Wang Wei was a little curious at this time. He remembered that there were absolutely no Rubik's Cubes in her room, but now there is a Rubik's Cube in Xiao Kui's hands. What does this mean?It shows that this Rubik's Cube has been transformed by a kid.

Xiaokui ignored Wang Wei, but turned around and continued to play with the Rubik's Cube in his hand. At this time, Wang Wei really saw something. It was a map, which seemed to be his own globe.

"Damn it, Xiaokui, you actually dismantled my globe. What do you want to do? How did you turn it into a Rubik's cube?"

"Hmph, you don't understand, I'll tell you, you'll know when I'm done."

After hearing his words, Wang Wei was also a little speechless, and he didn't know what to do.

The knock on the door came at this time, and Wang Wei was also slightly startled at this time, and then he went out and opened the door, and there was a beautiful girl standing outside.

"An Ran? Why are you free to come here today?"

Wang Wei felt strange when he saw An Ran.Yesterday, he completely eliminated the guys from the ancient martial arts sect. Of course, at this time, he also didn't know what to do. The background of these ancient martial arts sects is really deep enough. It's very big, of course, the reason why Tai Chi Sword can develop to this level is definitely not that simple, and Wang Wei didn't get anything cheap in that place.

After he came back, Wang Wei began to tell An Ran about what happened during this time. Of course, An Ran was very worried about Wang Wei's safety, but Wang Wei said with a smile, "It's okay, I'm relieved." After a long time, I was sad and didn't feel that An Ran was comforted.

No, An Ran was supposed to go to work this morning, but he didn't expect An Ran to appear in this place again, which made Wang Wei feel a little strange, what happened to An Ran?Why would he come back on the way to work?

Chapter [-]: Enron's News

"Sister An Ran..."

At this moment, Xiao Hei ran over directly, and was hugging An Ran like a big bear. In this way, Wang Wei was a little stunned. He pressed Xiao Kui. As soon as this is safe, Xiaokui's face is showing such a smile, who is its owner?

"Hehe Xiaokui, what are you studying at home today?"

At this time, An Ran glared at Wang Wei, and immediately began to tease Xiao Kui. Wang Wei was a little embarrassed. He really didn't know what to say. Pei and the two became one, and looking at An Ran, it seemed that An Ran was not happy today.

"An Ran, what's wrong with you? Didn't you go to work?"

At this time, Wang Wei said such a sentence, and when An Ran heard Wang Wei ask this for the second time, he gave Wang Wei a stern look:

"Why can't you come back to take a look after you go to work? Could it be that you are in this room, but there is no secret to tell anyone?"

At this time, An Ran was very angry and said such a sentence, and when Wang Wei heard An Ran's words, he was immediately full of black lines. He really didn't know what to do. After all, the girl walked away safely today, but at this time, she actually pretended to start searching in the house.

"An Ran, what are you looking for?"

Wang Wei was also very speechless at this time. He really didn't understand what An Ran was thinking, but now he really couldn't understand An Ran.

"Let me see if there is a golden house hidden in your house."

At this time, An Ran said such a sentence to Wang Wei with a mocking expression on his face, and after Wang Wei heard An Ran's plan, it was also full of black lines. He really didn't know what happened to An Ran. What's wrong?How could he think like this, and this guy ran into his own house, rummaged for a long time, and came up with such a sentence, which is too nonsensical.

"How is it possible, how can there be a golden house hidden in my house?"

Wang Wei asked this at this time, An Ran, at this time, had a look of disbelief, gave Wang Wei a fierce look, and then he started to look for this place again. After a long time, she didn't know. He exhaled a long breath:

"Hey, you know? I heard a lot of news about you at work today, and it's not good news, they're all talking about you, and, um, it's hard to tell that you died yesterday, and now the center is tracking you down, And you also killed that guy, this time you are making a big mess"

At this time, Wang Wei's heart was also warm. He didn't expect this little girl to care about himself because of this, but this expression really made him a little strange.

"The people inside hear you're surrounded"

Just when Wang Wei was a little strange, he heard such a voice from outside, and Wang Wei's brows were furrowed tightly at this time.

"Oh, they still came here, Wang Wei, hurry up, find a place to hide, otherwise, these guys won't be easy to mess with when they come."

An Ran was a little anxious and pushed Wang Wei into the room, but when Wang Wei heard An Ran's words, he was slightly startled, and then he looked at An Ran.

"It's because of this, no wonder I said why your face is so ugly today"

"You also said that when I went to work today, I just arrived at the unit and found that I was being followed, and my every move in the unit was all under the control of the side door, and then I saw these guys. , rushed towards this place angrily, and after they rushed into our office, they asked me to assist them in their investigation, after I made a note with them, they left, I thought it was over like this , but I didn't expect them to catch me as a mosquito to threaten you..."

An Ran said such a sentence at this time, but after Wang Wei heard An Ran's words, he gritted his teeth.Two words were squeezed out of the gap between the teeth.


After Wang Wei said this, he was also very comforted, but An Ran was still so nervous at this time, but Wang Wei smiled and told him that it was all right, how could An Ran believe that Wang Wei was all right? What about children?Jingdong is still worried about Wang Wei's safety.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them, and they won't harass you again."

At this time, Wang Wei lightly patted An Ran's shoulder and said such a sentence, but An Ran was still a little worried, Wang Wei was helpless at this time, but he knew that if he didn't give these guys some If you look at the color, these guys really don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick. Wang Wei's idea is very simple, that is to destroy the people of the Qin family on the earth, and then lead the Qin family who is always above the world to lead them. When he came out, the Qin family who claimed to rule this area was uprooted. Only in this way can he be stable and the people around him will not be threatened.

"Listen to the people inside, if you don't come out again, don't blame us for being rude to you"

"You're welcome, so what? Could it be that your Qin family can cover the sky with only one hand?"

Wang Wei's icy voice came from inside, but when he heard Wang Wei's words, An Ran in the room changed his face, but Xiao Kui walked in front of An Ran at this time and rushed. An Ran blinked twice and said:

"Hey, Sister Anran, don't worry, nothing will happen, this guy is like this, his current strength is definitely to clean up the outside, those people are easy to do."

After seeing Xiaokui's appearance, An Ran didn't know why, but her heart was much more stable at this time.

"Wang Wei, I advise you not to resist. If you resist, I will definitely let my people shoot you."

Wang Wei was quite indifferent at this time, he snorted coldly, the next moment, his figure disappeared in this place, and then he was the guy who spoke directly at the door. At this time, he was still shouting constantly, and the next moment he heard the sound of a broken horn.

Chapter [-]: I will never allow you to hurt my people

All the people were stunned at this time, they didn't expect Wang Wei to be so disrespectful, and the prospect of beating people up directly made them even more unhappy.

All the people were a little shocked at this time, but Wang Wei directly charged out at this time. At this time, all the people did not see how Wang Wei shot, but saw a figure in them. Flashing constantly in the middle, I saw that these guys among them all fell to the ground.

"Wang Wei, don't be stubborn."

An old man walked out from the inside. At this moment, Wang Wei gave your husband a cold smile. The next moment, he flew up and charged directly at the old guy.

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