violent way. opened, and then these people rushed in, they were at this time

Hou kicked open the doors of several of Wang Wei's bedrooms, and then there was a big light, and he said to a guy similar to these heads:

"Report to the captain, the building is empty, there is no one in this place"

The guy who looked like a captain had his labia attached at this time, and then he waved to everyone:

"Let's go back and report this to our superiors"

These guys left quickly at this time, and when Wang Wei was here, it was also a burst of anger. If he could really rush up, he would definitely keep all these people here, or he would These people are all marked with black eyes and blue eyes, how dare they be like

Don't forget to take him seriously, and they can take their own home if they want, what do these people think of themselves here?

Wang Wei said such a sentence angrily, but at this time, he also had no choice. Looking at the violent appearance of those people, Wang Wei really didn't know what to do, but his heart had already made up his mind at this moment. I have an idea, if I let him find the gang

If they were people, he would definitely beat them all over the place to find their teeth.

Chapter [-]: Not Those Guys Made It

"Xiaohui, help me find out which army these people belong to. Damn they dare to steal from me. There is such a big thing in this room, I must make them look good."

"Hehe Wang Wei, I think it's better for you not to provoke these people, they are not that kind of soft persimmons now, it is said that in these serious illnesses, their leader is a master of martial arts, why don't you go and find them If you can't say it, you can also temper your body,

Maybe they can make your body more perfect."

At this time, Xiaokui said such a sentence with a smirk on his face, and Wang Wei was also full of anger at this time. He was really going to go crazy at this time, but Xiaokui continued to speak:

"Hehe, you don't want to continue watching. Why did these things in your home become like this? Why did this place become a mess?"

Xiaokui's words did remind Wang Wei at this time, but Wang Wei was stunned at this time, and then continued to speak:

"What? You mean the things in my house have turned into a mess, not by these people?"

"Of course not, your child can calm down and continue to watch it. After reading it, you can go to these people to talk about it, and you can have a very interesting thing."

I want to go back to saying such a sentence in a joke at this time. After listening to the little brother's words, Wang Wei was a little stunned, and he didn't say anything more at random, just quietly Sitting in a chair and wanting to see what happens next.

Next appeared in Wang Wei's house, and another scene appeared in his eyes at all times, that is, there were two people, these two people sneaking around and looking around.

It seems that they are looking to see if there is anyone in this place, and after they have been in this place for several days, they have determined that no one has returned in this room, so they decided to start this night.

The two of them crept in from Wang Wei's yard, and then looked around. The two of them quickly rushed to Wang Wei's door, and Wang Wei's door had already been longed for before. The people who came were kicked away, so at this time there was no

There are no special precautions.

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